in a 10'w x10'L x8'h space, what is your ideal setup?


looking for suggestions on whole room setup... cost is not really an issue so much as i want to have a high yield from this space ... as many crazy ideas as you can... links and details etc etc please... i have an idea of what i want to do but i would like to hear from you all to see if what i am thinking is even close to what some of the pro's can cook up.



Make a divider of some sort to block light, and set up four corners. Two 4x4 trays with 16 plants vegging, and two 4x4 trays for flowering. Set them up at different times(monthly), so on average your getting a pound a month. As for lighting and exhaust, and that much detail, I would suggest CFLs from personal experience, but you decide on temperature and costs as to what lighting to use.


Active Member
I will say that is the first time is have ever seen someone say cost is not an option and the first post is someone telling you to go cfls! ROFl. We all wish we were in highschool again but if you want to grow big dense wonderful medicine you should mix hps and metal halide in a 2:1 ratio . The real question is do you have any other space for veg so you can just blow up the 10x10. ALso are you concerned with the number of plants you are growing or your electrical usage?


Now although cost may not be a problem for the grow room, temperature may be. Which is why I explained to choose lighting based on the room.


Well-Known Member
I would suggest CFLs from personal experience, but you decide on temperature and costs as to what lighting to use.
???????????????????????? if money is no issue why go with cfl??? please tell me.
Hey captainx you can duplicate my grow if you want;-) just double the size...



Well-Known Member
looks like a nice setup but if your room is 5x5 his will be 4x as large
ooops lol yeh your correct:-)My set-up is 4x8 though. I would go with 1,000w lights if I started from scratch with a room that size, then throw in a few 600w light for supplemental lighting only. probably hang them vertically with the 1ks hanging horizontally and all air cooled... just my 2*


Perfect setup would be a bar, a comfy couch and a nice stereo blasting good tunes. ;) But really, lots of light, good temp control and high quality soil for me. I don't ask for much.


Well-Known Member
I too just got legal and about to grow. I have the same space as you in my basement, maybe a little bigger, but not much. From what i have heard, tents are very good, one for veg, and one for flower. I personally am stuck though. I just want to run two rooms, one veg, one flower, and maybe a clone spot.


Well-Known Member
All I have ever needed was a small area for moms, a small area for cloning and a big bloom room. Why waste so much space on veg? You get your best veg performance by placing the plants into the room they will bloom in and using the same lights and space so they get acquainted with their room.

That said.. 10x10x8' more room for me would be filled with 4 1000w lights over an 8x8 table area. I would use 36 2 gallon smart pots with loose fill hydro media (rocks/wool/coco), 2 drip lines per pot. Drain to waste if cost is no option, probably around 70-200 gallons of tank space. CO2, 36,000 Btu of A/C (Dual 18,000 Mini Splits would be ideal), 1-2 Dehumidifiers. No Glass on the reflectors. 4 Fans hung high, blowing down. Run the temps around 78F, CO2 around 1200ppm.

A small closet I can do all the veg for that, with a 8 bulb 4ft floro for moms, in soil. and a 4 bulb 2ft light for rockwool clones. Heck, if you have one strain you wouldn't even need that much space, just the 2ft 4 bulb would work, keeping a few clones for moms and cloning when your about 2-3 weeks from harvest and killing moms to use the same bubs for clone/veg. If you go that route, buy yourself a hydro tray and run your moms hydro under 24 hour light so the growth rate works out.

With a setup like that, 6-8lbs every 2-2.5months is possible. Why waste huge space on veg again?