((((((( butter help please )))))))


Active Member
any help would be great. I ground up about 4oz of bud and melted 8 sticks of butter then simmered it all in a pot for about 30min, filterd it through a cheese cloth and cooled. Then we made some brownies. They were not that strong. What should i do? Can i cook the butter down even more (it’s a light green)

please no smart ass coments


Active Member
You boil 8 sticks with like 4 OR 5 cups of water so not to burn it.
Only need like 1oz of green or 4 of leaves from a plant.


Well-Known Member
Did you use a double boiler? If not, sorry to say you may have gotten the butter too hot and evaporated a large portion of the THC. In my experience it's best to double boil the butter with some water. Then take the mixture and put it in the fridge. The oil/butter will float to the top and become semi solid with green nasty water underneath. You can then poke a hole in the butter and drain all the water out. This helps filter more chlorophyl from the mix and leads to better tasting butter. Hope this helps!


Active Member
any help would be great. I ground up about 4oz of bud and melted 8 sticks of butter then simmered it all in a pot for about 30min, filterd it through a cheese cloth and cooled. Then we made some brownies. They were not that strong. What should i do? Can i cook the butter down even more (it’s a light green)

please no smart ass coments[/

your problem is you didnt let the mixture of butter and ganja simmer long enough. you should let it simmer for several hours, shit some people even simmer their mixture over night. i made that same mistake the first time i made ganja brownies, but i double boiled my mixture, with no added water just butter and ganja in a jar, sitting in boiling water. i like this method of cooking it because you dont have to deal with straining the butter out of the water.

oh and if you didnt throw away the ganja you used you can reuse it.


Well-Known Member
I use the same amount but I double boil my mix for at least 24 hours. You can set it the fridge overnight and remelt in the morning. I strain mine and put into those 1/2 cup disposible containers ( equals one stick ) . You should get back 6 sticks.


Active Member
so you mix water and butter togeather in a crock pot let it cook on low for 12hr then cool and skim the butter off the top... sounds cool do you lose any THC in the water


Active Member
THC is not water soluble, the water is present to keep the butter from burning while its cooking. There will be no water left when you're done. It is the milk fat that is skimmed off. Its basically clarified canna butter that you end up with.