Indoor growing: artificial vs. natural sunlight

Sup guys, so I recently bought 5 white dwarves they came with a free gigabud and a quiksilver autoflowering I have about 10 weeks tops before I harvest, 11 weeks til I go back to college (im home for the summer). I plan on growing indoors.

My question is: Will my plants grow as fast using natural sunlight on my porch as they will if I buy grow lights and a fan, and prop them up in my closet? I dont have that much money, and Id end up spending another 170$ minimum for the equipment. This is my first grow so Im just wondering if the difference between equipment vs. natural sunlight on my porch is a big enough difference that I should spend the extra money.
oh and also, Im giving the gigabud and the quiksilver and maybe a few white dwarves to my sister for her birthday once they sprout (depending on how many fail). I only plan on keeping 2 or 3 white dwarves at my house, and they boast about a 60 day seed to harvest time although Im sure theyll take a little longer


Well-Known Member
If its a safe spot and they get a decent ammount of direct sun each day (8-10 hours), than thats ok. There is probobly alot of people who would use the sun if they can, but for obvious reasons we dont, ripoffs, and people seeing them (cops)(ripoffs in uniform) are the main reasons. We grow wonderfull shit indoors, but the sun has something we cant duplicate, and depending where you live, the strain you have may not have time to finish outdoors. If your in the north it better be done in mid-late sept. Some will need until november or in worse case even december, this you should know before you make that decision.
If its a safe spot and they get a decent ammount of direct sun each day (8-10 hours), than thats ok. There is probobly alot of people who would use the sun if they can, but for obvious reasons we dont, ripoffs, and people seeing them (cops)(ripoffs in uniform) are the main reasons. We grow wonderfull shit indoors, but the sun has something we cant duplicate, and depending where you live, the strain you have may not have time to finish outdoors. If your in the north it better be done in mid-late sept. Some will need until november or in worse case even december, this you should know before you make that decision.
so do you think an artificial would be better than, considering it could be under 24/0 rather than regular sunlight with the night cycle?


Well-Known Member
i think you should grow outdoor the first time and learn and then grow indoor and learn some more


Active Member
my light meter goes alot higher from direct sunlight coming through a window than it does under my 150w hps. if i could i would leave them out but ppl could see them through windows, plus its harder to control odor and light cycle (12 hours of complete darkness) may require moving plant daily


Well-Known Member
Its not necessarily whats better, its whats best for you, if you can line up equipment than by all means roll indoors, and again, if the spot isnt safe you want to get away from those who would hurt you. And obviously you can play god more so inside and control what light they get and when.


Can you use both indoor light and sunlight ie: move them out side during the day and back in at sunset? still keeping in the 18/6 and 12/12 cycles?


Active Member
Can you use both indoor light and sunlight ie: move them out side during the day and back in at sunset? still keeping in the 18/6 and 12/12 cycles?
I tried doing that while my plants were small and mobile...honestly, I think it stressed them out a little. It's almost impossible to put them under the lights at the exact same time every night and I think all the moving, different spectrums and inconsistent schedule stunted their growth a bit. As soon as I put them under an MH on 18/6 - they took off on a growing spree.

My advice would be to choose one method and stick with it. Prefer sunshine if it's safe.



I have mine laze in the sun during the day, and bring them in at night. But I'm not sure if its good for the plant some people say changing from the sunlight to artifical can stun the plants growth ? Can someone confirm this. It would be nice to know.


Well-Known Member
I put mine on my porch for 4 hours of the day and the rest under the lights...doesn't faze it the slightest.

Lights come on at 2 AM... 8 AM they are wheeled outside,..4 hours of sunlight..last 2 hours back under lights.

I wish I could leave them outside all the time...

Weed grown outdoors is completely different then indoor ...outside grown weed is always going to taste and smoke better ( Just my opinion after 30 years of smoking grass )...just something about being outdoors.

Next year Colorado is going to allow outside long as it is hidden from view.


Well-Known Member
I put mine on my porch for 4 hours of the day and the rest under the lights...doesn't faze it the slightest.

Lights come on at 2 AM... 8 AM they are wheeled outside,..4 hours of sunlight..last 2 hours back under lights.

I wish I could leave them outside all the time...

Weed grown outdoors is completely different then indoor ...outside grown weed is always going to taste and smoke better ( Just my opinion after 30 years of smoking grass )...just something about being outdoors.

Next year Colorado is going to allow outside long as it is hidden from view.
I could not agree more with this guy !! As a kid all i did is grow outside without a hitch beginners luck. And thats a understatement !! Not to mention that the light is free and you have the means to grow huge monster plants:hump:


Well-Known Member
I'm all for the sun myself, though I'm setting up to do a indoor winter. I'm fortunate enough to have a high glassed in porch and have plenty of camo. in my other plants. Supercropping is my friend ;) I've also seen outdoor grows that were 10-12 feet in the backyard while growing up. Safety first, if you don't think a window or outdoor grow is safe be sure your electric isn't overloaded and water stays away from all electrics. Happy Growing. p.s. if your outdoor in pots be aware of having to turn your plants as needed.