Please help me Crack this safe! Combination Code Mystery. Need help cracking the code

Honestly it was an older couple here. they had children but they where all older. Both the old man and woman died, the woman first then he grieved himself to death a few months later. Who knows and thanks again for all the help every one.
Hey another question. Do you think it would be expensive/could be done to change the combination? Would I have to go to a locksmith and how much do you think that would cost.
I read something about there being a tool or button inside to reset it after it's open, but I think you better just go back to the lock smith just to be safe.
Hey another question. Do you think it would be expensive/could be done to change the combination? Would I have to go to a locksmith and how much do you think that would cost.

There isn't a big thick allen wrench looking tool taped somewhere? The Website I gave you in my other posts will link you to the directions for changing the combo, which depends on the model lock you have.
can you not just drill through the popper??

or the latch? That's what I would do... but then.. your looking at having to buy another safe, or try and have that one repaired.

good luck either way!

nobody pays attention anymore. :roll:

I believe he was referring to the poster above him who may have not read that the safe was opened...............

can you not just drill through the popper??

or the latch? That's what I would do... but then.. your looking at having to buy another safe, or try and have that one repaired.

good luck either way!

man I bet that dirt weed is really like dirt now, so dry. Nice find man, I would call in the serial numbers on those pistolas to make sure they are not stolen or something. If not register them to your self them sell em.
I would roll like 3 super blunts with those buds. An oz in each one so i could hurry up and burn thru it so i'm not stuck with some old doodoo bud for a long time haha. I'm sure the select friends you pick to burn it with would be happy, assuming it's still smokeable haha.

Great score dude I wish something that badass would happen to me. Always remember, you can't beat the free.
I believe he was referring to the poster above him who may have not read that the safe was opened...............

Oh, my bad guys. heh.. ;)


I need to smoke a bowl! but.. I'm out of greens! ah.. man. Oh well, I can get more this coming Friday. But, that's still.. 1.5 days away now.

yeah, sorry about that ppl. I thought the safe was stuck shut, or something.. forgot the combination.. or something. My bad.

Either way, if you ever do get locked out of your own safe.. (I have before).. if you have a good set of Doctors Ears (stethascope).. you can use that.. to listen to the tumbler inside the safe.. and listen carefully. ;) It can be done!!! It's hard.. and takes practice.. but it can be done.

sell the weed and guns they both look shitty, that big pistol looks like a hi point those suck.