Nb's 2010 Medical Medication Cultivation -Prop 215-


Well-Known Member
I'm really looking forward to seeing this Martian Mean Green develop. I've heard good things about this strain.

Should get a nice bush with the supercropping.

I can't help but notice the red stems just below the leaves are screaming for nutes!
that's the father of LA Woman ;)


Well-Known Member
I'm really looking forward to seeing this Martian Mean Green develop. I've heard good things about this strain.

Should get a nice bush with the supercropping.

I can't help but notice the red stems just below the leaves are screaming for nutes!
I thought the color came from when the plant is put through some kind stress and I figured they grew that way due to the stress from supercropping. I'll give it a nice feeding tho and see what comes of it.

I've never grown the strain or even smoked any but after Googling it, all I can say is Mmmmmmm :weed:

that's the father of LA Woman ;)
G13 x Sharksbreath(=Martian Mean Green) should be a very caring and attentive father ;-)
really stoked on this strain now after more reading on it. you havent grown any have you SG?


Well-Known Member
I thought the color came from when the plant is put through some kind stress and I figured they grew that way due to the stress from supercropping. I'll give it a nice feeding tho and see what comes of it.

I've never grown the strain or even smoked any but after Googling it, all I can say is Mmmmmmm :weed:

G13 x Sharksbreath(=Martian Mean Green) should be a very caring and attentive father ;-)
really stoked on this strain now after more reading on it. you havent grown any have you SG?
Nope, but the LA Woman is good... so it's at least half good lol LA is Martian Mean Green x LA Confidential


Well-Known Member
None of Biobizz products yet. Plan to start my next round of clones with them in veg. Lately I have been pretty happy with hardly any feeding neccesary with Roots Organics (soil) and Roots Greenfields..... through veg that is.. They are both packed with good stuff, to keep the plants looking good. I use Calmag and something with nitrogen(been switching it up on seperate plants between guano, GH, BC, and Fox farm)
Your garden looks beautiful as always, and always motivating for me......


Well-Known Member
And there's me thinking that Red / Purple hues through fan leave stems or branches come from the indica linneage....I certainly get it on my OG based weeds that have heavy indica linneage, and personally the smoke is A1 for me.....However I keep hearing people saying, nute problems/deficiencies, etc. Don't we all get a bit too anal with nute deficiencies? The LA and MMG is def full of heavy indica based genetics.

Hope all is well NB.

Peace, DST

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
G13 x Sharksbreath ... n i c e !

Girls are looking real good B! Man you and your neighbor's back yard areas there look nice, wooded like that. Your girls sure have a nice spot to kick it in!


Well-Known Member
Looks tasty. I'm curious what sort of documentation you post (if any) at your grow site. I have my recommendation but don't know if I should leave a copy of it by the girls, or a copy of the law etc.

Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Nope, but the LA Woman is good... so it's at least half good lol LA is Martian Mean Green x LA Confidential
I'm just hoping its the real strain now :weed:

None of Biobizz products yet. Plan to start my next round of clones with them in veg. Lately I have been pretty happy with hardly any feeding neccesary with Roots Organics (soil) and Roots Greenfields..... through veg that is.. They are both packed with good stuff, to keep the plants looking good. I use Calmag and something with nitrogen(been switching it up on seperate plants between guano, GH, BC, and Fox farm)
Your garden looks beautiful as always, and always motivating for me......
thanks man, Im pretty stoked on it. it's late but still rather have some home grown than not you know ;-)
I'd get the Bio grow and supplement it with their Fish Food or Algamic(a little pricier) for veg. for bloom Id use their Bloom and supposedly their Top Max is good shit but I never used it. I supplemented the Bloom with H&G's shooting powder but I think I want to try a couple of the Yellow Bottles on my next indoor

And there's me thinking that Red / Purple hues through fan leave stems or branches come from the indica linneage....I certainly get it on my OG based weeds that have heavy indica linneage, and personally the smoke is A1 for me.....However I keep hearing people saying, nute problems/deficiencies, etc. Don't we all get a bit too anal with nute deficiencies? The LA and MMG is def full of heavy indica based genetics.

Hope all is well NB.

Peace, DST
It is and the same to you D :joint:
Im going to do some more reading on the subject tonight. from what Ive read so far tho is that it is genetic in some strains but could be a deficiency in others. theres a lot of forum myth and chatter to get through but I'll give a more definitive answer later.

G13 x Sharksbreath ... n i c e !

Girls are looking real good B! Man you and your neighbor's back yard areas there look nice, wooded like that. Your girls sure have a nice spot to kick it in!
Thanks dc :blsmoke: cant wait to smoke on all the flavors Mmmm
haha yea man, we are tucked up here in the pine trees where its all "wooded like that" :-P youre always welcomed to come join myself and the lady trees and the real trees ;-)

Looks tasty. I'm curious what sort of documentation you post (if any) at your grow site. I have my recommendation but don't know if I should leave a copy of it by the girls, or a copy of the law etc.

Good luck.
thanks man.
well I have my doctor's reccomendation stapled on the structure right behind my plants facing my prickish neighbor's house just so he knows that everything's in accorance. a lot of people grow without recc's in my area too so I like to keep mine laminated and right in the garden so there's no discrepancies


Well-Known Member
I won't ever use the Top Max again. Everything else is good though.... Bio Bloom, and Fish Mix are the only ones I really use outdoors......


Well-Known Member
I won't ever use the Top Max again. Everything else is good though.... Bio Bloom, and Fish Mix are the only ones I really use outdoors......
what's your experience with it? Ive heard the BioHeaven is just another overpriced and ineffective bottle they sell too..


Well-Known Member
I haven't tried Bio Heaven.... but the Top Max.... caused Top Burn..... maybe I didn't use it right, but I followed the directions, and was careful, and everything else was good. I fed 20 plants, 4 of them got top max, they all 4 (different strains) burned on the tops of the colas! The other 16 that got my normal mix, they were all fine....


Well-Known Member
hahaha "Top Burn!"
well shit, glad i didnt pick up either. you wouldnt think any of the BioBizz products could burn plants without serious overfeeding but I just base that on the weak application rates they suggest with the Bloom and Algamic.
so give me a TLD bloom concoction that packs on the weight and crystals, or at least what you have planned for your outdoor come sept and october. and foliar feeding for you in bloom? I always get mixed answers on foliar in bloom


Well-Known Member
Im pretty sure it was a reaction with the Tiger Bloom that I had been using. It was an indoor application, not foliage fed, it was fed into the soil. you can foliage feed in bloom so long as air circulation is high and AMBIENT humidity is low, and the plant is actively transpiring during the feed. Best applied around 4:30-5:30 in the morning though (still dark, twilight hours actually, twilight is key, the air is warming, the moisture is slowly being sucked away and up, and co2 is being emitted from the soil), that's why I'm not going to foliage feed my plants when they are blooming outside. I have to work, and can't get out there and do the foliage feeding, I have to get kids up and ready for work.

I have started to think about the nutrients that I will be using during this outdoor flower cycle, and at this point can say this:

I like the granular feeding technique, and the results I have gotten, putting the Kellogg fertilizer outside of the beds and in the isles, as well as top dressing as I described in my journal. I will probably do it again towards the end of August, maybe not the same exact granular product, but one that is similar in its quality source materials.

I will most likely use BOTH the liquinox Fish emulsion, And Fox Farms Grow Big for my N boosts (one just before flowering starts and then again at week 3,5, and 7/10 in flower) Fish emulsion Weeks 3 and 7, Grow Big in between. I wish I had acces to more Llama droppings, as I would prefer to mix that out in the isles as well for a slow release organic fertilizer in the isles (primarily for N).

Fox Farms Big Bloom will probably be applied in the beds regularly up to week 6 at varying strengths. Fox Farms Tiger Bloom will start at whatever I deem is week 1 in flower and will progressively build in dosage until the week or week and a half before harvest. I will start at 1/2 TBLSPN per gallon, and end up at 1.5-2 TBLSPNs per gallon towards the end (going up a 1/4 TBLSPN week 3, and a 1/2 TBLSPN week 5), the per gallon is counted AFTER watering in... when I mix the solutions, it will be more concentrated than that.

Bio Bizz Fish Mix will be applied in weeks 2, 4, and 6 of bloom (in between "feedings", just as part of the watering schedule, I am thinking). And Bio Bizz Bio Bloom will be used every time Tiger bloom is used (starting out stronger than the TB is started at, recommended strength wise), and will be used up to two waterings before harvest.

I will probably apply the Green Light root stimulator in week 1 and 3 of flower but not after that.

Thats the plan, plans always change, other shit comes up, and different things happen.


Well-Known Member
I have been using granular organic fertilizer on my girls for veg, and also my guerilla grow....I like it but it does smell of poo, haha (oh yeh, it is pooh!!!) Not the best for using in an enclosed space!!
Nb, I have subscribed, and have been triggered to search for supercropping, I dunno if this is something I do or not lol, but I like ur grow. Me and you started almost the same time, and have similar results it looks like, so I will be following along.


Well-Known Member
Im pretty sure it was a reaction with the Tiger Bloom that I had been using. It was an indoor application, not foliage fed, it was fed into the soil. you can foliage feed in bloom so long as air circulation is high and AMBIENT humidity is low, and the plant is actively transpiring during the feed. Best applied around 4:30-5:30 in the morning though (still dark, twilight hours actually, twilight is key, the air is warming, the moisture is slowly being sucked away and up, and co2 is being emitted from the soil), that's why I'm not going to foliage feed my plants when they are blooming outside. I have to work, and can't get out there and do the foliage feeding, I have to get kids up and ready for work.

I have started to think about the nutrients that I will be using during this outdoor flower cycle, and at this point can say this:

I like the granular feeding technique, and the results I have gotten, putting the Kellogg fertilizer outside of the beds and in the isles, as well as top dressing as I described in my journal. I will probably do it again towards the end of August, maybe not the same exact granular product, but one that is similar in its quality source materials.

I will most likely use BOTH the liquinox Fish emulsion, And Fox Farms Grow Big for my N boosts (one just before flowering starts and then again at week 3,5, and 7/10 in flower) Fish emulsion Weeks 3 and 7, Grow Big in between. I wish I had acces to more Llama droppings, as I would prefer to mix that out in the isles as well for a slow release organic fertilizer in the isles (primarily for N).

Fox Farms Big Bloom will probably be applied in the beds regularly up to week 6 at varying strengths. Fox Farms Tiger Bloom will start at whatever I deem is week 1 in flower and will progressively build in dosage until the week or week and a half before harvest. I will start at 1/2 TBLSPN per gallon, and end up at 1.5-2 TBLSPNs per gallon towards the end (going up a 1/4 TBLSPN week 3, and a 1/2 TBLSPN week 5), the per gallon is counted AFTER watering in... when I mix the solutions, it will be more concentrated than that.

Bio Bizz Fish Mix will be applied in weeks 2, 4, and 6 of bloom (in between "feedings", just as part of the watering schedule, I am thinking). And Bio Bizz Bio Bloom will be used every time Tiger bloom is used (starting out stronger than the TB is started at, recommended strength wise), and will be used up to two waterings before harvest.

I will probably apply the Green Light root stimulator in week 1 and 3 of flower but not after that.

Thats the plan, plans always change, other shit comes up, and different things happen.
damn, quite the regiment ;-)
good results with the tiger bloom by itself without the big bloom? cuz I have a bottle laying around that I never got to using. I hear people say it runs pretty hot so good to start out at a 1/4 tsp instead the full tsp. definitely using the Bio Bloom again and think I'll try the H&G shooting powder too. its insane how it really starts pushing brand new sets of hairs but pushes back harvest date so thats the downside

I have been using granular organic fertilizer on my girls for veg, and also my guerilla grow....I like it but it does smell of poo, haha (oh yeh, it is pooh!!!) Not the best for using in an enclosed space!!
haha all the best stuff seems to have a funky smell :lol:
what kind do you use D? and sounds like youre using it indoor?
I need to get a nute mix thats economical cuz shits getting tighter by the day..all thanks to Comrade Obama :finger:


Well-Known Member
I personally think that the Big Bloom and Tiger Bloom are not to strong.... I need to try that shooting powder next time. I am going with Voodoo Juice and Piranah......

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
I personally think that the Big Bloom and Tiger Bloom are not to strong.... I need to try that shooting powder next time. I am going with Voodoo Juice and Piranah......
Big Bloom is weak as hell, Tiger Bloom is moderately strong but I use 2 tsp almost every feeding through flower without any problems or burn. But as always you just have to watch the plants and feed them according to their needs. The Shooting Powder helped but I'm still on the fence on it...not quite sure if it's worth the $14 a sachet yet.