Vote NO on prop 19... (great read for anyone that will be voting in november in cali)

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Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
With or without Prop 19 POLICE AND LEO ARE STILL GOING TO TWIST AND BEND AND ABUSE THE LAW...Thats apart of their job. Thats called "Job-Security" A measure by which they continue to secure their own job with the force. They dig and poke and prode at laws WHY SUPPORT THE POLICE by voting against Prop 19. My biggest and most sickening fact is this. Voting against PROP 19 Means you CONDONE and SUPPORT INNOCENT CHILDREN BEING KILLED OVER A PLANT( CANNABIS). something NO ONE WHO CALLS THEMSELF A MAN OR WOMEN SHOULD BE APART OF!!! IF YOU THINK CHILDREN CAN "WAIT" FOR A BETTER MEASURE THEN GET OFF THIS PLANET, YOUR KIND IS NOT WELCOMED HERE. THESE ARE OUR CHILDREN. WE HAVE A DUTY TO PROTECT THEM. VOTING AGAINST PROP 19 IS NOT PROTECTING OUT CHILDREN!!!!
Peace, Love, and Happiness
The fact that the prop 19 people need to lie and try and scare people to get them to vote against it makes me very suspicious of their real motivations. When they aren't making stuff up, they are claiming we shouldn't vote for prop19 because the police don't like it and might abuse it? Really? Of course the cops don't want to end prohibition. But there is a good reason cops don't write the laws.

The idea that we should vote against prop 19 because the cops don't like it and they might act out is baffling to me. Don't be intimidated by what the cops might do, vote yes.

The Potologist

Active Member
That's not what I said. And despite a few inaccuracies or "lies," those blogs contain legitimate facts that many people don't know about. (Really they both seem to be mostly speculation about what will happen if Prop 19 is passed.)

I'm not following your logic about prop 215. Shouldn't we learn from the mistakes of 215, not repeat them?
Prop 215 has alot of percs and some bad sides...However, as children are dying and being executed....u tell me ...u think we got time to write the perfect bill...think we got time to make sure we are not making another mistake. If it is, we can amend it and fix it from there. until then.....KIDS...INNOCENT CHILDREN BRO...COME ON MAN....I KNOW U HAVE A HEART BRO....This really doesnt have to do with Cannabis...It has to do with the EFFECTS OF PROHIBITION!!!

Peace, Love, and Happiness
WTF are you talking about? Seriously, you need to get a grip (and perhaps psychotherapy). That is by far the most ignorant, inflammatory, and flat out dumb statement I've read in this debate. You aren't doing your side any favors saying things like that. I can see I am wasting my time even typing this response. Have a nice day.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
That's not what I said.
ok, you said;

I keep hearing "It's a step in the right direction." This statement shows a complete lack of understanding of the law
So yes, that's pretty much what you said. You're claiming supporters of prop 19 don't understand the law. What I said was accurate.

And despite a few inaccuracies or "lies," those blogs contain legitimate facts that many people don't know about. (Really they both seem to be mostly speculation about what will happen if Prop 19 is passed.)
I went through those lists, they contained more misinformation than facts. Only one out of the 10 points the list brought up contained a solid fact. That was a relatively minor point that will solve it self in the courts once it's passed.

On the other hand several points were outright lies. And I'll ask you again, why do opponents of prop 19 need to outright lie to convince people not to vote for it? If prop 19 is so bad, why can't they oppose it simply by using the truth? Don't you wonder what their motivations really are if they want prop 19 to fail so badly that they are willing to spread misinformation to convince people?

I'm not following your logic about prop 215. Shouldn't we learn from the mistakes of 215, not repeat them?
Ok. Well you claimed we should vote against prop 19 because it's vague in a way that opens itself up to potential abuse by police. Prop 215 is written in a way that is vague and is abused by police. Do you think we should never have voted for prop 215 because of this?

If you think prop 215 is a good thing despite the fact that it is abused by police, then that is not a good reason to vote against prop 19 for those same reasons.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
WTF are you talking about? Seriously, you need to get a grip (and perhaps psychotherapy). That is by far the most ignorant, inflammatory, and flat out dumb statement I've read in this debate. You aren't doing your side any favors saying things like that. I can see I am wasting my time even typing this response. Have a nice day.
While I don't think you support killing children obviously, you are supporting the continuation of prohibition. Do you really think it's a good idea to support prohibition out of fear of what cops might do if we end it?

The Potologist

Active Member
WTF are you talking about? Seriously, you need to get a grip (and perhaps psychotherapy). That is by far the most ignorant, inflammatory, and flat out dumb statement I've read in this debate. You aren't doing your side any favors saying things like that. I can see I am wasting my time even typing this response. Have a nice day.
WE Can tell you give two shit less about kids. ...CANT FACE THE FACTS CAN YA...ITS SICKENING AND IT SHOULD BE. YOU DONT WANT TO HEAR THE FACT THAT VOTING NO AGAINST PROP 19 CONDONES THAT...I NEED TO GET A GRIP... RIP YOUR OWN FACE OFF...YOUR JUST AS BAD AS A PHEDOPHILE! Its funny how so many people consider you ignorrant ( btw u spelled it wrong) and flat out dumb...see...I have supporters behind me with Prop 19....what u got besides child porn? Fuck outta I kids being slain do what u want to do...we can all tell u aint got a heart....hey thanks for letting me know Im ignorrant...coming from you though....RIGHHHHTTTT :) Take a hike...The NAME IS POTOLOGIST FOR A REASON!!!! Do WHAT I DO AND THAN TALK YOUR SHIT BEHIND YOUR SCREEN....

While I don't think you support killing children obviously, you are supporting the continuation of prohibition. Do you really think it's a good idea to support prohibition out of fear of what cops might do if we end it?
Listen, I am not trying to convince anyone to vote no. I'm just sharing my concerns. And I am not worried about the police! I am worried about anti-pot judges using the vagueness of prop 19 to create case law that is bad for us. Maybe it's because everyone I know here in CA enjoys unlimited access to legal weed that I am in no hurry to pass what I consider a bad law. Either way, I have said my peace. If you think prop 19 is good, vote yes. If not, vote no. All I want is for everyone to do their due diligence before voting. Peace!

The Potologist

Active Member
Listen, I am not trying to convince anyone to vote no. I'm just sharing my concerns. And I am not worried about the police! I am worried about anti-pot judges using the vagueness of prop 19 to create case law that is bad for us. Maybe it's because everyone I know here in CA enjoys unlimited access to legal weed that I am in no hurry to pass what I consider a bad law. Either way, I have said my peace. If you think prop 19 is good, vote yes. If not, vote no. All I want is for everyone to do their due diligence before voting. Peace!
Much better :) Disregard above made me not like you for a second....Good way to put it with much more respect. nobody is going to respect you unless you give it likewise. Just please consider that you are doing more harm in the short term than you are good...We have innocent people who are sick of being a victim and cant wait for all the smart people to make a better or perfect bill...

Peace, Love, and Happiness
WE Can tell you give two shit less about kids. ...CANT FACE THE FACTS CAN YA...ITS SICKENING AND IT SHOULD BE. YOU DONT WANT TO HEAR THE FACT THAT VOTING NO AGAINST PROP 19 CONDONES THAT...I NEED TO GET A GRIP... RIP YOUR OWN FACE OFF...YOUR JUST AS BAD AS A PHEDOPHILE! Its funny how so many people consider you ignorrant ( btw u spelled it wrong) and flat out dumb...see...I have supporters behind me with Prop 19....what u got besides child porn? Fuck outta I kids being slain do what u want to do...we can all tell u aint got a heart....hey thanks for letting me know Im ignorrant...coming from you though....RIGHHHHTTTT :) Take a hike...The NAME IS POTOLOGIST FOR A REASON!!!! Do WHAT I DO AND THAN TALK YOUR SHIT BEHIND YOUR SCREEN....


Dude you seriously made me LOL. Thanks for that. You sure know how to win a debate, call people who don't agree with you child molesters! LOL!! And no, you spelled ignorant incorrectly.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Listen, I am not trying to convince anyone to vote no. I'm just sharing my concerns.
Fair enough. But it does sound like you've let some of these blogs which are largely based on misinformation pursued your opinion.

To paraphrase Noam Chomsky: When ever someone states something boldly and confidently the first thing you should ask yourself is, "well is that really true?". Then verify it for yourself.

That is sound advice that you should apply to what those blogs say as well as what me or anyone else tells you about prop 19. That is why when refuting those blogs I used direct quotes from prop 19 and gave you the section numbers so you could see it for yourself.

And I am not worried about the police! I am worried about anti-pot judges using the vagueness of prop 19 to create case law that is bad for us. Maybe it's because everyone I know here in CA enjoys unlimited access to legal weed that I am in no hurry to pass what I consider a bad law.
Just because a law has flaws, don't mean it's a bad law. "Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good." While this law doesn't outright end prohibition it does allow us more freedom as well as opening up the door to end prohibition city by city and county by county. Any law that does that can't be considered a bad law.

Either way, I have said my peace. If you think prop 19 is good, vote yes. If not, vote no. All I want is for everyone to do their due diligence before voting. Peace!
I couldn't agree more. But it doesn't seem like you're following your own advice. You are encouraging people to read blogs filled with misinformation that you obviously haven't verified yourself.

The Potologist

Active Member
Dude you seriously made me LOL. Thanks for that. You sure know how to win a debate, call people who don't agree with you child molesters! LOL!! And no, you spelled ignorant incorrectly.
LOL, well i am glad to see that we can CIVILLY disagree. I just think I have the better side of this fire....Its selfish brotha to deny prop 19 for the innocent bloodshed out there. AS things stand now, we have no say in regulation/legalization...with prop we can start my man. We can stop the innocent victims of prohibition and most importantly we can stop the bloodshed. I think to be selfish out of concern that someone might find a case law loop hole or that LEo is going to use and abuse it is just a non-starter...less we forget that with Prop 19 we have a say now. We have a place to stand up and make a difference. :) Thanks for a great debate :) It certianly did get heated, but when u have as much time , money, heart, and effort into it....You may as well :)

Peace, love, and Happiness


Well-Known Member
WTF are you talking about? Seriously, you need to get a grip (and perhaps psychotherapy). That is by far the most ignorant, inflammatory, and flat out dumb statement I've read in this debate. You aren't doing your side any favors saying things like that. I can see I am wasting my time even typing this response. Have a nice day.
Exactly. Just let the flames slide to the side. If anything the lengths that proponents of this bill are willing to go to force voter opinion just goes to show the desperation of their campaign. Don't let the trolls get you down, just stick with the facts and reach out to anyone and everyone you can about this initiative. The proponents (cartel lackeys, if you will :wink:) will call you names and infer all sorts of nasty things about you. They'll call you a drug dealer, and greedy and selfish and... well, you get the idea. Don't let it get you down and don't let them under your skin. None of them are worth that aggravation.

The Potologist

Active Member
Exactly. Just let the flames slide to the side. If anything the lengths that proponents of this bill are willing to go to force voter opinion just goes to show the desperation of their campaign. Don't let the trolls get you down, just stick with the facts and reach out to anyone and everyone you can about this initiative. The proponents (cartel lackeys, if you will :wink:) will call you names and infer all sorts of nasty things about you. They'll call you a drug dealer, and greedy and selfish and... well, you get the idea. Don't let it get you down and don't let them under your skin. None of them are worth that aggravation.
FYI, CANT FORCE ANYONE TO VOTE...Let alone for or against it. Its not that those who are for it are going to call names...but its just a nasty bloodshed...We need to end Prohibition. It has to start somewhere and time is not on our side. Especially the innocent bloodshed side. I think until most have lost a loved on to the Mexican Mafia and Prohibition...I think they may stay against Prop 19...but please realize...nobody is forcing anyone to do the end of the day, we all still have free will do to as we wish...selfish or not :)

I think to say a initiative is desperate that is trying to stop innocent bloodshed is just completely useless in the context. Desperate or not, it has SOOO many great benefits to it, its hard to deny them. The opportunity to stop innocent bloodshed, IMO, should be atop that list. To claim the initiative is desperate means that innocent bloodshed victims and family have no reason to stop said bloodshed.
Peace, Love, and Happiness

The Potologist

Active Member
bawahahhahahahahhahaha bongsmilie
Come on brotha...You cant deny it...Fdd you know I have nothing but love and respect but come on man..your killin me here...It is what it is brotha!!! You cant deny the Innocent Bloodshed over cant, its fact man...not thesis or theory but fact brotha..I think it is something to cry over...innocent children dying...its not a joke in my eyes.

When The Mexician Mafia has no place to send there illegal herb...its stops bloodshed.. Just google it man MEXICAN MAFIA BLOODSHED...Average age of victim is 14...14!!!! Think about that.....thats sickening...sure its not going to stop over night...but cali starts..most states are waiting to follow into repeal which will end said mafia :)

Peace, love, and happiness


Well-Known Member
Come on brotha...You cant deny it...Fdd you know I have nothing but love and respect but come on man..your killin me here...It is what it is brotha!!! You cant deny the Innocent Bloodshed over cant, its fact man...not thesis or theory but fact brotha..I think it is something to cry over...innocent children dying...its not a joke in my eyes.

Peace, love, and happiness
why are you calling me "brotha"? :neutral:

The Potologist

Active Member
why are you calling me "brotha"? :neutral:
dammmnnn ...sorry fdd! No need to get off topic here...Ill call you whatever the hell ya want...u budged in and put your JOKE out there...thats not to funny...consider BROTHA A nice thing :) I am sure with comments like THAT, you would be called OTHERWISE IN REALITY or SOCIETY
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