2010 Revised Super Soil Recipe

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I would probaly wait a bit more to see if the dolomite will do its thing.
What do most of you guys ph your water to?
Redeye78 -

I would not suggest attempting to adjust your soil unless your plants are telling you that something is wrong.

Ive actually talked to the guys at roots about runoff readings before because I was seeing a similar low PH runoff of about 5.5 (6.5 RO going in). They did a slurry, runoff test and soil probe ph test and called me back to tell me that the soil had checked out to 6.3-6.5 using the probe and slurry but the runoff test had come back low (5.5-5.8).

This leads me to believe that the runoff test may not be the best indicator of actual soil ph.
Redeye78 -

I would not suggest attempting to adjust your soil unless your plants are telling you that something is wrong.

Ive actually talked to the guys at roots about runoff readings before because I was seeing a similar low PH runoff of about 5.5 (6.5 RO going in). They did a slurry, runoff test and soil probe ph test and called me back to tell me that the soil had checked out to 6.3-6.5 using the probe and slurry but the runoff test had come back low (5.5-5.8).

This leads me to believe that the runoff test may not be the best indicator of actual soil ph.

I concur 100%
I didnt check the PH or PPM before I started teaching people about the soil then a student asked me.
We spent a year discovering that Super soil is around 6.2 PH and 4.1 EC and probably shouldnt work but it does and all the numbers did was confuse me and made me question the recipe.
If you made it correctly the ph will continue to rise over time until it levels off at around 7.

Weve used 1/2 cup lime all the way up to 3 cups of lime and the results never changed so we/I settled at 1 cup for the public recipe.

Hey Sub,

Im growing some apollo 13 bx, in your super soil (followed the recipe exactly), what kind of sugars and carbs should i start adding after 40 days? I am thinking about using humbodtl honey but want to check with you first. Oh by the way, i like to use 100 % super soil, the girls love it.
Is there a nationally available soil that compares to Roots? Im new at indoors soil and have no idea about soil brands. All the ones i seem to find dont have hardly anything and the other half that i find doesnt even have the ingrediants listed. Im hurt and out of work so i dont have the extra cash to pay for the shipping of the roots organic over the net
And to top it off i have 2 big surgerys tomorow(turns out i might lose that arm after all:cry:) so if any can answer my question up there and has the time and curtesy to do so please help me out.
Surgery is at 7am-thats 7 hours...damn i need to try and go to sleep but im to damned scared. As matter of fact im beyond scared and shaking like a leaf. Well wish me luck and a safe surgery. Sorry for writing all the stuff that doent pertain to the topic im just scared:cry:
I would not suggest attempting to adjust your soil unless your plants are telling you that something is wrong.

I havent potted up yet.

If you made it correctly the ph will continue to rise over time until it levels off at around 7.

Thank you both very much for the replies!!! This will help me sleep a bit better tonight.

I made it correctly as far as I know. I'm going to dump the cans in the pool an do a little mixin tomorrow. I'll probably give it another week to see if it levels out.

Thank you again!

Anyone know if Enggy's H2 liquid humic acid is comparable in strength/purity to the powdered form of humic acid (like teravita's SP90 humic acid for comparison)? In other words would I still use 2 tbsp of it as advised in the recipe or should I add more? The whole 7% active ingredient on the back of the jug coupled with the statement of being "the purest form of humic acid available" has me all kinds of confused.
Sub, do you have any recommendations for what to use for 1/2 cup Cal/Mag when using RO? Would just adding another 1/2 cup of dolomite suffice?
Sub, first time posting in one of your threads. To be honest, this is my first time in this section of the board. I have spent most of my short time at this website in the outdoor grow and newbie sections.

I just wanted to let you know that your soil mix and method will be the first method I attempt in my indoor grow op. I started an outdoor grow op this year in order to help others who have need of cannabis for medical purposes (I have suffered from depression most of my life and although I have tried every single pharmaceutical antidepressant sold in the US, the only substance that genuinely helps me is cannabis). Unfortunately I live in a state that will send me to pound-you-in-the-ass prison for a relatively small amount of marijuana, and for any size grow op; so my anxiety level has been stellar during this outdoor grow and I have decided I will move indoors as soon as this grow is completed.

Therefore, I have been diligently reading this site for indoor grow op advice which is how I came across your Super Soil mix. I just wanted to let you know that you have helped out another person who you will probably never meet face to face, and that this person is already doing his damndest to help out others who are in the same situation he is in.

My sincere thanks to you.

And while not attempting to put anything on your shoulders at all, as we all have to walk through this life under our own steam, at our own pace and under our own loads, since I did read this entire thread I have noticed you saying that you might be leaving the net permanently for peace of mind. I fully can understand the need to simplify and to reduce outside stressors in your life, but if you hadn't posted this thread on this site you wouldn't have been able to help me, and I wouldn't be able to efficiently help those who I am growing for. Just food for thought.

And thank you again.
Sub, first time posting in one of your threads. To be honest, this is my first time in this section of the board. I have spent most of my short time at this website in the outdoor grow and newbie sections.

I just wanted to let you know that your soil mix and method will be the first method I attempt in my indoor grow op. I started an outdoor grow op this year in order to help others who have need of cannabis for medical purposes (I have suffered from depression most of my life and although I have tried every single pharmaceutical antidepressant sold in the US, the only substance that genuinely helps me is cannabis). Unfortunately I live in a state that will send me to pound-you-in-the-ass prison for a relatively small amount of marijuana, and for any size grow op; so my anxiety level has been stellar during this outdoor grow and I have decided I will move indoors as soon as this grow is completed.

Therefore, I have been diligently reading this site for indoor grow op advice which is how I came across your Super Soil mix. I just wanted to let you know that you have helped out another person who you will probably never meet face to face, and that this person is already doing his damndest to help out others who are in the same situation he is in.

My sincere thanks to you.

And while not attempting to put anything on your shoulders at all, as we all have to walk through this life under our own steam, at our own pace and under our own loads, since I did read this entire thread I have noticed you saying that you might be leaving the net permanently for peace of mind. I fully can understand the need to simplify and to reduce outside stressors in your life, but if you hadn't posted this thread on this site you wouldn't have been able to help me, and I wouldn't be able to efficiently help those who I am growing for. Just food for thought.

And thank you again.

I am setting up my site to transfer all my grow info on to.
It wont be a posting board though just a place to read my words and look at my pics.
I now get some days 100 queries through e-mails, PM's, Google chats and others and I simply cant keep up these days.
I am working on book 2 and 3 as well as a contract writer for High Times and the fact I run TGA at least the management and marketing solo.
I simply am running out of time to discuss the ph of super soil or teach another person how to start a pack of seeds.
I trim all my own bud and count every seed personally.
As we get bigger my time alloted for internet boards grows smaller and smaller that is all I mean :)

I am setting up my site to transfer all my grow info on to.
It wont be a posting board though just a place to read my words and look at my pics.
I now get some days 100 queries through e-mails, PM's, Google chats and others and I simply cant keep up these days.
I am working on book 2 and 3 as well as a contract writer for High Times and the fact I run TGA at least the management and marketing solo.
I simply am running out of time to discuss the ph of super soil or teach another person how to start a pack of seeds.
I trim all my own bud and count every seed personally.
As we get bigger my time alloted for internet boards grows smaller and smaller that is all I mean :)


I would certainly pay to read any grow book you put together. And please do not take anything I said as a negative. I only wanted to let you know how much you have helped me and by extension those I will help. Best of luck to you and please drop me a PM here when you have commercial writing in print.
I am setting up my site to transfer all my grow info on to.
It wont be a posting board though just a place to read my words and look at my pics.


Smart move on consolidating your insights to a read-only site. I've been lurking, on here absorbing as much knowledge as I can from your posts, for about 6 months now. I fully appreciate the immense effort you put into furthering the body of cannabis knowledge. I get really frustrated with the stupid questions some people ask you when they clearly haven't invested any energy on their own. You are a true saint to do what you do!

Stay sane brother and keep on crankin out the dank!
Has anyone used the Super Soil recipe using 5gal buckets? Is there enough to get them all the way through veg and flowering???
Has anyone used the Super Soil recipe using 5gal buckets? Is there enough to get them all the way through veg and flowering???

it shouldnt be a problem bro, i use 7, but do not see a problem with 5's... If there is a problem you can always top dress with super soil to get your plants finished
it shouldnt be a problem bro, i use 7, but do not see a problem with 5's... If there is a problem you can always top dress with super soil to get your plants finished

Thanks for your reply. I have a couple of questions about the 7gal pots. What is your average yeild per plant? and since there is quite a bit more root room do you let them veg longer? how long?
I still dont have any SS yet. Im in the process of collecting ingrediants. I just bought some indonesian bat guano, will that be fine?
Thanks again
And ps to whoever +rep me earlier (didn't leave name). U can do this method indoors. .. U don't have to do it outside...:still a lot easier and less involved than those nutrient regime following hydro fools. Lol

I'm given it a run right now....jus started...soil should be cooked enuff by now....about to do transplants into SS

Happy growing..

Its been a couple weeks now ....how is it going with the super soil?
Thanks for your reply. I have a couple of questions about the 7gal pots. What is your average yeild per plant? and since there is quite a bit more root room do you let them veg longer? how long?
I still dont have any SS yet. Im in the process of collecting ingrediants. I just bought some indonesian bat guano, will that be fine?
Thanks again

The bat guano should be fine, I usually yield 4 ozs per plant but that can be improved buy alot, sub says he is pulling 6 per plant... I veg for about 60 days... Hope this helps
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