Direct Seeding Outdoors


I have 5 babies i'm about to put outside (10 more coming) non-feminized semi-mysterious autoflowering strain

Whats the best way to go about insuring a healthy start outside?

i've heard autoflower geneticists recommend just putting the seed in the soil!

i was considering germinating in solo cups, then putting those out immediately in small holes filled with a good topsoil mix (organic) and hit them with some basic organic ferts maybe once a month (2-3 times total in their lifecycle)

OR maybe just putting the seed into prepared plots of topsoil with some rooting hormone applied directly to the seed.

any input? thanks



Hey there.

I don't have much experience with growing direct outdoors, but I think the best solution would be dig a small hole in the ground, give your own soil mix there so the seedlings will not have a hard time sprouting from the ground and estabilishing a root system (that could happen if the ground soil would be inadequate).

The only things seeds need to sprout are - darkness, humidity, and a good "base" they are starting to grow on. However the seedlings are very fragile so it really depends on the location you are putting them at.


Well-Known Member
Good idea, keep it simple with just a big scoop you can remove quite a bit of soil and then 2 handfuls of a good mix to give them an advantage, then water often, afterwards they will acclimate quickly and spread roots immediately to the surrounding soil.
Hey there.

I don't have much experience with growing direct outdoors, but I think the best solution would be dig a small hole in the ground, give your own soil mix there so the seedlings will not have a hard time sprouting from the ground and estabilishing a root system (that could happen if the ground soil would be inadequate).

The only things seeds need to sprout are - darkness, humidity, and a good "base" they are starting to grow on. However the seedlings are very fragile so it really depends on the location you are putting them at.