First time with lsd


Hey wassup I been reading threads on roll it up and have been posting a few posts for a couple months now and love the site. Anyway Im getting some LSD from a friend who's getting it from a friend. I have done a lot of research on acid and found it a safe and from what I've found amazing drug. My only problem is that I have been reading that people are putting rcs and other chemicals on blotters and selling them as LSD. I really wanna try acid but I don't want to take some kind of rc or other chemical. So is there anyway I can tell if I have real LSD or if it's something else? Also how many tabs should I take for my first acid trip? Has anybody on here been given a fake Lucy blotter?

Thanks to anybody who responds


Active Member
if i had never tried acide before, i would make damn well sure i knew exactly where the acid was coming from before i tried it. is it really your friends "friend"? or is is some random guy who said hed get him acid. find out about the supplier.


i would just take 1 tab and see how you feel, and wait longer than 2 mins i would wait a while.
I agree with the one tab recommendation, but you should wait at least 2 hours before taking more. Waiting 3 1/2 hours is what I'd recommend. I say that long because the only substance I've come across sold as LSD is DOB. From my understanding of online research and what ive been told by fellow psychonauts is that if it gets you high and fits on a blotter is has to be the one of the two. DOB takes around 3 hours to kick in, and honestly I loved the stuff. Though if you didnt know what it was you could run into some serious problems as it lasts into the next day.

Its worth finding out IMO

Oh and BTW the DOB blotter had a VERY distinctive bitter taste! It made me salivate like crazy and wanna gag a little. I wouldnt say that is the only indicating factor, but if it doesnt taste like plain paper, perhaps call a close friend for support.


New Member
if you put an acid tab under a black light then there will be and illuminating spot were the acid was dropped. i don't think DOB's illuminate at all.


Well-Known Member
if you put an acid tab under a black light then there will be and illuminating spot were the acid was dropped. i don't think DOB's illuminate at all.
that is the only true way to tell if it's LSD, if it glows neon green, if it doesn't, it's bunk. i always take a mini black light when i buy acid, just shine it over and look for a green splatter drop.


the DOx compounds are the only psychedelics that are potent enough to be dosed on blotter.... watch out for sweet-tarts and sugarcubes ;)

DOx's last considerably longer though, about 12 hrs, and are distinctively bitter


Active Member
yeah so far the only drugs ive done are booze and pot..maybe ill try shrooms like once, but i dont wanna permanately do damage you know?


Well-Known Member
yeah so far the only drugs ive done are booze and pot..maybe ill try shrooms like once, but i dont wanna permanately do damage you know?
dude i can say, that only long term acid use fucks up your brain.

I dose every few months and i never feel any different other then a new sense of being and connection to nature XD.
but that's just me.


I'm going to have to test the black light theory. I know I could judge the potency of my LSA extractions by seeing how much they would glow under black lights. On the other hand it would be quite easy to brush some clear uv reactant paint or dye on blotter.

I agree that acid doesn't give me long term effects. The science I choose to believe backs me up too. I have no issues working the next day on a few hours of bad sleep after a long night of tripping either. I respect people wanting to keep themselves pure, but personally I dont like to let danger, real or imagined, get in the way of me living life to its fullest.


Active Member
Watch out with the black-light test, you can fake a positive result it by blotting with tonic water or a quinine solution (coke that was cut with quinine powder glows too), which fluoresces under a black-light. Not quite the same color, but it's close.


Well-Known Member
Watch out with the black-light test, you can fake a positive result it by blotting with tonic water or a quinine solution (coke that was cut with quinine powder glows too), which fluoresces under a black-light. Not quite the same color, but it's close.
very true, but it's more of a splatter drop. If the entire hit glows i'd be sketch about it. If it's good acid there should be one or two splatters overlapping


Active Member
Yeah, a lot of the acid around where I live is pretty suspicious. People seem to think that you can only put acid on blotters, not sure why, but there are a lot of chems with extremely low doses that can and do get sold as LSD. Like DOx, 2C-T4, 2C-T21, and some exotic RCs can all be made to fit on paper. Things get even muddier when you get into tabs and dots... Personally, I wouldn't even consider touching any acid in tablet form these days, unless I knew the guy who made it. You can hide almost anything in a reasonably sized tablet. The fact is, LSD is insanely hard to manufacture and there are a lot of douche bags who will sell anything to anyone. That, plus the general scarceness of it makes me really question the authenticity of any that comes my way.


Well-Known Member
Life is a process of permanent damage.... none of us get out of here alive, but some of us get out of here a little bit enlightened and at peace.


In a dream I once had: I put my current batch under blacklight last night. No glow action though, its on white on white unperfed, and reacts no more than normal white paper. No bitter taste though. I've tried it 6 or 7 times now and the duration is 7-9ish hours like you would expect. Potent too compared to what I usually get.

I'm confused as to what it could be and why it doesn't glow. Seems like cid to me :/


Well-Known Member
In a dream I once had: I put my current batch under blacklight last night. No glow action though, its on white on white unperfed, and reacts no more than normal white paper. No bitter taste though. I've tried it 6 or 7 times now and the duration is 7-9ish hours like you would expect. Potent too compared to what I usually get.

I'm confused as to what it could be and why it doesn't glow. Seems like cid to me :/
there are other chemicals that give you the same effects. But true LSD is florescent green.

i also hear of people dropping Mescaline on blotter and selling it as acid, but it's an obviously different trip.



there are other chemicals that give you the same effects. But true LSD is florescent green.

i also hear of people dropping Mescaline on blotter and selling it as acid, but it's an obviously different trip.

you cant fit mescaline onto blotter.... a threshold dose is around 150mg


Well-Known Member
you cant fit mescaline onto blotter.... a threshold dose is around 150mg
you can't fit a big enough dose yes, but you can put it on a blotter and sell it for more. I unfortunately knew people like that. but now we're not friends XD