I just checked, and its offical, A FRIEND THAT GIVES YOU SMOKE FOR FREE IS EITHER, A FRIEND, REALLY CLOSET HOMO, OR TOTALLY WASTED! I hope for your sake its just a really nice friend that wants to make sure your head is in the clouds cause hes a advocate or some assortment FIRE IN DA HOLE!!!
thas whats up my bois always look out when i dont have anything but the might throw me a quarter or a half not no 40 grams but either way nice looking tree
so your dealer friend gave you 40 grams or was he beenin careless with his shit an you managed to walk away with that without him knowing sounds like a more realitic story. if you deal pot an give your homeboy 40 grams ur not good at dealin pot apparently, unless he owes u for sumthing, theres more to this story.
I mean i def hooked some people up with a couple grams here and their when i cropped last but damn thats a fat chunk... Hella tight friend man hahaha..