
Yep! I had bad experiences with everyone. Why? Cause my shit wasnt there the next day:( But bashin people gets u zip-zero. The day seeds are legal everywhere, is the day we dont have to worry about customs. Then we can get shit overnighted, sign for it, and thats that. Until then, shipping will always be a problem!
"""""attitude always gets it done right the first time"""""""". AMEN tingpoon. And speedy straightens shit??????he just makes excuses like its our fault he's understaffed and has no clue,one good thing bout him is he uses paypal so just as easily as he screws you he can get screwed.i tried speedy once and NEVER EVER again

Bullshit! I had my cc compromised from the Attitude twice out of 3 orders. It caused serious problems for me as I use my cc for traveling. Both times I was on the road and could not pay for travel expenses until a new cc was over nighted to me. Fuck the attitude, and fuck you, fanboy.
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arrived a june 12 could show ya 10 more orders just like it no issues EVER
have been on site and have mentioned the pending thing,but still says pending?just saying the "its just me doing it all excuse" is just that an excuse.So you guys do your thing,but my moneys on the TUDE always
Speedy is the shit. Purchased a piece and some seeds from him. Super fast, freebies, discrete, and only 5 dollar shipping. I have used Attitude 3 times and have had ZERO issues, just there shipping is expensive. I have used dope-seeds to and received in about a week.
Whah-Whah! ^^^ Speedy resent ur shit! Plus youll get mad freebies! I live in the Midwest, it takes the Tude 2-3 weeks to get here. It took Speedy 1! Not sure what ur talkin bout, the Tude gets it right all the time? Check the posts in here! All I see are complaints! Nobody is ever happy with The Tude, unless they get FREE shit. Then they get pissed if they get the FREEBIE mixed up!?.
I see all these Stolen CC # complaints, Orders wrong and dont get me started on their customer service. If u dont get ur shit, thats it! NO MAS! UNLESS, u paid the $30 for the Guaranteed shipping. Even then, its nearly impossible to get ahold of them. Ur lucky Speedy resent ur shit. Tude sure wouldnt.

Go check thru these threads, TONS of compalints, from the Tude, go ahead, ill wait.......

#1 Speedy #2 SingleSeedCentre #3 Hemp Depot #Dr. Greenthumb #5 The Tude, only if they got freebies!

I'm not sure what you mean by you''ll get mad freebies, he did send three freebies with the reship. I don't mean to bash anybody but I do want to let people know my expirience with the three seed banks I've ordered from. All good expiriences except the last one with Speedy. Two seperate orders at least a week apart not showing up. Now I'm sure all you guys have way more expirience with this stuff but how many of your orders vanished in the mail how about two in a row ? I probably should let it go and give Speedy the benefit of the doubt but I,ve noticed some funny activity with his business lately not sure what's going on he made some kind of announcement about missing a bunch of orders or something also another poster was having trouble getting his order of the same type with a different excuse, more like I'm soory I'll get to it right away and I'll make it up to you. there is definetly something fishy going on.
What is up with speedy's business with mass announcements " Orders still waiting I'm working thru everything at the minute and working out what needs resending." What happened did customs make a mass intercept of speedies orders ? How could things go so wrong dog eats reciepts what could prompted such an announcement when everything is so goooood. I probably should ask Speedy what happened and did this affect my two orders but I didn't feel he was completely honest the last time. Oh hurry and bury this post !!!!
socal its just another excuse lol i used his forum he actually responded to me bout the pending issue with my order(still not here from the dead or alive promo)with the excuse that he's understaffed like its customer's responsibility?now 2 wks later still says pending only tried him for freebie sale which i probably want get if he's lost orders,but ima sit back and wait see what happens doesnt matter really cause i still got the tude
If there wasn"t any problems with speedy seeds then why the mass forum wide announcement of having to resend. Maybe just not a problem with Your order but there obviosly was some kind of problem.The announcement did happen so there must have been a reason. It seems as if speedy doesn't want to inform the public on what happened, just dancing around it. If someone in the know could explain the announcement I would be very thankful.
Sorry to hear that,The attitude did not rip you off.
I have placed 15 orders with the tude and 4 being during the so called my credit card got hacked..
Amazing mine did not and all my orders have gotten to me in 8 days..
So all the tude bashers can go F+++ Themselves...
Not a tude basher at all. I've had good luck with them two orders to shipments. I'm just saying speedy is cool so I'll be using him for the next orders is all. He has a cool site also so you can speak to him regularly. Lots of good people over there.
What is up with speedy's business with mass announcements " Orders still waiting I'm working thru everything at the minute and working out what needs resending." What happened did customs make a mass intercept of speedies orders ? How could things go so wrong dog eats reciepts what could prompted such an announcement when everything is so goooood. I probably should ask Speedy what happened and did this affect my two orders but I didn't feel he was completely honest the last time. Oh hurry and bury this post !!!!

There was another post about losing $1000 and his "original" paypal account.

This is just speculation, but chances are he had a bunch of undelivered goods and got hit with disputes. What happens here is if you have a paypal balance it gets taken from you, if not youre given a negative balance. Since paypal can't take the money from your bank account they can only piggyback, what people do is immediately transfer funds to their bank. So whenever he got hit with the dispute his account goes negative, and new money goes toward that balance.

Most likely he's now moved to another paypal account as to negate that balance. You'll read a lot of these stories about eBay around christmas when the scammers come out in force.
Not a tude basher at all. I've had good luck with them two orders to shipments. I'm just saying speedy is cool so I'll be using him for the next orders is all. He has a cool site also so you can speak to him regularly. Lots of good people over there.

I guess what ever caused that announcement had no impact on you. Your one of the lucky ones, I still would like to Know what happened? my dog ate them, my child tore them up, my wife threw them in the trash some kind of explanation not just more happy customers that weren't affected by whatever caused forum wide anouncement.
There was another post about losing $1000 and his "original" paypal account.

This is just speculation, but chances are he had a bunch of undelivered goods and got hit with disputes. What happens here is if you have a paypal balance it gets taken from you, if not youre given a negative balance. Since paypal can't take the money from your bank account they can only piggyback, what people do is immediately transfer funds to their bank. So whenever he got hit with the dispute his account goes negative, and new money goes toward that balance.

Most likely he's now moved to another paypal account as to negate that balance. You'll read a lot of these stories about eBay around christmas when the scammers come out in force.

Thankyou Whiteflour that's the kind of information I was looking for something I can understand. I don't think Speedy's a bad guy just hit a big glich and is trying to work thru it.I think it might of helped if he had made an announcement earlier and with more details, to put everyone at ease instead of just waiting for complaints to pile up.
Thankyou Whiteflour that's the kind of information I was looking for something I can understand. I don't think Speedy's a bad guy just hit a big glich and is trying to work thru it.I think it might of helped if he had made an announcement earlier and with more details, to put everyone at ease instead of just waiting for complaints to pile up.

He seems like a stand up guy but he smells of drop shipping. No tracking numbers and it always seems to be big orders that are delayed and have complaints. Anybody making small orders seems to show up quick however. Any of kind of delay is risky business with paypal, but when you consider international shipping, expensive orders, and a 45-day delivery window, it spells disaster.

I would think he would've gotten on top of that after the volcano mess.
i posted on speedy's forum bout my order being pending for 3wks after he got paypal, and posted an attitude order lol (with there mad freebies).just showing how stay keep you informed and dont make constant excuses bout only being one man and overwhelmed,speedy you should get yer shit together or get out of the bussiness,i ordered during a freebie sale(which he couldnt handle)now i hear of lost orders and reciepts?so guess even if pack comes prolly want get the freebies one good thing about speedies piss poor admin is that he'll prolly never respond to paypal dispute i filed either,and since i disputed it even if??? BIG IF my pack gets here ima send it back bet i can ship to him in under 2wks and im not in the biz. and the forum is just a biased tool to take your money cause my post containing 100% clean langauge and no insults was deleted??? everybody would have good reviews when they delete the bad ones. im not saying he's a crook just saying he is obviously in over his head and doing more than he can handle.the attitude(more than 15 x's) is the best then single seed(<-- sale this week 4 x's)dopeseeds(2 x's) then sensibleseeds(4x's) in my experience,SPEEDY'S is the only bad experience ive had from any
I have not read everything in here but I have ordered from speedy some months back, and had no problems.
I will say I was surprised he was using pay-pal. They have a habit of blocking and taking accounts from merchants who sell things that violates their "moral code".
They won't process payments from adult sites or sellers of adult items, so I am sure seeds is not on their OK list.
I wonder is Pay-pal figured out what was going on and jacked his account and balance?