So I was at my moms house...

Did it look anything like this? Cannabis seedlings, as said before, are pretty distinct. Most other seedlings are dainty little pussies.

haha, fuckin' dainty little pussies! lol

lol when i use to sell some of my best customers where over 50 shit before my dad died he would buy like a o a month off me
Several months back I was having probs transfering files to a thumb drive & my 26 yo son was helping when all the sudden there are pics of my closet full of babies in full regalia . . . . and a "pregnant silence" hung in the air like a nasty fart.
He didn't say anything but the thought process was obvious.

Kinda humorous I thought.
Several months back I was having probs transfering files to a thumb drive & my 26 yo son was helping when all the sudden there are pics of my closet full of babies in full regalia . . . . and a "pregnant silence" hung in the air like a nasty fart.
He didn't say anything but the thought process was obvious.

Kinda humorous I thought.

hahahaha niceeee.... your son doesnt grow?
Nope, he lives in a very unfriendly state.
But, he didn't know I do either but I guess he knows now! Nothing like 20 widow's in Scrog to illuminate that point.
Nah, all gone & besides, he's the good son. All good.

Thats good.. I can just picture it now haha.. If that happened in reverse with me my mom would be like "....You gotta be kidding me? You told me you wernt doing that!"... Then i would just laugh hysterically... My moms cool though, she wouldnt say anything.. She tokes every now and then but only admits it sometimes..
Thats good.. I can just picture it now haha.. If that happened in reverse with me my mom would be like "....You gotta be kidding me? You told me you wernt doing that!"... Then i would just laugh hysterically... My moms cool though, she wouldnt say anything.. She tokes every now and then but only admits it sometimes..
Its great to have a good relationship with family - I believe thats what this life is all about.
I think I am just going to be honest with her. I know they are MJ seedlings, and I just want to help her. Because in all honesty, she probably has not done too much research. But I dont want to steal her thunder so I am just going to buy her a book and leave it on her pillow. She will know exactly who it was from :P
Originally Posted by rd116
50 year olds can't grow and smoke??? lol don't tell me that shit i'll be 50 in a couple of years and i still plan on blazin and growing:)