I am so there, can't wait.

HoLE sings like Sha-Na-Na,,,,,
Let's got to the March ,,Oh Baby
Let's go to the March,,Oh Babay
There'll be lotsa seeds
And you can smoke yur weeds
At the March
Well You can meet em You can greet em You can to-tally defeat em
At the March
You can stroll there You can roll there You could do a great big bowl there at the March
There will be Chong and Marc,,and there'll be lotsa space to park there at the March,,,,,,,,Ohhh baby
Let's go to the March,,Oh Baby
Let's go to the March,,Oh Babay
There will be lotsa seeds
And you can smoke yur weeds
There at the March
Well You could drive or You could fly You could be gay staight lez or bi there
At the March
We need to show the frikkin Gov,,that weed does bring lotsa love there too
the March
No matter Medical or it's just go to hell,,it's at the March,,,,,,Oh wella wella wella wella
Let's go to the March,,Oh Baby
Let's go to the March,,Oh Babay
Let's show them all needs and that it's not for greed
We just need more too heed and let Us sow are seeds
It's not un-lawful to be ,,growin the herb of green ,,there At the March
Keep on Growin
I made this!
Edit: I am a lyrical nightmare!
fdd2blk,I got a new cam,,can I sing,,record,,send it to you and you put some licks to it,,Youtube Stars for sure
