Well-Known Member
i posted on speedy's forum bout my order being pending for 3wks after he got paypal, and posted an attitude order lol (with there mad freebies).just showing how stay keep you informed and dont make constant excuses bout only being one man and overwhelmed,speedy you should get yer shit together or get out of the bussiness,i ordered during a freebie sale(which he couldnt handle)now i hear of lost orders and reciepts?so guess even if pack comes prolly want get the freebies one good thing about speedies piss poor admin is that he'll prolly never respond to paypal dispute i filed either,and since i disputed it even if??? BIG IF my pack gets here ima send it back bet i can ship to him in under 2wks and im not in the biz. and the forum is just a biased tool to take your money cause my post containing 100% clean langauge and no insults was deleted??? everybody would have good reviews when they delete the bad ones. im not saying he's a crook just saying he is obviously in over his head and doing more than he can handle.the attitude(more than 15 x's) is the best then single seed(<-- sale this week 4 x's)dopeseeds(2 x's) then sensibleseeds(4x's) in my experience,SPEEDY'S is the only bad experience ive had from any
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