Ok, so here goes. Bad news first. I was right about the big trainwreck & the first trainwreck being male. The big white widow is also male!! ARRRGGHGHGH! why why!? However, the smallest trainwreck & the smallest WW are female! Why not the big ones!?
WTF!? I was wrong about all the indicas being male though, I removed 3 of them & at least 3 are female, some still haven't shown me for sure yet. Their scents are ranging from piney to sickenly skunky sweet. I can't wait to try the different flavors. ALL the diesels are girls! They all smell different but the same, some grapefruitish, some skunky, some sweet, some just weird.
I added my CO2 tank as well, it is currently running at 4 psi from a 120 lb tank. If anyone has any input on this please let me know.
Also, due to a pest problem, I have added two toads to the garden. Any input on this would be appreciated as well. They can't really get into the plants so I figured it wouldn't hurt for them to eat earwigs & flies & shit lol.
Garden before chop:

White widow showing balls:

Diesel flowers:

Garden after chop & rotation:

Chopped males I will use for pollenation:

Chopped!! :

Balls on the big trainwreck:

Balls on another trainwreck:

Flowers on an indica? :

CO2 Tank:

More fucking balls:

White Widow Balls :

Diesel flowers:

The stuff at the bottom that likes to attach itself randomly is more balls, more flowers, the co2 regulator, & finally my friendly toads.