Different Phenotypes


Well-Known Member
So I'm growing some Blueberry and all of them were pretty much duds. The only female worth keeping was this tall, lanky, slender-leaved plant that looks 100% sativa...This is kinda weird considering Blueberry is mostly Indica...I knew I would get some different phenos with the BB but I didn't think it would be like this...There were no genetics worth passing on except for one badass, very indica dominant male I'm pollinating my WW with...So my main question is how is the smoke going to be of this sativa-looking plant? I mean BB is supposed to be an indica couch-lock type stone and I can't imagine this plant producing bud like that? So will the high off this bud be more sativa-like than off an indica dominant BB plant? Or will there smoke be the same?....Oh yeah and I'm only starting the 4th week of flower but the bud of this plant looks airy like a lot of sativas. While my WW's buds are all looking dense.

P.S. Don't order BB. I know it's not just me. I have 7 out of 10 lovely females of WW growing. And only 1 out of 10 of BB, but the one is a damn sativa freak! I wanted a nice bushy indica I could pollinate:evil:
No responses? Maybe I didn't word my question well. What I want to know is if there are any differences in the smoke of an inidica dominant pheno and a sativa dominant pheno of the same plant?
then you're having the problem i had.

wtf is up with dp anymore? :confused:
IDK but they kinda suck. I knew I should of ordered my BB from DJ Shorts, he's the only man to get BB from. But, DP's were half the price. So I guess I got what I paid for...Lesson learned, never ordering from DP again...Although, my WW from them is looking very good so far...
DP's were half the price. So I guess I got what I paid for...Lesson learned

it's definitely depressing :( i had the sativa dom bb prob well over a year ago, closer to two years, and they're STILL SELLING THE BUNK SEEDS!!!! geez.... (speculation from your experience...). i've not gotten anything from them since.

i've heard bb from bc is very decent... ;)
Thanks KP, I'll look into that...So were the BB seeds you got tiny too? I had a bad feeling about them as soon as I seen them...They were the tiniest little seeds I've ever seen.

absolutely; they almost looked as if the plant had no nutes at all in flower...

very small, dark tan, minimal striping (1-3 stripes per seed)

sound the same? could be the same batch.
prob not real bb seeds. i hate not getting seeds that dont come in a legit packet like they do overseas, but you cant really fault any seed company that still ships to usa for using stealth tactics.

ive only gotten seeds from plantet skunk, but every pack of seeds ive gotten has been nice and mature, 100% germ rate and produced some dank ass shit. plus only took 4 buisness days to arive.

but i seriously doubt the high would be 'that' different. its prob just as slight as it would be from smoking the buds of one plant from the same strain to another. im pretty sure to make a significant change to a factor like that would take a few generations to breed out or in.