Garden Knowm
The Love Doctor
crime is not a black thing... but being afraid of the black man is an american thing... of course i am generalizing...
Hi skunky did you have a nice Christmas?...and how many 'mad' men have you met? I've met alot of so-called mad men, and the ones that go psycho and kill people will make sure they are armed with something more than a spoon. The reason for this is that they have no bottle. The men with bottle do not use weapons. Why do you think psycopaths pick 'victims'? Their victims are more often than not far weaker than they are, and if they aren't they will even up the odds by using a weapon to bring you down. Still though, they'd rather hit a woman or child.
You stil haven't explained how you witnessed this guy get his eyes spooned out with a plastic spoon in YP when you've never been. Do you know what the plastic spoons look like? If you did, you would know it is impossible. For one thing they are table spoons, and for another the actual spoon part is made of soft plastic. No way you could spoon out someone's eyes.
Also, where did this event take place? I'm assuming the dining area. Do you know how many screws are around when you go for dinner?
This is what I'm talking about, there are too many variables that go against an inmate getting their eyes spooned out with a plastic spoon.
Also, what happened to you going to this other forum, and staying there? What happened when you told shaman that I called him a nonce... lol. You're like a big kid.
guess who thinks all drugs should be legal? gk
Portland is a very bleak place.
Happy new year to you![]()
I seldom find myself in agreement with you GK.
This is a rare occurence.
The best way to reduce crime in US is to legalize all drugs!
The WOD has produced a million little Al Capones.
Freedom is love!
Yes a long time ago,when it was a real dungeon and the screws happily let inmates half kill each other before they intervened.So this happened when you were in YOI Portland. I've heard of Portland but never been there, what year(s) were you there? Were you there when it was a borstal or YOI/YP?
Yes a long time ago,when it was a real dungeon and the screws happily let inmates half kill each other before they intervened.
I was there for only a short stay 17 years ago for a violent offence in my days of billy and alcohol abuse.
And yes i did push toilet tissue into the airvents in my cell to stop the roaches getting in.
No i was never raped
I wish to forget our previous arguments.
Did you get your girlfriend that new keyboard for xmas.
It was classed as a Young offender institute when i was there.
Yeah crusted old and ancient pisspot was all i had.So that would have made you 18, and still doing slop out. I think toilets in cells was just coming in around that time. I know that Brock Hill at that time was still a borstal, and Portland didn't change from borstal to YOI status till 1988. brock hill was something I just missed out on, and spent most of my YOI time in Brinsford.. although I also had a few stints in Onley (cat C) and one very short stint in Thorn Cross (cat D).
Still though I've seen people hit with pp9's, hit with metal trays, slashed with razor blades, beaten with table legs, stabbed with all sorts of different objects... spooning out someone's eyes seems a step too far for me. I've also never seen anyone get raped (heard a couple of stories though), as I understand it that only really happens in the long-term jails. They actually have marriage wings, where guys can live in the same cell together. Which i think is pretty unfair, I'm not gay, and if I was serving a long time I think it only fair that I get conjugal visits with my gf.
Yes, ok... I like forgetting arguments. I gave my gf the cash instead and i think she bought another pair of boots instead.
Yeah crusted old and ancient pisspot was all i had.
Dinner trays were the preffered weapon yes,strangely enough made of solid metal
I think that i may have slightly exaggerated,this was not like a kill bill eye removal just blatant mess making of his eyeballs really,his eye were popped and brown stuff and blood came out of them.
Is easy to forget how soft our eyes actually are,just lumps of jelly really.
I never saw or heard of anyone getting raped either but it seems a common misperception from an old English film that i cant even remember the name of about borstals.
I am a nice guy now for the most part,back then i was like a raging angry nutter fueled by whiskey,vodka,cider and billy,acid the works,you know the score anyway
Peace for the new year,let our head collision serve as a lesson to others here of how things get out of hand so easily if we let them![]()
What if all glorification of the gun were removed, films and tv programs could no longer show guns or anything, so basically the newer generation growing up would not have been introduced them from a young age.