haha, i remember all that flamin that was goin on.. even three six was gettin @ bone.dont wanna get too specific.... but bone stole the style of rapping fast from chicago artists.. its called twisting, and was invented by twista.... waaay back in the day when he was known has mr. tung twister, and held the guiness world record for fastest rap... that record was broken a few years ago by another chicago rapper!!! bone stole our style..thats why they got flamed up in many many tracks... but i like bone though... even though all that shit they was spitting about the chi... anyway i just stopped by for a lil... i was booming hard has hell last night... and rolling at the same time... gotta go back and get faded... many kegs left... holla at ur boy
thats wassup howak!!well i just put theses beans in tha box to start germination
hahahah yea it is the devilman alkohal is tje devil/......
thanks lax!!! hell yea iam ready to see the final product on that warlock !!!!nice dank bud howak.. can't wait till my warlock is done..