Soil v hydro

Hi all right well am still pondering which way to go soil or hydro, will i get the same results the reason i am thinking of soil now is simple cash flow was gonna get a hydropod system but its costly but keep getting told my results will be so much better. my new cuttings are 1-2 day ready to go which ever way i chose. if i go with soil can any 1 advice a good mix thanx stuart
p.s please if u read this take a minuet to tell me your veiws the more the better


Well-Known Member
start in dirt just my 2 cents FFoF is the most popular soil cant get it in my area so i use Black Gold works great for me GL and welcome to RIU once ur ready for hydro though there are lots of good DIY tutorials on icmag forum in the hydro section best ones i have found so far are there looking into trying out hydro myself soon and also cant afford a store bought ;)


Well-Known Member
yeah i've done soil, nft, coco, clay and rockwool over the past few years
but this grow i'm back in soil
simplicity and tasty


Active Member
its you to the grower themselves an what you feel comfortable with also its a question of cost im just startin out an looked into both methods an decided to use soil as it was the cheapest of the two but you get good results from both theres about as much effort with either method an neither are very complicated so my advice would be chose which ever method you feel comfortable good luck and welcome to RIU

peace :joint::roll:


Active Member
I steered clear of soil just because it honestly sounded more difficult to me... the next grow I do will probably be soil because ive heard it is a different taste... but im doing dwc right now... i chose it because I couldnt think of anything easier that a bucket of water with an airstone in the bottom... but im having problems keeping my nutes right... Ive been using the dose they advise but always end up over a thousand in a few days... I guess its just super concentrated... its my first grow so ive made my share of mistake, although ive heard soil is more forgiving...


Active Member
I have smoked plenty of Hydroponic weed that tasted just great.

IMO strain, conditions and grow skill count more towards the taste than a particular method, i.e - ever smoke schwag latelty :)


New Member
start in dirt just my 2 cents FFoF is the most popular soil cant get it in my area so i use Black Gold works great for me GL and welcome to RIU once ur ready for hydro though there are lots of good DIY tutorials on icmag forum in the hydro section best ones i have found so far are there looking into trying out hydro myself soon and also cant afford a store bought ;)
Glad to see someone else using Black Gold! I'm here on the west coast and my plants love the Black Gold soil. In my opinion Fox Farms soil is overrated - full of gnats and too pricey!



Active Member
Dude, tell us that you just moved your plants into that area and took pictures and that you do NOT have a mirror around your growing plants. :)

Glad to see someone else using Black Gold! I'm here on the west coast and my plants love the Black Gold soil. In my opinion Fox Farms soil is overrated - full of gnats and too pricey!


Active Member
you can smoke your hydro all you want... yeah its got a great high...mind numbing at times... but you just wont beat the flavor,smell,taste etc. of soil... plus its way more forgiving. soil all the way... grow organic


Well-Known Member
you can smoke your hydro all you want... yeah its got a great high...mind numbing at times... but you just wont beat the flavor,smell,taste etc. of soil... plus its way more forgiving. soil all the way... grow organic
i agree with the taste but, growing hydro vs soil has nothing to do with amounts of THC


Active Member
well that is very true... i actually prefer the stone of outdoor over indoor hydro the stone anyways... its hammering... but i forgot to say was the yield factor and speed. you can pull alot more wieght in a shorter amount of time going hydro ...but you will never have the full flavor. thats all i meant. thc what we are all here for...


Active Member
I steered clear of soil just because it honestly sounded more difficult to me... the next grow I do will probably be soil because ive heard it is a different taste... but im doing dwc right now... i chose it because I couldnt think of anything easier that a bucket of water with an airstone in the bottom... but im having problems keeping my nutes right... Ive been using the dose they advise but always end up over a thousand in a few days... I guess its just super concentrated... its my first grow so ive made my share of mistake, although ive heard soil is more forgiving...
your ppm goes up because the plant is useing water and concentrating your nutes,Im on my first dwc grow and had the same problem,so in a panic I flushed and lowerd my nutes to 500 for around 36 hours and then after getting some advice from here I found that it was normal for that to happen,I have mine in 5 gal buckets and there doing good now ,Im useing the lucas formula you may want to do a read on that,lots of good info good luck. as far as hydro over soil,well the hydro is more costly in the begining because you need to buy a ppm and ph meter and calibration solution,if your handy you can make your own system very cheap,a 18 gal. roughneck tote a good air pump and air stones, some net pots(you can make those also)some nutes and you got a dwc set up for way less than one you could buy and work just as good,thats what I started in but I prefer 5 gal buckets,it gives me the option of moveing them around and the totes are a pain in the ass to move with 3 foot plants in them. good luck on whatever path you choose,if you go hydro those meters are the first thing on your list.


Well-Known Member
I'm in both soil and hydro and have never noticed a taste difference. Someone touched on it earlier where grower's skill, nutes, and genetics have a lot to do with flavor and I personally think using a hakko makes more of a taste difference than any growing style. For me, hydro yields a better product more consistently with maybe 15-20% better yields. I still do both but like the ease of hydro and the fact that tweaks can be made and differences seen in days. Each growing style has a place and I don't think one is necessarily better than the next, they just better fit the needs of the grower.


Active Member
I'm in both soil and hydro and have never noticed a taste difference. Someone touched on it earlier where grower's skill, nutes, and genetics have a lot to do with flavor and I personally think using a hakko makes more of a taste difference than any growing style. For me, hydro yields a better product more consistently with maybe 15-20% better yields. I still do both but like the ease of hydro and the fact that tweaks can be made and differences seen in days. Each growing style has a place and I don't think one is necessarily better than the next, they just better fit the needs of the grower.
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