
i posted on speedy's forum bout my order being pending for 3wks after he got paypal, and posted an attitude order lol (with there mad freebies).just showing how stay keep you informed and dont make constant excuses bout only being one man and overwhelmed,speedy you should get yer shit together or get out of the bussiness,i ordered during a freebie sale(which he couldnt handle)now i hear of lost orders and reciepts?so guess even if pack comes prolly want get the freebies one good thing about speedies piss poor admin is that he'll prolly never respond to paypal dispute i filed either,and since i disputed it even if??? BIG IF my pack gets here ima send it back bet i can ship to him in under 2wks and im not in the biz. and the forum is just a biased tool to take your money cause my post containing 100% clean langauge and no insults was deleted??? everybody would have good reviews when they delete the bad ones. im not saying he's a crook just saying he is obviously in over his head and doing more than he can handle.the attitude(more than 15 x's) is the best then single seed(<-- sale this week 4 x's)dopeseeds(2 x's) then sensibleseeds(4x's) in my experience,SPEEDY'S is the only bad experience ive had from any

Have you tried this?
I have not read everything in here but I have ordered from speedy some months back, and had no problems.
I will say I was surprised he was using pay-pal. They have a habit of blocking and taking accounts from merchants who sell things that violates their "moral code".
They won't process payments from adult sites or sellers of adult items, so I am sure seeds is not on their OK list.
I wonder is Pay-pal figured out what was going on and jacked his account and balance?

Paypal doesn't have a moral compass. You can sell anything you'd like as long as it's acceptable in your country. The reason adult items were banned was because it cost them too much money, due to all the fraud that goes on in that particular industry. Paypal's dispute system is actually very good at weeding out the dishonest man.
Paypal doesn't have a moral compass. You can sell anything you'd like as long as it's acceptable in your country. The reason adult items were banned was because it cost them too much money, due to all the fraud that goes on in that particular industry. Paypal's dispute system is actually very good at weeding out the dishonest man.

gotta second this.
when paypal steps in, it's only because the financials aren't adding up/seem skewed for too long a time.
Have you tried this?
NAW i just started randomly bitchn here???i posted order on his pg. twice and mentioned ina thread bout the pending thing which he responded with the one man show thing,anyway it doesnt matter what you posted just proves my point
NAW i just started randomly bitchn here???i posted order on his pg. twice and mentioned ina thread bout the pending thing which he responded with the one man show thing,anyway it doesnt matter what you posted just proves my point
Yeah, it proves a point all right.

Maybe not the one you intended. :twisted:
NAW i just started randomly bitchn here???i posted order on his pg. twice and mentioned ina thread bout the pending thing which he responded with the one man show thing,anyway it doesnt matter what you posted just proves my point

What point? That you can't read? Posting on the forum and PM's are two different things their boss. And why the sarcasm to the guy who is just trying to help you?
wow 1 whole free seed. the tude blows speedy away in frees and price

WOW the 37 dollars I saved using speedy allowed me to buy myself another pack of fems of a strain that I ACTUALLY WANTED NOT SOME RANDOM FREEBIE!.

The tude beats speedy in price until you get to the Tudes shipping and then the rip-off begins.
no the point is they shoulda never been lost or misplaced you tards and ordering from him shouldnt require me to be on his site to see that post you posted lol PM's ?,Posts? i ordered i paid he ships isnt that how it works??he coulda sent that as email i wasnt aware that to order from him you had to be active in forum incase he fuk's up?
I paid for an order from Speedy Seedz on June 27th and have not seen anything yet. I am starting to wonder what the fuck is going on. I just purchased from Nirvana also and got them inna week. Sure hope I dint get fuckin ripped off.
no the point is they shoulda never been lost or misplaced you tards and ordering from him shouldnt require me to be on his site to see that post you posted lol PM's ?,Posts? i ordered i paid he ships isnt that how it works??he coulda sent that as email i wasnt aware that to order from him you had to be active in forum incase he fuk's up?

Once the shipment leaves the shop, Speedy (or any other business for that matter) has no control over the post office or volcanoes or whatever.

It is painfully obvious to everyone here that you are grievously butt-hurt because your beans did not arrive the moment you hit the Place Order button. We have explanied to you how we received our orders, but that makes no difference to you because we are TARDS.


Once the shipment leaves the shop, Speedy (or any other business for that matter) has no control over the post office or volcanoes or whatever.

It is painfully obvious to everyone here that you are grievously butt-hurt because your beans did not arrive the moment you hit the Place Order button. We have explanied to you how we received our orders, but that makes no difference to you because we are TARDS.


Agreed! :finger:
i love the speedy club forum. lots of good people over there. alot of which have gotten their orders. a few that i talkd to personally that live in the same region that i do. apparantly it took right at a month to get from speedy to southeast us. i ordered o june 18, so i should find out somethin before too much longer. so far no complaints other than ssssllllllloooooowwwww, but like was said before, the company cannot control the postal service, no matter how under- or over- staffed they are
in speedys defense i'm in the uk and get my beans within 2 working days i've ordered 3 times so far and like clockwork 2 days after ordering they arrive, my last order i put in during the volcano incident and expected to have to wait longer but no speedy paid the difference and i got them in the same time only difference i had to sign which isn't a problem here seeds are not illegal to sell just to germ, i'm obviously not up to date on who got what but like some1 said above once it's left the royal mail speedy has no control over it. oh yeah and with the volcano mail incident our standard post was way behind i still to this day have mail that hasn't arrived
A month to get seeds,That is pretty fucking lame....

theres been people that hav gotten them in america faster than that, but it seems like everyone that ive talkd to that ordered around the same time i did has taken about a month. that could be it dragon, if the royal mail thing is still all backed up...
So what you are saying is that all the other seed banks don't use the royal mail and that is why they get the seeds to Customers faster.

I have never had a order take more than 12 days even with the fucking volcano excuse that speedy liked to use as a reason.
A month to get seeds,That is pretty fucking lame....
I placed an order into the USA and after three weeks, speedy resent the order. The resend order showed up in less that two weeks. A week after that, the ORIGINAL order arrived. The postal markings showed it was in the mail for over a month.
It happens.