Preflowers? IDK HELPP +rep

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Well-Known Member
i think i read somewhere that preflowers wont usially show till the plant is ready regardless of when put into 12/12. so its better to just run them on 18/6 untill they show.


Well-Known Member
This Jack the Ripper clone showed sex 11 days after I purchased it from a club under 18/6 lighting.



Well-Known Member
i mean only from seed i dont have any experience with clones. clones should be able to 12/12 whenever because they are already mature.
Letting a plant grow to maturity is key...if grown for a month and a week youll start to see preflowers....this is a easy way to figure out the sex and after doing it a couple of times there will be no doubts as to the sex of your plant cause it will be very visible for you to see

Yup. Every time I grow I get preflower between the 3rd and 5th week. This time I got them in like 3 weeks on one strain I am growing and 4 weeks on the other. Once you do it a few times you get the hang of it.

Now I don't know why some of you guys think it takes one or two weeks of 12/12. Either you are flowering way to early or you are not identifying the preflowers correctly and waiting until you get actual flowers. After a week, especially two the real flowers should be beginning to grow.


Active Member
i think i read somewhere that preflowers wont usially show till the plant is ready regardless of when put into 12/12. so its better to just run them on 18/6 untill they show.
You can grow plants from seed in a 12/12 cycle and they will sex starting at the third week. Letting plants mature is a way to mimic nature but it isn't necessary.


Active Member
amen!!! i jus felt so insulted having to explain to these dudes that maturity is the key a mature plant will tell you what it is without you having to 12 12 for two weeks...the reason it takes two weeks for these dudes is because they have no patience and sexed the plant way too early!!! thanks for the comment i really thought i was lost for a moment!! lol +rep for you buddy and check out my thread!!!

Yup. Every time I grow I get preflower between the 3rd and 5th week. This time I got them in like 3 weeks on one strain I am growing and 4 weeks on the other. Once you do it a few times you get the hang of it.

Now I don't know why some of you guys think it takes one or two weeks of 12/12. Either you are flowering way to early or you are not identifying the preflowers correctly and waiting until you get actual flowers. After a week, especially two the real flowers should be beginning to grow.

Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
I am not doubting your prowess, but the information you are trying to share is just plain wrong.

If some one like Bricktop or FDD2BLK or riddleme cares to correct me I invite them to do so.

Until then I will continue to correct your misinformation.


Well-Known Member
i would think the only reson someone would 12/12 earlie is because of space limitations.
Exactly. If you're growing in a PC case you need the smallest plant possible. For a photosensitive strain (non-autoflower) that means 12/12 from seed in addition to LST, topping, super cropping, etc.

With stable genetics and a quality environment hermaphrodism is rare even with the added stress of flowering early.

Here is a picture from a week or so ago, it's a Northern Lights. At two months old it's loaded with preflowers right now, approximately a month before flowering will begin (August).



Well-Known Member
I am not doubting your prowess, but the information you are trying to share is just plain wrong.

If some one like Bricktop or FDD2BLK or riddleme cares to correct me I invite them to do so.

Until then I will continue to correct your misinformation.


Active Member
i would think the only reson someone would 12/12 earlie is because of space limitations.
Space and time. A lot of people are growing personal use only, so they 12/12 from seed, get enough weight to last a year, and then don't do anything until they are almost out.

It doesn't work for everyone, but it works for those who need it. Same thing with CFLs, PC grows, etc. That isn't how I prefer to grow, but it works extremely well for some people.

Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
i think i read somewhere that preflowers wont usially show till the plant is ready regardless of when put into 12/12. so its better to just run them on 18/6 untill they show.
WOW I feel bad quoting this as it is so misleading to any new growers.

please take your 11000 wherevers and misinformation someplace else, we are really trying to help new growers here not compare dick sizes.

This statement was not directed @LM


Active Member
Wats this high school did you jus get me written up cause your the only one that knows how to grow buds...all you guys are talking about circumstance im talking about ideal and maybe everyone cant do it like i do but it is a way and it becomes easier to determine sex if a plant is mature....why have sex with a pre teen when you can wait for the mature 18 yr old sure they both can have babies but why would you want smh you guys and your righteousness...


Well-Known Member
im not comparing dick sizes i read it in george cervantes grow bible or on one of his dvds. i just dont remember what one.


Active Member
Wats this high school did you jus get me written up cause your the only one that knows how to grow buds...all you guys are talking about circumstance im talking about ideal and maybe everyone cant do it like i do but it is a way and it becomes easier to determine sex if a plant is mature....why have sex with a pre teen when you can wait for the mature 18 yr old sure they both can have babies but why would you want smh you guys and your righteousness...

This whole argument stemmed from this statement:
trying to sex a plant that is 3 or 4 weeks can stress it to turn male..
which isn't true.

You can plead your persecution complex, and keep insulting us personally but it doesn't change the fact that you have no evidence to support this statement.


Active Member
lovemug I think you may have misunderstood that piece of information.

If you sprout a bean and put it under veg lighting, either 18/6 or 24/0, it will not show preflowers until it is mature. This is what smokesumkush is saying, and it is true.

However, if you place that plant under flowering lighting it will show sex as early as 3 weeks from germination.
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