First Journal, Master Kush/LemonSkunk/TrainWreck PICS!


Well-Known Member
Alright so I got a few pictures last night before they went to sleep and some this morning before they woke up.

Everything is going perfectly, temps are the same, humidity is good, etc. etc. :weed:

As soon as the WW1/2 & MY1/2 get to about a foot I will be switching them all to flower. :hump:

Awesome thread man, I'm hooked. Looks awesome, nice tight ship your running there.

I've currently got some MK, germed today, and will watch yours develop as to keep a track of my progress.


Well-Known Member
Got a question for you guys, if you were me...with three ready to flower, would you place the other 4 under 2 24' and 3 63W CFL's to veg until they are ready to go in with the 3 (MK,LS,TW), back in with the 400W to flower? Or would you let them all continue to veg until the 4, WW1/2 & MY1/2 were ready to be flowered then flower them all. I'm at my father in laws now, but kinda would like a little guidance for when I get home.
Got a question for you guys, if you were me...with three ready to flower, would you place the other 4 under 2 24' and 3 63W CFL's to veg until they are ready to go in with the 3 (MK,LS,TW), back in with the 400W to flower? Or would you let them all continue to veg until the 4, WW1/2 & MY1/2 were ready to be flowered then flower them all. I'm at my father in laws now, but kinda would like a little guidance for when I get home.
I guess a few things I would consider would be

overall yeild(Option 1 would result in a slight reduction of yeild simply that the 3 already ready would be even bigger if option 2 was taken.).
Size restraints of setup.(can you fit the plants under both conditions)
Length of time till expected harvest(Option 1 gives, less smoke but expected harvest stays the same. Option 2 prolongs your harvest).
Actual length of the harvest (would be extended if you went with option 1)

Hmm tis an interesting proposition.

How far off are the other 4?


Well-Known Member
13 days behind. If the MK,LS,TW get to 2FT before the rest get to 1FT then I'll do the veg idea while flowering the 3. If the 4 WW1&2 MY1&2 get to a foot before the other 3 get to 2 then I'll flower all at once.

Time to transplant them then. :-)

Any other suggestions guys...girls?

It's about to get exciting.


Well-Known Member
Alright, so I made a little set-up to veg the WW1&2 along with the MYS1&2. I also transplanted them into 4 1/2 GAL Trash Cans...wanted to see if round pots compared to square pots make any real difference. We'll see.

I cut the MK, LS, & TW lights off five hours early to kind of kick-start the flowering...the slightest bit I know. But their lights go off at 9:00PM and come on at 9:00AM. Time to show me some va-j's j's. Fingers crossed!

Anyways, they get watered tomorrow with nutrients. Temps go no higher than 85.5 and average at 80.1 Humidity stays between 29% and 55%. I have the humidifier coming on when the lights go off.

Anyways, let me know any more suggestions, comments, compliments, etc. Even the haters if they're out there.

Here's some pictures. :-)


Well-Known Member
It's only been 2 days flowering, but I'm almost sure my MK is gonna be a lame ass dude. :-(

Either way, any males I will collect their pollen for future breeding.


Well-Known Member
damn dude, I can't believe I haven't checked out your grow!! Looks awesome, I'm here for the rest of the way :D


Well-Known Member
It's only been 2 days flowering, but I'm almost sure my MK is gonna be a lame ass dude. :-(

Either way, any males I will collect their pollen for future breeding.
thanks a good idea, get that pollen, and sprinkle some on your ladies :)


Well-Known Member
So I got home kinda later than I expected, but I watered them and as doing so the lights went out on me. So here are the few pictures I got. Seedlings are doing ok, but I know they miss the 400.



Well-Known Member
Oh no haha, I just took the seedlings out from the closet until they get big enough to flower.

The MK, LS, and TW are the 3 under the 400W now. Flowering.

My1/2 and WW1/2 are under the CFL's. Vegging.