Anybody Want To Double Their Yield?- Desertrat's Top and Prune?

Oh yeah, for those that constantly go back to the nature argument and how nature put the fan leaves there for a reason and bla bla bla, understand that by bringing that plant indoors and trying to duplicate outdoor conditions you're already disturbing the natural process and certain things may need to be tweaked, such as opening up the canopy by plucking some fan leaves or by trimming the bottom 1/3rd of the plant because it's not going to fully develop because of lack of light energy from your unnatural sun.

Spoken like a true noob.
Trumps - To get the better of (an adversary or competitor, for example) by using a crucial, often hidden resource.

It's a balance that's skewed toward physics because of the inferior light available indoors. Thats why yields were calculated in amount per watt of light, because every grower knew he could win a contest just by adding light.

Watt per light? There is no lamp system that gives a constant watt per lamp, too many factors regarding lamps, hoods, etc. It's what the plant receives that counts, which no one but a handful measures in stonerville.

Grams per watt is the most ludicrous crap that ever came out of cannabis forums suitable for unsophisticated noobs. Sad, but it's typical. Adding light DOES NOT GUARANTEE more yield. That's just fuckin' stupid.

Spoken like a true noob.

Really? That's all you could come up with? Are you now expecting a response like "I know you are but what am I?"

I got better things to do than go at it with you on here man...I'll let you get into an elementary argument with someone else and and you can post random shit so you can hit the 3,000 posts mark soon...
UB likes to come into this thread and insult people. But when you go to his thread and voice your opinion you get flamed/banned. But he got mod support so it's all good.

It's ok tho. Potroast has been after my ass for a while. He finally got to play god for a minute when he told me to take a vacation. Like I couldn't come here to post under another name or something. I let him get his kicks so he has some satisfaction in his life. I didn't want to take away the small things that make him happy.

Kind of reminds me when UB comes into your thread calling everyone "noobs". He get's to play god for a minute and then runs for cover under his keyboard. He gets no points on his account for "insulting other members". That's cause he's so cool and all and everyone should be just - like - him.

I'll have to go back to insulting people using intelligent words instead of naughty ones. It seems to confuse them and they get disorientated. :arrow:
Really? That's all you could come up with? Are you now expecting a response like "I know you are but what am I?"

I got better things to do than go at it with you on here man...I'll let you get into an elementary argument with someone else and and you can post random shit so you can hit the 3,000 posts mark soon...

Good reply OZUT. Let me handle him. He's too EZ
It's all about botany fellas. Leave the politics and noobie paradigms which have been parroted with each new noobie crop out of it.

I wish I had a dime for every "fishing for attention" thread I've seen started over my 10 years of posting/teaching at over 7 cannabis forums that begin with something like "wanna triple your yields!!!!!!!!"....."how to grow the biggest buds!!!!!!!" the thread starter proceeds to come up with every stupid gimmick or suck ass product in the world while dismissing the only thing that counts in productivity - horticulture and common sense.

Good example, years ago there was the grams/watt thingie that just won't die. 100 watts/s.f. was "kewl" as the cool kids talked it up good. I sat there and laughed as I watched their buds turn into what looked like half starved canaries perched on a stick. Yet another farce, totally not related to bud production because it's treated as a black and white issue, the lazy man's approach, as opposed to focusing one's attention on actual light received by the plant's leaves which is driven by the lamp output, hood configuration/design, efficiency of hood reflective material, distance between the bulk of the leafsets and the hood, leaf health, leaf chlorophyll content, etc.

Now, you wanna believe that yanking off the very unit that produces bud increases yield? Fine. I've got some seashore property in Arizona I'll sell you.

OK, I'll bite and slap another hand.

Oh yeah, for those that constantly go back to the nature argument and how nature put the fan leaves there for a reason and bla bla bla, understand that by bringing that plant indoors and trying to duplicate outdoor conditions you're already disturbing the natural process...

You're not disturbing a thing, that is if you're successfully replicating natural plant processes like you should be doing. Do you understand what a photon is and how and why the leaf collects them? Plant doesn't care if the photons come from the sun or a lamp. Your argument is about as ill founded as the old "you need to have MH for vegetation and HPS for flowering." Speaking of gimmicks..... I've grown better pot using a regular HPS exclusively from start to finish than most falling for (and using) the lamp switch-a-roo drill, conversion lamps or "enhanced" lamps that vendors like but plants could care less about.

..... and certain things may need to be tweaked, such as opening up the canopy by plucking some fan leaves or by trimming the bottom 1/3rd of the plant because it's not going to fully develop because of lack of light energy from your unnatural sun.

Certain things don't need to be tweaked, naturally grown is best. You can play games with the plant by opening up the canopy or training, but you best understand plant processes (photosynthesis, hormonal responses) before you do. I never plucked leaves and my yields are always high. Then again, I know how to tweak all factors that go into the final equation - temps, watering, nutrition, light, diurnal temp swing, air movement, etc.

The bottom doesn't fully develop because it's the last to produce and mature and by that time this annual's life is pretty much done with. This plant response is a result of a natural process called apical dominance, a hormonal response found in ALL plant material whether it be cannabis, peach tree, pecan, or tomato plant. The top of any perennial or annual is gonna get most of "the goodies" all the time, every time. That's just what nature does.

I can get another ounce or so out of the bottom of an indoor grown plant by harvesting the bulked up colas and then putting the plant back under the lights for a while. You gotta have healthy leaves left on the plant to pull it off, duh. In the typical garden that won't work thanks to another ill founded noobie paradigm that "it's normal for a plant to lose all of its fan leaves by harvest" some ignoramous uses foods that induce leaf drop or just don't know what they are doing other than following crap advice in cannabis forums.

Hope this addresses your question, for about the hundredth time.

OK, I'll bite and slap another hand

...In the typical garden that won't work thanks to another ill founded noobie paradigm that "it's normal for a plant to lose all of its fan leaves by harvest" they use foods that induce leaf drop or just don't know what they are doing other than following crap advice in cannabis forums.


That's new to me and I'd like to know more, do you have a thread posted with relevant info? If not, could you start one?
That's new to me and I'd like to know more, do you have a thread posted with relevant info? If not, could you start one?

I see you didn't use the Search feature. Assuming it works, click on my name and pull up my threads. Here's one:

Look at the avatar in post #5 in that thread - there's a perfect example of a grower's failure to retain healthy leaves until harvest which resulted in sub-par yields and marginal plant health.

Bring it on smartass. ;)
I know, why don't you go haunt someone else's thread. Maybe they're interested in hearing from the ghost of growers' past, i no longer think you have anything to add of value that couldn't be read in a book. People coming to this thread are interested in how to double their yield above your methods and you just can't help them with that, can you?
Hope this addresses your question, for about the hundredth time.


I never asked you a question for you to address it, let alone for the hundredth time
I know, why don't you go haunt someone else's thread. Maybe they're interested in hearing from the ghost of growers' past, i no longer think you have anything to add of value that couldn't be read in a book. People coming to this thread are interested in how to double their yield above your methods and you just can't help them with that, can you?

I was just going to say that. I honestly had respect for the guy and his ideas. I still appreciate some of the advice he's put out there but now he's just coming across as a condensending ass that's trying to live in his past light where he was able to contribute something meaningful and people looked up to him. He's now at a point where he's contributed just about all that he has and can't accept the fact that there are other methods that other people are coming up with that give proven results and he's not getting the attention that he used to. He calls other people Attention whores but he's the biggest one. At least people start their own thread and put their thoughts out there. He just goes around jacking everyone elses.

Instead of putting his experience to use and doing something productive like try to push the limits of a grow, he guards his shit with an iron fist and goes on the attack of anyone that puts something out there. Take a look at post 271. Reminds me of those 80 year old cunt teachers in school. Either help the guy out or don't. There's absolutely no reason to be a dick about it. If answering the guys question is that much of a nuisance and trouble for you then ignore it but don't be such a prick.

Reminds me of the teacher in Pink Floyd's video...Go to 1:10 in the video and tell me that's not UB

3:30 is what this discussion would be like if they made a music video out of it
Not cool UB, not cool
I genuinely feel sorry for UB as he clearly has some talent but has a mind that's completely closed. He actually believes there is nothing important left to be learned about marijuana cultivation so any discussion of new techniques hits a dead end. Every day he makes himself less relevant, and that is kinda sad.
I genuinely feel sorry for UB as he clearly has some talent but has a mind that's completely closed. He actually believes there is nothing important left to be learned about marijuana cultivation so any discussion of new techniques hits a dead end. Every day he makes himself less relevant, and that is kinda sad.

Relevant? What is that crap? I don't care if you consider me relevant or not. You're a poser who doesn't have a real leg to stand on.

Now, be a good noob and refute my botanical positions as opposed to drumming up yet another childish UB gangbang using a handful of teenie bopper noobs to support your ill founded "double your yields" butchering-your-plants drill.

FYI, for the benefit of the noobie community, you and your lame thread are in my gun sights.

Only when you and yours learn what makes a plant tick will I back down.

Can't wait for a repetition of the same discredited, sophomoric attacks, either directly or via surrogates if you so choose. So far as your contributions help make my threads more accurate I welcome each and every correction and will credit them appropriately.