First time trying it ... And it felt like the real thing plus more!!


New Member
There's only a few people in the know about buying this herb and it gets you high just like marijuana. Except it's not marijuana but the high is all in the same. I just recently bought this thing called "Love Potion" by eKoms-Top{.}com And 3 grams of it got me lit!! It tastes like smooth blueberry menthol and the high can be ranked with "Kind Bud" a 50/50 Indica/Sativa like buzz! A high that last about a good hour. BUT! The best thing about it is that if any chance you have to do a drug screening it will come back clean. (Unless you were on some other drug) And it will not create false positives when you do the test. So this is a good alternative to people who are on probation, parole, sport teams, job's with random testings, ect. Oh yeah. And it'll put you and your girl in the same level with ya. Seriously you got to try it! And it's been shown to sexual libido in both males and females! But I guess that's why they cleverly named it "Love Potion" LOL :blsmoke: $18 for 3 grams and free shipping anit bad. :joint:
I went to their website but it seems like they still havn't updated it yet.... It still has it's old products.... I've been a regular customer there cause like you said.... "a good alternative to people who are on probation" Yeah your right.... It never shows up on drug screens.... I still get high and still not goto jail! lol :p

I've been lookin' on eBay and I noticed it's only for sell there.... Is that how you got it? And by looking at the prices it's the cheapest I've found compared to $30 for 3 grams.... To me it looks like $5 a gram so that's $15 for 3 grams plus $3 shipping = $18 Not bad if I do say so myself!!
Yup bought it on eBay! I'm trying to get some before the ban here in Louisiana which is Aug. 15th 2010 for people that want to know. You guys got to try it before it gets banned everywhere. Just sayin'
Would you ask why doing bong rips of dirt is bad? If j sprayed jhw all over dirt would you smoke it?

Well that's basically what they did, just leaves and shit as opposed to dirt. Fake weed=not good
Would you ask why doing bong rips of dirt is bad? If j sprayed jhw all over dirt would you smoke it?

Well that's basically what they did, just leaves and shit as opposed to dirt. Fake weed=not good

Are u serious dawg? You're saying that smoking leaves is you smokin weed for then?:) Lol just saying

IMO it's not that bad but I wouldn't smoke it continuously for more than a week
its bad because its not the herb itself thats getting you high. its a chemical that they put on top of it that makes you high.

you can buy it as a research chemical i think you *really* want to smoke research chemicals?

*edit to add
i know that it says the negative health effects are similar to that of smoking cannabis, but we really have no idea about long term as its a relatively new chemical. we *do* however...have thousands of years of cannabis use with 0 deaths :D
Are u serious dawg? You're saying that smoking leaves is you smokin weed for then?:) Lol just saying

IMO it's not that bad but I wouldn't smoke it continuously for more than a week

Yeah dawg... You know just cause we can smoke pot doesn't mean we can inhale everything and be just fine. But hey, smoke away anybody who wants too. It's not my lungs lol
I guess it's all up to the person that tries it....

sarah22 thanks for tha input.... We really don't know tha long term yet but that also doesnt mean it's automatically bad.... And I believe you when you said, "have thousands of years of cannabis use with 0 deaths" YOUR DAMN RIGHT ABOUT THAT! But some people are on some type of drug testing (Work,Court,Sports,ect.) and they choose this as an alternative since they can't get the real thing.... I guess it's all up to the person that tries it....

And everyone who uses wikipedia.... Please take it with a grain of salt.... (To view it with a healthy degree of skepticism) Since wikipedia is written collaboratively by largely anonymous Internet volunteers....

And everyone who uses wikipedia.... Please take it with a grain of salt.... (To view it with a healthy degree of skepticism) Since wikipedia is written collaboratively by largely anonymous Internet volunteers....


much agreed :D it was, however, the first link available so i linked it lol i guess i kind of assume that people know wiki isnt the most reliable of sources hehe
There's only a few people in the know about buying this herb and it gets you high just like marijuana. Except it's not marijuana but the high is all in the same. I just recently bought this thing called "Love Potion" by eKoms-Top{.}com And 3 grams of it got me lit!! It tastes like smooth blueberry menthol and the high can be ranked with "Kind Bud" a 50/50 Indica/Sativa like buzz! A high that last about a good hour. BUT! The best thing about it is that if any chance you have to do a drug screening it will come back clean. (Unless you were on some other drug) And it will not create false positives when you do the test. So this is a good alternative to people who are on probation, parole, sport teams, job's with random testings, ect. Oh yeah. And it'll put you and your girl in the same level with ya. Seriously you got to try it! And it's been shown to sexual libido in both males and females! But I guess that's why they cleverly named it "Love Potion" LOL :blsmoke: $18 for 3 grams and free shipping anit bad. :joint:

Fluff at it's finest. I hate when companies create accounts to push their product on forums.
Fluff at it's finest. I hate when companies create accounts to push their product on forums.

you know, you dont have to be a mod to read all of someone's posts on this forum ;) ..... he's got 9 posts, the latest two of which are about this, in this thread.... the other 7 are random like they should be... not quite a spammer bro; but thanks for the help ;)

for the OP, if you REALLY like these blends, I suggest you go ahead and look into the research chemical world, specifically the jwh-xxx compounds, as that is most likely what you were getting 'high' off of..... just do it before august 15 when they will be completely illegal here in louisiana ;)
Yeah dawg... You know just cause we can smoke pot doesn't mean we can inhale everything and be just fine. But hey, smoke away anybody who wants too. It's not my lungs lol

Lol okay thats true. When I typed that I was just thinking about tobacoo and weed and how people figured out what to smoke. I mean they had to smoke other plants except tobacco and weed right? But then that doesn't make EVERY plant good to smoke.