White Poison - 2 liter Hempy SOG


Well-Known Member
hows the new round of plants doing?

They just started to show flowers yesterday. And are about 17 inches tall.

But Ive been busy working on my Bud Trimmer. The metal blade was a bit scary so I replaced it with some plastic trimmer line.

I call it the Weed Wacker:

I used my light stressed clone to test my trimmer prototype.

All the large fans get shredded and it does an ok job on the small leaf too. If i need to I can adjust the trimmer line height.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
They just started to show flowers yesterday. And are about 17 inches tall.

But Ive been busy working on my Bud Trimmer. The metal blade was a bit scary so I replaced it with some plastic trimmer line.

I call it the Weed Wacker:

I used my light stressed clone to test my trimmer prototype.

All the large fans get shredded and it does an ok job on the small leaf too. If i need to I can adjust the trimmer line height.
your the best


Well-Known Member
Adding a bit of Automation to the Hempy SOG.

For my next project I plan on setting up a 20+ gallon rez and drip irrigation for everything. Half Inch tubing from the pump to 1/4 inch drip lines.

Then one 1/2 gallon dripper per plant with Zero Run off, just run the pump for a few mins each day to fill each hempy rez with a daily dose of nutes.

I found a 5.3 PSI pump that should work fine for the small drip setup I have planned. Its only 100 watts and 1.7 amps.

The Little Giant NK-2


Well-Known Member
Here is the design I mapped out for an irrigation system.

It was planned out in my mind but I put in on paper so I could count / buy the parts.

And this is what that light poisoned clone got me. A few White Poison S1's (fems) and some nanners.



Well-Known Member
wow xare didnt realize i was in for so much when i asked but im glad i did haha. im sad we didnt get to see the whole process on your light posioned one once it left the main grow room. pretty sweet that you got seeds off of it and im very interested to see the sex of the them. i like the idea of the drip line system and removing the hassle of hand watering each in that small area. that bud trimmer is looking nice and safe with the weed wacker cord instead of the metal blade. going to come in real handy once those outdoor plants are done flowering in a few months. i saw that last update you had on them and they are looking like monsters!!! going to be alot of work trimming all of those but well worth it in the pounds that youll have. i wouldnt be surprised if some top out near 10ft. lets see the new flowers on your indoor when you get a chance.


Well-Known Member
For that light poisoned clone I just moved it around from room to room to stress it. For its last week it was on my deck. Then I picked those nanners off when the buds were dry.

I will use them to pollinate one of the outdoor plants.

This is where the 2nd batch is at, soon to have a Drip Irrigation upgrade :-P



Well-Known Member
oh for a second there i thought it self polinated itself but now that you mention you pollinated one of your outdoor girls, i remember you saying that was the plan. good looking new round of plants, looks like were around the same time for our harvest. keep up the good work and thanks for the updates.


Well-Known Member
To make the best quality S1 seeds you do not want to self pollinate the hermie plant. A self pollinated hermie would have a better chance to pass on a dominate hermie trait.

Its better to use the hermie pollen to pollinate a non stressed clone. That way only one of the parents is expressing male pods.


Well-Known Member
To make the best quality S1 seeds you do not want to self pollinate the hermie plant. A self pollinated hermie would have a better chance to pass on a dominate hermie trait.

Its better to use the hermie pollen to pollinate a non stressed clone. That way only one of the parents is expressing male pods.
yeah i understand where your coming from. ive always been confused on how causing a perfect female to turn herm and self pollinating itself to get fem seeds. must be something in the spray that the breeders use that may stop the true herm trait from being expressed in the seeds being produced. still will be very interested to see how much of the herm trait does so up in your seeds if any at all. thanks for sharing your info xare ive learned more from this thread then i have for a long time here on rollitup.


Well-Known Member
it depends more on there mothod of femination.
if there method is rodelization, then the hermie trait can be passed.
if there spoofing the fems with ethylene, then they will be most def female.


Well-Known Member
Most of the clones are now 21 inches tall.

They started off around 7 so they have tripled in height since being put into 12 / 12

Also, I ordered all my parts for the drip irrigation along with the pump and reservoir. I already have a digital timer that has 1 min increments.

Plants this size can drink 9.5 oz of nutes a day.

.5 gallon drippers should put out 128 oz per hour ( my low pressure setup maybe slower )

in 30 mins its 64 oz
in 15 mins its 32 oz
in 7.5 mins its 16 oz
in 3.75 mins its 8 oz

So running the pump for 4 mins a day should give me around 9.5 oz of nutes to each plant.

Then its just a matter of dialing in the timer over a period of a few days. Add or takeaway a min depending upon how much water the hempys have.

When the plants are smaller or in the cooler months I can run the pump for less time. Like 2 mins a day instead of 4

Large mother plants will drink a double dose of nutes so they have a designated 1 gallon per hour dripper. Each dripper line in the mother room is going to have an adjustable flow knob by the dripper encase I need to add or take away plants.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member

you could not use the "to plant" tube alltogether
and just pump nutes into the "from plant" tube
and when the power cuts of the pump
all the liquid above the over fill hole will return back to the secondary rez


Well-Known Member
If you fill the water past the hempy hole in a two liter hempy pot the perlite floats up and a cavity in the bottom forms.


Well-Known Member
yeah, a slow drip would be superior to a flood system..... perlite and vermiculite will float if you soak it quick.


Well-Known Member
One of the cons of a drip system is that the drippers can get clogged.

So Iam going to add a inline filter that will clean the water before it goes into the irrigation tubes. This setup will not be recirculating. Just pumped nutes to the plants through cleanable drippers filling each hempy rez, zero run off. As the big reservoir empties I will add fresh nutes to re-fill it.

Also it helps to have a High PSI pump, the pressure will force any obstructions out of the drippers. That is why I went with the NK-2 pump instead of a regular submersible hydroponic pump. It has less GPH flow then an equivalently priced hydro pump but it has a larger impeller and thus more PSI.


Well-Known Member
Digital Timer /w 1 min increments, 5.3 PSI pump, 20+ gallon Rubbermaid Brute reservoir.

In a couple of days I will have the Irrigation parts. Then I can put it all together like Lego's. :p


Well-Known Member
very nice.
i always wanted to do a true lp aero, with an auto filled tank that has a stirrer, and uses air pressure instead of a pump.
almost like a soda fountain.
ecolabs makes a very similair setup for mixing cleaners and solutions, by ppm.

im constantly on the prowl for one of them whenever im demo'ing a building.
havent gotten lucky yet, but a man has dreams

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
so no run off just refills ?
you must have the math dialed in
how often will the drippers turn on and for how long
or does the setup run 24/7