Oregon Cascades @ 2300' 2010

Ok, here is my thread. As the title says, I am in the Oregon Cascades @ 2300' and this is my first outdoor grow. I have been an OmmP grower since 02 and have had many indoor harvests.

Pic # 1 my whole grow

Pic # 2 purple kush, from seed, sprouted mid may, put under T5, then to greenhouse 6/10 outside 6/21

Pic # 3 g13* (the real deal), from clone, rooted and under T5 april 15, greenhouse 6/10 outside 6/21 *this IS g13 but.... all of the clones from the mother this came from have been hermi so far (some had lots of seeds, most had just a few per plant) I am going to treat with reverser, and hope hope hope for the best. I will take cuttings before flower just in case

Pic #4 mazier I sharief, from clone, rooted and under T5 1st of may, greenhouse 6/10, outside 6/21

Pic #5 some rooted baby's from an unknown auto flower'er, don't know if these will work, alot of conflicting information out there

Pic #6 More mazier i sharief, plan is these 3 will make my 6 for flower.

The biggest Mazier I Sharief was topped for clones 5/15
The G 13, biggest Mazier I Sharief, and Purple Kush were all re-potted last tuesday 7/12
The Purple Kush and Biggest Mazier I Sharief were topped for cuttings last thursday. 7/14

The biggest 3 all have 1/3rd clay pellets in the bottom of their pots. All use sunshine mix #4 and harvest moon organics nutes. I nute every watering, followed by just water every 3rd watering. I use weight to see if they need water, though these huge pots make that difficult.

No bugs so far to speak of, but I folier treated with Azitrol 6/21 and will again tonite.

Deer / Animal repellent so far is my own homemade blend of piss, applied in a radius around grow several times a day

Advise gladly welcomed, I need these meds to last me a while.



Active Member
Looks like your grow is going well. Are you planting any of them in the ground or need to have them in pots to move if needed?
Thank you wingman, I saw a buddy's today.... his are all Sativa, and have been outside 3 weeks longer and they are bushes! made me feel all new and stuff lol....

In pots to move inside or in greenhouse if weather in fall gets too cold to finish....

How "wet" do u keep your soil? I tend to believe water deeply, but infrequently, i.e. let soil get pretty dry before I water again.... my buddy keeps em wet and pretty heavy... I dont want to over water, been there.....
brickedup, I know huh! I have alot of friends in Seattle, and am looking for a strain called Udub that has almost the same backround as G13, stolen from school/government lab 20+ years ago by a bud loving scientist as program was dismantled.... I was reading last night some cats say it is the same strain, University of Washington greenhouse # 13..... have u heard of this? is this just a conspericy theory? am i just dreaming?


Well-Known Member
i havent but it sounds interesting, ive had so many people try to tell me g13 isnt real. Its awsome smoke and gets huge.


Active Member
Thank you wingman, I saw a buddy's today.... his are all Sativa, and have been outside 3 weeks longer and they are bushes! made me feel all new and stuff lol....

In pots to move inside or in greenhouse if weather in fall gets too cold to finish....

How "wet" do u keep your soil? I tend to believe water deeply, but infrequently, i.e. let soil get pretty dry before I water again.... my buddy keeps em wet and pretty heavy... I dont want to over water, been there.....
Last summer I was watering every 2 to 3 days and they liked it. I'm in the ground though so It doesn't dry out as fast as in pots. I just went a week without watering at my patch and they were wilted just slightly when I got there and that was when we had that heat wave in the 90's. I'm going to my patch tomorrow and it will be day 5 since my last visit. I'll probably give each plant 2 gallons of water with my botanicare veg mix. I'll try to take some update pic's and put on my thread sometime tomorrow. Also I've almost bought a moisture meeter a couple times they are only about 10 bucks at a hydro store then you can really get technical.
I just bought a moisture meter, but it seems to be crap lol.... the needle on the guage gets stuck and u have to kind of squeeze it to get it to unstick.... makes it so i have to take like 3-5 readings, but tonite they were about a 1 1/2 on the scale of 1-5 so I figure i will water in the a.m..... wierd thing tho is meter calls water a 4 out of 5 so i may take it back.....


Well-Known Member
i need to get me a moisture meter, im watering everyday right now. I know everyone says dont water every day but im at 3300 elavation and its been 100 degrees so the plants have been drinking the hell out of water. my neighbor is watering 3 times a day and he has huge plants with no signs og overwatering.
IMGP0214.JPGWingman, I am glad u asked! I took some pics today (8/1), and realized that the bigger ones have all doubled or more in size since I took the last pics.
Pic above is the Mazar I Sharif

and here is the Purple Kush, reach really did kick in Aug 1st.

and the G13 now in a 10 gal plastic squat as of 7/28. I broke root ball in half during transplant, this poor plant has been thru hell... Just gave treatment of Hermicin hormone reverser yesterday, I talked to my friend who the mother came from which the last set of clones before this one hermi'd and seeded. He treated his from the same round mine came from with the hermicin and harvested those in late June without a single seed.

A mix of lil guys, the indica's are the Mazar I Sharif's and the lil sativas are a ? I was under the impression origionally that they was an auto flower strain cause the guy kept saying they flower all the way thru their growth, but after seeing his grow, I think now that they just show maturity early, as his still have no real flowering as of 7/31. I plan to keep the one in the plastic 10 gal. for a mother so she will go in next week, and the others I may flower just to see an oz ea or something.


last of the lil ones, same mix

I repotted all but the biggest 2 on 7/28. I have been using bamboo and twist ties to LST them out to the edge of the pots, then the bamboo around the edges and the hemp twine around and across inside as a poor mans net. I really don't know if the training does anything for quantity, but it does help quality indoors anyways, and I love the lil bush with many colas thing..... most of the little ones are now in smart pots. 7/31 I foiler fed with soil nutrient, plant growth enhancer, and yucca all mixed and sprayed liberally on tops and bottoms of every leaf and I swear they grew like 4" in some places in 24 hours, tho streach starts this week, I doubt the plants knew it was exactly the 1st today, but maybe.... I spent last and this week reading a 130 something page thread by Tom Hill and others on icmag.com about outdoor monsters, and those guys have outdoor dialed in! I also have seen some 10' plus monsters here since then, and I am confidant that next year, I will rock some 200 gallon smart pots, or homeaides.


Active Member
Nice grow everything is looking good. I was at my patch a few days ago and it looked like they were starting to show some pre flowers with more pistols and some white hairs. I'm going back in the next couple days and start the transition to flower feeding. I haven't tried lst before but will soon. Do you have much experience with smart pots??? I have almost bought some a couple times and never have.
thanx guys! as far as the smart pots go, no exp whatsoever.... I read that post on superplants and it really intreagued me most of those guys use either 200gal smart pots, or homeade pots with rebar and landscape material or burlap. My soil is the same as most of their base soils, and my nute program is similar just applied daily instead of over time like they do it, well that and they are garden gods and I am not lol My bigger Mazar and the g13 has pre flowers but not the haze yet, has me a little nervous, been looking for balls daily, I guess I should have sexed a clone huh? The smart pots as I understand it are awesome for root growth and soil areation, but because of the air flow, the smallish ones need water everyday, this is alot of why these guys use the huge ones, the other is that they say the roots grow outward mostly, and the plant will get as big as the roots allow. They need only like a minimum of 18" of depth, but 6' around is awesome from what I have been reading. Tom hill was also saying that the plant will stop growing as soon as the roots touch the sides of a container, so huge is key for huge growth.
i use to grow uw and tjats what was told to me too is that it was from university or wash and it gt stoloen out of the labor smthng like that but yeah i had that strain it was my fav the smell remined me of trainwreck