autoflowering done at inch and a half wtf???

i need help friends, ive thrown money away on lowryder 2, flowerpower, white russian and a autoflowering strain from G13 (i forget the name) and i cant get the things to grow. seriusly i have inch tall plants with a flower so small i probably cant smoke it. I grow indoors with a 400 watt hps and i start with a 150 hps. can anyone please tell me the ideal distance to keep my babies from the light. or walk me through what you do PLLLEEAASSEE!! thnaks


Well-Known Member
i dont think the distance of the light makes a difference with autoflower strains! around 1-2feet would be good!
the plants from what ive read are very unpredictable in terms of yeild!
theres reports on this site where ppl have had from 1/2oz to just a joints worth of weed on them!!!

do you have the light cycle correct?? autoflowers need more light than darkness and are supposed to b grown an somethin like 18 hours of light for the complete growth of the plant, and should take 8 weeks from planting to finish!!


Well-Known Member
how hot is your area? how far are you keeping the light? how often and how much are you watering? how big are your containers?
You should be pulling 1/2 oz a plant at least with them, something isnt right in your grow, that is not normal.
I've only had a go at Diesel Ryders before indoors, 3 runs, and the thing is they either get going flat out by themselves or they just don't ever do real well and I'd seem to think this would lend itself to be a common trait amongst autoflowering types. They have such a short life cycle that if they don't get that boost from the get go they just never really amount to much IMO. This current grow will be my first "real" attempt at getting .5g / watt with 3 standard strains.


Well-Known Member
I've only had a go at Diesel Ryders before indoors, 3 runs, and the thing is they either get going flat out by themselves or they just don't ever do real well and I'd seem to think this would lend itself to be a common trait amongst autoflowering types. They have such a short life cycle that if they don't get that boost from the get go they just never really amount to much IMO. This current grow will be my first "real" attempt at getting .5g / watt with 3 standard strains.
yeah thats it , they need to be grown with everything in check otherwise by the time u found at what the problem is its to late they start flowering. my autohindu kush plants 6 of them only reached 5inches tall but i gave 1 seed to my brother and hes turned out 15 inches tall. ill never grow autos anymore unless its in the outdoor season its just to risky for the price there sold for.
thanks for the responses they were really helpful. its stilll in its 4 inch pot because its not even taller than half my pinky with a super small flower on the top. Ill try n get a picture lol. It was in a 150 hps room and finished in a 400 hps about 15 inches from the light. it was the only auto i grew out this time and it shared the room with some regular plants that turned out great after some trial and error as well. I did use super crappy soil from wal mart im sure that didnt help. i probably wont buy more but have a bunch left over for practicing due to 1 good gro aabout 1 1/2 years ago on a patio. thansk again guys


Sector 5 Moderator
I totally agree with weedwizard. I've grown dozens of autos (harvested about 30 this year alone) and if a plant gets a foot tall I'm tickled. My smallest was about 3" and maybe filled a bowl. I would never put autos under HPS; that's just a waste to me. These are small enough to do a stealth grow outside and nobody ever notice them. Just my 2 pesos.


Well-Known Member
really you need to start them in a large pot straight away i had an easy ryder that finished@ 41/2 ft and i got just over 2oz and that was under 300w cfl at the time
really you need to start them in a large pot straight away i had an easy ryder that finished@ 41/2 ft and i got just over 2oz and that was under 300w cfl at the time
I agree larger pot from start, no transplanting these as it just holds em back. 4 1/2 feet, I'd think that would be the exception not the rule? 2oz is great though, can't complain about that.
thats some great avice guys. i cant grow outside though even though im a medical marijuana patient. i have a wife and 2 kids so my wife makes me grow my 6 plants at my moms house with all my proper documentaion lol.kjg what distance were you putting yours away from your 300 watt? and i will definatley start in bigger pot. maybe toss 1 or 2 seeds behind a bush.. who am i kidding , no more than 1 cuz im scared of my wife lol. Thanks you 3 some great tips, keep em coming if u have more
thats some great avice guys. i cant grow outside though even though im a medical marijuana patient. i have a wife and 2 kids so my wife makes me grow my 6 plants at my moms house with all my proper documentaion lol.kjg what distance were you putting yours away from your 300 watt? and i will definatley start in bigger pot. maybe toss 1 or 2 seeds behind a bush.. who am i kidding , no more than 1 cuz im scared of my wife lol. Thanks you 3 some great tips, keep em coming if u have more
I had the best success with them in this order.

Direct Seeded to final pot.
No fert until I seen two full sets of true leaves. ( about 1/4 rate of veg nutes, 10ml seasol (seaweed), 20ml root79) made up in an 10L Bucket
I just manually watered them for the first 3 weeks, as each grows at its own pace.
Now from the moment they sprout untill they show sex (standard seeds) I only used as many "white" (blue spectrum) CFL's as I could. Once you've seperated (sexed) them.
Put them under your HPS. I started at about 18 - 24 inches away for about 1 week maybe 2, then dropped the light A little each day until I was at 12inches or less, dependent on hot spots. move the tall ones to the perimiter of the light, and the short suckers into the center zone (hot spot) I did this for a week, what it allowed me to see was which of the short ones would play catch up and the ones that seem to just stay small.
At this point i'm already at about five to six weeks. Up the nutes to 1/2 to 3/4 strength BLOOM NUTES in week 4 (once there showing good growth and should be fairly healthy. I grew deisel ryders and they seem to respond better to less than full strength for me anyway.)
Okay, this is about as good as it got for me, AVG plant height was 12 Inches, with a dry weight harvest of about 1/4oz to 1/2 per plant, starting with 20 seeds, harvesting 8-10.

I tried improving this, by HPS light earlier, just got more males and more stunted growth.
I tried increased NUTES, no return or benefit.
Changed mediums..... Went worse... Switching Back to this method if I do them again.

I'm definatley not the most experienced guy, but this is what worked best for me, any questions just give me a yell.


Well-Known Member
thats some great avice guys. i cant grow outside though even though im a medical marijuana patient. i have a wife and 2 kids so my wife makes me grow my 6 plants at my moms house with all my proper documentaion lol.kjg what distance were you putting yours away from your 300 watt? and i will definatley start in bigger pot. maybe toss 1 or 2 seeds behind a bush.. who am i kidding , no more than 1 cuz im scared of my wife lol. Thanks you 3 some great tips, keep em coming if u have more
bcuzz it was a cfl i could just have it about 2 or 3 inchs away .... and i feel you with the wifey thing my wife gave me a 1 plant rule.... but it wasnt my fault all six sprouted..
I had the best success with them in this order.

Direct Seeded to final pot.
No fert until I seen two full sets of true leaves. ( about 1/4 rate of veg nutes, 10ml seasol (seaweed), 20ml root79) made up in an 10L Bucket
I just manually watered them for the first 3 weeks, as each grows at its own pace.
Now from the moment they sprout untill they show sex (standard seeds) I only used as many "white" (blue spectrum) CFL's as I could. Once you've seperated (sexed) them.
Put them under your HPS. I started at about 18 - 24 inches away for about 1 week maybe 2, then dropped the light A little each day until I was at 12inches or less, dependent on hot spots. move the tall ones to the perimiter of the light, and the short suckers into the center zone (hot spot) I did this for a week, what it allowed me to see was which of the short ones would play catch up and the ones that seem to just stay small.
At this point i'm already at about five to six weeks. Up the nutes to 1/2 to 3/4 strength BLOOM NUTES in week 4 (once there showing good growth and should be fairly healthy. I grew deisel ryders and they seem to respond better to less than full strength for me anyway.)
Okay, this is about as good as it got for me, AVG plant height was 12 Inches, with a dry weight harvest of about 1/4oz to 1/2 per plant, starting with 20 seeds, harvesting 8-10.

I tried improving this, by HPS light earlier, just got more males and more stunted growth.
I tried increased NUTES, no return or benefit.
Changed mediums..... Went worse... Switching Back to this method if I do them again.

I'm definatley not the most experienced guy, but this is what worked best for me, any questions just give me a yell.
Thanks weedwizard thats a great walk through. Ill give it a try with my lowryder 2 and see how she goes. #:-}. How do you like the diesel ryder ? any chance you know what the thc content of them is?
lol. how many cfl's did you use to get 300 watts? those cfls were enough for your whole 4 feet or did you have to supplement it as well? and last question i promise do you like the easy ryders is it pretty ez to get them to 4 feet and is it strong? umm ok so that last question had 3 parts to it, we'll call them sub-questions not really real questions haha. Thaks kjg


Well-Known Member
The auto ak-47's from lowlife seeds grow bigger and yield bigger. Some general things I have learned with regard to auto flowering strains is to start them in big pots (at least a gallon, preferably bigger), make sure they get plenty of light right from the start, go easy on the nutes and avoid transplanting if you can (although I transplanted my ak's after 2 weeks from a 1 gallon to a 3 gallon container and didnt experience any problems). You say you have grown before, how many plants total? Because like with all plants you get runts, and you may simply have been unlucky and got all runts so far - not that likely if you've grown more than a couple, but certainly a possibility. Whatever happens, im sure you'l get some good advice on here - I hope you have more luck with your grows in the future :peace:


Well-Known Member
really you need to start them in a large pot straight away i had an easy ryder that finished@ 41/2 ft and i got just over 2oz and that was under 300w cfl at the time
2 oz!! That's freaking amazing!!! How was the high? I ask only because I've got 3 easy ryders growing in soil as we speak, and I'm hoping for at least an oz. per plant.
PS: Great thread!