Still Growing.400watt/Multi-Strain


Well-Known Member
thx everybody..

@chainseeker.. i'm still in it, i aint pick what i want to enter yet. Somebody gotta compete wit sicc for the yield.


Well-Known Member
i fucced up yesterday, i took my new tegu outside to bask while i clean his cage. i came back out to get him, he climb up my arm jumped n ran. i stayed outside for like an hour lookin for him. sucks. i'm goin today to see about another on, maybe a nile monitor.


Well-Known Member
he was only bout 9-12 inches, he's out there.. hopefully i see him basking in the sun one day. but i got another, almost got the nile.. but they are wayy more aggressive and they get 7 ft, i just dont wanna deal with that. tegu's are very aggressive especially golds.. but i got another one he is a little smaller than the other one was. i'm goin to name itthe same thing, cuz i dont feel like pickin a new one.
new pics tonight after lights on.


Well-Known Member
damn dude im sorry for your loss... get something even more gangsta like that nile moniter!!! or a komondo dragon lol


Well-Known Member
damn dude im sorry for your loss... get something even more gangsta like that nile moniter!!! or a komondo dragon lol
lol, the nile monitor is to gangsta.. imma stick wit this tegu. them komodo's is poisonous, i cant fuck wit that. but my dude got cobras n shit.

@ sicc, i just sold a cornsnake to my neighbors kids, cool snakes.. but im on a sxotic reptile kick.


Well-Known Member
Young Power Kush

White Widow

Power Kush


White Widow

White Widow(seeded Bud)

Power Kush

Group Shot
Hell yeah, looking good man. Even the "seeded" White Widow looks alright. I'd rather have 'Sensimilla' buds.. but I understand sometimes things happen. ;)

also, I noticed in the background of one of these pictures.. you have one of those 'whiteboards' with a calender outlined on it. I too use those. I have two of them though. One for veg.. one for flowering so I can keep track of everything. Nice!

Good job man.. those buds look grrrreeeaat!! (Tony the Tiger).. ;)



Well-Known Member
I had a green iguana once. When I was little..

It was a girl.. and I named her Erica. She was a nice lizard.. until she got to be about 6.5ft long. She had this big long tail.. and if she got mad at ya.. she'd let ya know. She'd hiss at you.. and then if that didn't work... she'd whip you with her tail. I can't even count the times I got whipped with her tail.. and it hurts!! There were no "love taps"... it was an all out WHIP! SMACK!! and believe me!! It would leave a mark.. sometimes it'd even leave a nice whelp and red mark.. wherever the tail hit you at.

I had her for about 7 years.. before she past away on me. Miss ya Erica!!!

Now that you guys have brought back memories.. I kinda wish I had another Iguana. Maybe some day I'll get another one.. I sure miss having one.

I've got two dogs, a golden retriever and.. a Heinz57 mix. Funny thing is, is Golden's are a very very intelligent breed of dogs.. very very loyal and great around kids. But, the Heinz57 (named him Rufuss).. but yeah he's the smartest dog I've ever had. Hands down.

He's black, with brown feet; and then he's got this beautiful white single stripe.. that runs down from the center of his neck, down to his chest.. very beautiful dog.. and I wish I knew what all he had in him.. because he's just a wonderful dog. I wouldn't trade either one of them for anything..

but anyhow, just felt like putting in my 2cents.



Well-Known Member
Hell yeah, looking good man. Even the "seeded" White Widow looks alright. I'd rather have 'Sensimilla' buds.. but I understand sometimes things happen. ;)

also, I noticed in the background of one of these pictures.. you have one of those 'whiteboards' with a calender outlined on it. I too use those. I have two of them though. One for veg.. one for flowering so I can keep track of everything. Nice!

Good job man.. those buds look grrrreeeaat!! (Tony the Tiger).. ;)

i love sinsi buds too, i seeded those myself, for future projects. i also keep a written journal like a composition notebook along with the calender.

lol @ the last part..


Well-Known Member
I had a green iguana once. When I was little..

It was a girl.. and I named her Erica. She was a nice lizard.. until she got to be about 6.5ft long. She had this big long tail.. and if she got mad at ya.. she'd let ya know. She'd hiss at you.. and then if that didn't work... she'd whip you with her tail. I can't even count the times I got whipped with her tail.. and it hurts!! There were no "love taps"... it was an all out WHIP! SMACK!! and believe me!! It would leave a mark.. sometimes it'd even leave a nice whelp and red mark.. wherever the tail hit you at.

I had her for about 7 years.. before she past away on me. Miss ya Erica!!!

Now that you guys have brought back memories.. I kinda wish I had another Iguana. Maybe some day I'll get another one.. I sure miss having one.

I've got two dogs, a golden retriever and.. a Heinz57 mix. Funny thing is, is Golden's are a very very intelligent breed of dogs.. very very loyal and great around kids. But, the Heinz57 (named him Rufuss).. but yeah he's the smartest dog I've ever had. Hands down.

He's black, with brown feet; and then he's got this beautiful white single stripe.. that runs down from the center of his neck, down to his chest.. very beautiful dog.. and I wish I knew what all he had in him.. because he's just a wonderful dog. I wouldn't trade either one of them for anything..

but anyhow, just felt like putting in my 2cents.

cool, iguanas are pretty aggressive too, these tegus will tail whip the shit outta you, and the his too.
i have 2 of my own dogs, that are pit bulls, but i have 4 outside that i am working with for some friends.
for me the be the type of person most see me as you would never think i had any of the animals i just a animal lover i guess.
plus crackheads dun like snakes, keeps them fuccers from front door.