• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Time to make some opium!

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
Sounds like everybody should brew a nice cup of tea and chill out! P has added a lot of valuable info to this thread along the way. And ironically enough, his last posts actually did focus on making smoke-able opium, which was indeed what the thread was all about.


Sounds like everybody should brew a nice cup of tea and chill out! P has added a lot of valuable info to this thread along the way. And ironically enough, his last posts actually did focus on making smoke-able opium, which was indeed what the thread was all about.

good to know, I dont even read them anymore really.... :D


If your lookin for seeds, go to vietnam and run around the jungle. This is a Marijuana smoking cultivation site, not opium. Personally i think its fucken retarded to cultivate smoke or even handle that shit, but were all different..
To be honest, this isn't just an MJ forum...it states that below the forum link.

As for smoking opium...I didn't find it that harmful. I attended a Bonnaroo in 09 and one of our camping neighbors shared a bowl a couple times. With opiate use in specific, I hate pills and have never tried oxy, don't plan on it. Opiates and codeine...any pain medicine really, makes me break out lightly and its just itchy...ussually my arm and I figure I slept on it and it got hot. But my experience with smoking opium (mixed with some weed but I don't think that matters much) was pleasant but by no way addictive IMO.


Well-Known Member
buy an electric coffee grinder it works real well, just don't try to reues it for coffee as the oils from the weed tend to stick to the blades, ok maybe coffee would be better with that but I have two grinders one for my java one for my weed.


Active Member
1/ Don't bother with the stems there is no good stuff in them....just wasting precious space.....just use very well mashed up pods...the seeds also have little or no good stuff, but they do alter the taste of the final 'brew' so I suppose its a personal prefrence.
2/ Heat your pods and water to 70 Deg C - I would advise you to use a water bath method to heat your mixture and buy a cheap "candy thermometer" from e-bay or wherever (5 bucks or so) [Otherwise you just can't guess it on some old stove, so a thermometer is req'd really] - Yes if the Temp goes above 82 Deg C then all morphine is destroyed. - and it's not easy to guess what the temp of the 'mix' is accurately, especially as it's sat in a bath. - At this point you aren't wanting to cook off excess as the heat would destroy it.... so this step is just involved in getting the good stuff from the pods into your water.
have kept it at 70 C and stirred for say 1/2 hr or longer.
3/It is a good thing to filter the solids out while still hot as heat expands, so the filter should remove slightly more than if filtered cold - But i'd guess it's not going to make a huge difference. so I leave up to you. - Either way let the solution cool then check the Ph when at room temp and adjust if req'd - you can use a weak Citric acid solution to lower Ph and you are aiming for a value of 6.5 at room temp.
4/ Poppy seeds bought from store are wrong type as far as I know.... You need Papaver Somniferum poppy heads/seeds as only that variety has your Morphine/Codeine/Thebaine goody's in, but as I said the seed have only trace amounts..... It's hard to tell seeds apart with naked eye but can be done with a decent camera or microscope - The seed of Papaver Somniferum has a 'lattice' or net like structure when seen close up.
5/ I suggest you take it very easy at first, take minimal dose and i'd also suggest starting with Tea at first....
6/ in fact if you haven't taken opiates before, I would start with small amounts, and i'd also suggest you make Tea at least for now.....Not the best tasting tea you will have tasted, but the path from liquid pod juice to Opium is very time consuming and a frustrating task that you may never attain to satisfaction.
7/ This I must say though....It may seem quite innocent at 1st but remember it's a drug that is not forgiving, what gets you high today will not do same tomorrow unless you increse dose and make no mistake that you CAN and will
get a bad habit and the same monkey on your back as someone taking Heroin........same road steeper hills thats all.....................

Only way you can stay safe is to keep the doses far enough apart that you aren't increasing the doses....Sounds so simple doesn't it ?

Take care people.....

Big P

Well-Known Member
Sup man i take five pods every other day and i get pretty ill if i dont, u ever tried kratom? How does it compare to the pod tea?

Im being sure to never increase my doses but i get horrible widthdrals if i dont dose on my scheduled days, sleep all day with crazy dreams, sweat so much the pillow litterally soaked, feel so weak i can hardly shake the mini blender while crushing the pods, extreame chills

I plan to taper off soon, I think i need to freeze premade tea so i have it ready if i need to take a gulp to function

Anyway its still fun and im still expirimenting but those widthdralls take a lot out of you i litterally feel like if i go on like this too much longer ill start graying early it really stresses your body out

Its weird lol its like you body is having a temper tantrum refusing to function until u give it some more

I plan to taper back off to every weekend, i been splurging too much.

But if you guys can give me info about kratom if its really just like pods cuz then ill buy some and see if switching to that would be just as good without the widthrals

Big P

Well-Known Member
any one tried krotm and pod tea? (not at the same time)

can you chime in on the differences between the 2 and the similarities?

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
Hey P, kratom is an ok sedative I've found but it's nothing like opiates. Think of it more like a muscle relaxer or something. Honestly it just makes me tired, but it def does relax you if you take enough. Unfortunately for me when I took enough to really feel it it also made my stomach turn. But that was with a tea I made, not the little pre-made single-dose vials that they sell at the local head shop for $15.

The only thing I can say about it is just ill it out until you can't take it anymore, then do just enough to still feel a little shitty but better, and then keep repeating until you get off it. But there really aren't any magic bullets, although I hear blood pressure meds can help the drop in blood pressure that causes a lot of the bad wd effects.

GL bro!

Big P

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info dc, Im physically addicted but not mentally ima taper at some point in the next few months. My main concern is for my natural dopaminte receptors, imafrid they my to begin to degrade since they have not been in use for so long since the opium is doing thier work for them

I heard its possible for them to be deminished long teruse putting you in a Permnent state of agony even if you stopped doing the

Johnney Herbz

Active Member
Dude honestly, i read all these pages and i knew that was gonna happen P. First you said every week. then every few days. then every day. then every other day. Trust me man the longer you endure it the LONGER and HARDER it is gonna be to stop. you will withdrawal for a week or even 2.

I really think you should stop. Start smoking alot of weed to help you sleep, and eat. Every time you think of opiom smoke some weed.

I withdrawal from not smoking weed as it is, i couldn't even imagine that crap. I would LITERALLY put a bullet in my head.

Johnney Herbz

Active Member
we don't need people saying they get withdraws from weed. its not an addictive substance. there aren't withdraws.
I dont care what you have to say, tons of people get withdrawals. There is threads on this very site. You obviously have never heard of Mental addiction. its not physical. Its the fact that i smoke so much weed when my bodys without it, it wants it. My body is used to being high. I also have "Stoner stomach" not a actual "disease" or anything like that but when someone(not everyone) smokes lots of weed before meals, constantly it throws off your stomachs "clock" and you don't feel hungry unless your high. and if you smoke before bed all the time also like me it throws off your sleeping "clock" and make you sleep for shorter periods of time. As i do.

Like i said this doesn't happen to everyone but a good amount of people. You need to start learning about the human body and mind since you want to be a chemist, you need to learn about the chemical reactions that happen within your own body and mind.

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info dc, Im physically addicted but not mentally ima taper at some point in the next few months. My main concern is for my natural dopaminte receptors, imafrid they my to begin to degrade since they have not been in use for so long since the opium is doing thier work for them

I heard its possible for them to be deminished long teruse putting you in a Permnent state of agony even if you stopped doing the
What you're waiting for is for all of the extra opiate receptor sites that your brain made to accommodate the flood of opiates it's been getting lately to slowly get broken down and disappear. The 'empty' receptor sites in your brain cause cravings until they're either filled with opiates or broken down and replaced with other receptor sites by your body. The longer you do opiates, the more receptor sites your brain builds to take them in with. The more receptor sites that aren't getting filled, the worse your cravings and withdrawls will be. It's all just a game of patience really. A long and grueling game that is!

But yeah, smoke MAD weed dawg! lol

Big P

Well-Known Member
damn man you broke that down on a biological level, i had no idea it did that

so you read that somewhere right? that sounds creepy dude,

i never stray or increase from my usual dose. i never go over 5 pods so i was hoping this would help reduce addiction

but my only concern is for long term damage

so im lookin at too many receptors not enough dope after I quit right

what about the part of the brain charged with creating the dopamine or whatever its called, wont that part never get used cuz since im creating the dope artificially there fore they will eventually decay rendering me impotant as far as natural dopamine production is concerned?

i need to study this shit deeper, you got a good source you can point me to in the right direction

i need simple to understand info about exactly how opium acts upon the brain,

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
I wouldn't worry about long-term damage bro, what you're referring to is a medical condition called 'anhedonia'. People basically only get this after a long period of use, way longer than the less than 6 months solid that you were on it for. Also, people that use drugs like MDMA and the like get the condition a lot worse than opiate users. But it can affect any hard drug user basically I assume.

Anyway, just ween yourself off bro and you'll be fine. Don't worry about anything long-tern other than mental cravings to consume again. You didn't have a habit very long.


Active Member
we don't need people saying they get withdraws from weed. its not an addictive substance. there aren't withdraws.

I stopped smoking for a dt recently and it was super shitty. I was irritable, overly anxious, I experienced sleeplessness and lack of appetite. I lost ten pounds in the thirteen days I couldn't smoke herb. It almost made me want to stop smoking... almost.


Active Member
im gonna wean off at some point but dont really wanna stop taking it yet
This sounds like me from time to time (not with opium tho... opiates scare me).

I always freak myself out when I start rationalizing my drug use to myself though...

Big P

Well-Known Member
ok guys time for an update. I have mastered the formula to do opium regularly and never suffer from widthdrawls at all what so ever

first I will let you know that since we last chatted I have since gotten a divorce and got my own place with my new G/F.

I think opium helped me see the light of how bad my marrige was,

Now for the full proof formula to enjoy opium regularly without getting any widthdrawl.

you just follow this simple rule and never break it and you will be living happy high on the hog:

wait 2 full days of no pod tea in bettween your your dosing days and you will never get the widthrawls ever, its fail safe and the best development I have come too in my drug expirimentation

its amazing just 2 days and you cool.

this is a very powerful and important revelation to those who know the glory of the opium


Well-Known Member
I dont care what you have to say, tons of people get withdrawals. There is threads on this very site. You obviously have never heard of Mental addiction. its not physical. Its the fact that i smoke so much weed when my bodys without it, it wants it. My body is used to being high. I also have "Stoner stomach" not a actual "disease" or anything like that but when someone(not everyone) smokes lots of weed before meals, constantly it throws off your stomachs "clock" and you don't feel hungry unless your high. and if you smoke before bed all the time also like me it throws off your sleeping "clock" and make you sleep for shorter periods of time. As i do.

Like i said this doesn't happen to everyone but a good amount of people. You need to start learning about the human body and mind since you want to be a chemist, you need to learn about the chemical reactions that happen within your own body and mind.
I'm one of the unfortunate, but I'm not complaining.