New Member
There's only a few people in the know about buying this herb and it gets you high just like marijuana. Except it's not marijuana but the high is all in the same. I just recently bought this thing called "Love Potion" by eKoms-Top{.}com And 3 grams of it got me lit!! It tastes like smooth blueberry menthol and the high can be ranked with "Kind Bud" a 50/50 Indica/Sativa like buzz! A high that last about a good hour. BUT! The best thing about it is that if any chance you have to do a drug screening it will come back clean. (Unless you were on some other drug) And it will not create false positives when you do the test. So this is a good alternative to people who are on probation, parole, sport teams, job's with random testings, ect. Oh yeah. And it'll put you and your girl in the same level with ya. Seriously you got to try it! And it's been shown to sexual libido in both males and females! But I guess that's why they cleverly named it "Love Potion" LOL
$18 for 3 grams and free shipping anit bad.