This Piece, like the previous piece, is meant to be read top to bottom, and then bottom back up to top again

fragmenting life,
deceiving logic
principles die in cities,
like friendships worth remembering
Then break,
shouldn't you leave somewhere
shouldn't you care
somewhere down the river
we'll find each other
Go conceive sentiment
show me truth
from love to ashes on foam
driving the scenic route
my world conformed
in a shallow grave
telling my story
to conserve our hate
Or Kill my love
And steal my soul
God Can Save Me
But He won't
The old Me should have died
I was reborn
something had to happen
I wouldn't give up
but there was no succuess
suicide found me
simply bright melancholy light shattering away the dull monotony of our horrible existences. In the corner on the table shining the way to our thoughts and affecting our hearts through our thoughts it sits and burns raging as a reminder of time. Another unfortunate victim fell to its wonder and marveled at its splendor for hours trapped thinking of their love for the unknown next to them.
scolding the firelight the moonlight pierced through the glass of window exposing the utter uselessness of our technology, and the trepidation we experience from over exertion in the struggle for peace that we could find motionless is reflected in such glass. The chairs and tables flow into the carpet and other possessions of comfort to keep us alert and stimulated.
The millions of fake smiles spread over the miles of the world so as not to expose our cold un-bleeding hearts. Truth always threatening to shine through the grime of our concepts by ways of beaming rays of delight. Fickle people walk the earth to treat us to interesting tones, and the sad ones smile to cover the moans of pain not escaping their lips. Shadowing the false and showing us all for our cowardice in exploring the more vexing adventures of life for which we should strife and struggle the sun remains above all our governor and our guide through the mystic journey life may lay with fate at our disposal.
Traveling forever down the stairs that seem to never end, and back up them for some fun and to learn to condescend our fellows on the next step ahead. We Are Not convinced of our indecision, nor of our invasion of perfect harmony, making the light so simply bright with melancholy that we cannot shatter the glass that blocks the full effects of our lives and the respect that we should observe and conserve rather than waste on selfish thoughts.
Never ending steps and staircases that carry us to our dispositions stopping us from discovering our indecision and making the sunlight so bright because we cannot see it form the technology which brings the full darkness of the night confusing for us what is truly right.
So we develop concepts and thoughts to wonder of love, ignoring our lives true significance and forming an alliance with the false to put a stopper on pain... ignorance.
I'll walk down the road and enjoy the view even though I already knew that fate would bring destruction and ultimately understanding of the fact that we are corrupted and know nothing. I'll walk don the road and you will pass me by without even the thought of saying hi, so I will find peace in the near motionless and you will continue on ignorant and emotionless.
Her eyes were so simply bright that their melancholy light would shatter away the dull monotony of our existence and provoke in me the very feelings of love which invoke in me this sense of misguidance you find me writing of. Her eyes were so simply bright with their melancholy light shattering my hatred and reminding me of my love.
Slowly walking down the road of her line of sight I am comforted and left without the fright I would have for the future. Basking in the knowledge that I was one of the few that loved her let alone knew her.
"Supposedly real... I am intimidated by the phantoms. This life put forth I shall explore with love and nothing more." me
Watch the universe disperse into a million pieces and collapse into your mind as only your imagination may let you behold, feel the tension a stick of bamboo may feel in this scenario as only your imagination can grasp. Feel for the unpleasant mockery that any simple person may go through in a lifetime, in one moment, as only your heart can brave. Remember how this makes your next action be one of pure righteousness, as only the connection of your heart and mind may produce.
There is a young boy, and his tear stains are evident on his face as only the generations of suffering can produce, this young boy looks at you and it seems that all your problems are solved because he smiles, and the tear stains are irrelevant because your responding smile gives him the cure to all the generations his heart beats with. In you this boy sees what he can never have, and this he is content with because as long as he knows the beauty of that smile and the hope that it gave him at that one point he can now endure what ever pain and suffering the next smirk or ignorant passing of any arrogant onlooker may try to inlay on him.
Just sitting on a fence post,looking around at the BEAUTIFUL scenery,paying attention to detail. What a wonderful place you have.
love how no matter the person on this site, can all picture the same thought in the heads at the exact moment we read your stuff.
Awesome man!
2 month Growth pics are only a week and a half away! They are growing faster now than last month :wink:

hey those pics really show how much growth happens so quicly thats crazy !

I loved the forward and backward ones.

I guess i have rep'ed you too recently to do it again, i don't remember doing it but i'm sure you deserved it.

+spiritual rep brother
I can't believe I ended up reading through this entire thread-- it might be a personal best. It's been interesting reading about your grow from your oak tree endeavor to present. Your grow looks fantastic, and this thread has been enjoyable as well as insightful. Thanks to you and those who have shared their experiences. I've 'scribed.

TLD, you strike me as an old soul-- which is a rarity in today's world. It's refreshing to see an outlook such as yours. I wish you and yours well. Cheers.
thanks Countryfarmer.....

I ran out of nutrients to feed my ladies, pretty much all the plants were due for a feed today, so this is what I did.

Had 2 lb.s of Seabird guano.... So I spread that all around the sides of ALL of the beds (its a thin yellow powder) about 6 to 10 inches out. I put 1/2 inch layer of Gardner & Bloom Soil Building Compost over that, and G&B Earth Worm Castings on top of that. Mixed it together a little bit.

I mixed up Gardner & Bloom Harvest Supreme, Steer Manure, and Earth Worm Castings, and spread it in the isles.

I top dressed INSIDE of the beds of all of the largest plants, and plants that have been transplanted the longest, with a mix of: Gardner & Bloom Soil Building Compost, Gardner & Bloom Harvest Supreme, Gardner & Bloom Blue Ribbon soil, and Fox Farms Ocean Forest. This was all mixed together and laid out in a layer about an inch to two inches thick inside of the beds.

After all the amendments and top dressings were set out I watered thoroughly.

A couple days ago I put 12' posts in the ground about along the largest PK plants. One fell over today on top of a Nutes Green Goblins Haze (Center Isle), it broke half the branches on one side of the plant :(. Im not sure if I am going to try to tie the branches up, or just cut them off.... a couple are only hanging on by threads.... might cut some off and leave some on to mend......
Thanks for the update on how you top and side dress TLD. I'd throw some rep your way, but I appear to need to spread it around a little bit more before hitting you again, lol.
Not the pk :( That is a bummer man. I have a branch that looks like a squirel or something jumped on it and bend it down. Its barley hanging too. I was point to tie it up, but have considered taking it off too.
Posting all that was in response to Spukoo4U...... one of them I wrote on the spot..... the others I wrote quite some time ago......

TLD... You are a very lucky man to be able to have such an outlook on life.... your words have gave me courage and re-sparked some hope inside me once again man... I think Karma is coming through for me this time, though still a few weeks away! I just would like to say Thank You brotha, you helped mend a fractured spirit, actualy you brought a tear or two to my eye...Im short on time right now so i'll get back with more later PEACE and HAPPINESS for the both of you;) Congratulations:)
TLD... You are a very lucky man to be able to have such an outlook on life.... your words have gave me courage and re-sparked some hope inside me once again man... I think Karma is coming through for me this time, though still a few weeks away! I just would like to say Thank You brotha, you helped mend a fractured spirit, actualy you brought a tear or two to my eye...Im short on time right now so i'll get back with more later PEACE and HAPPINESS for the both of you;) Congratulations:)

Thanks man, means a lot! Im short on time right now too, be back later :)