I don't understand how telling the guy what he really has is all that confusing. Ok, I'm done.
just to clarify even more on you . . . . . . . . . telling him/her what he/she truly has will land him/her in more confusion than necessary.
everyone I know of, even most connoisseurs know 2 major types, Indica (which includes true indica, and afghan strains) and sativa (which includes mexican, african, swiss, jamacian, etc. ) rudaralis isn't interesting or named often beceause it is a meaningless plant other than it's flowering characteristics (it flowers on it's own regardless of photoperiod. )
so really, if he/she were to go out and try to find some afghanica . . . . . maybe 1 person she runs into will know wtf she's talking about, the rest will just say I got indica or something like that.
therefore unless everything gets legalized and then things are referred to true strain rather than what the majority believes, then yes, it will need to be corrected as he/she will need the correct name to buy it in the store.
but at this moment, the correct name for THIS store is indica . . .