not human urine though.lovely garden fdd, but if i remeber right you got horsa manure for your garden form some sort of farm or stable ( i think) and that would mean that all your horse poo has been mixed with their pee.
exactly!!!not human urine though.
Why can't you buy gallons of human breast milk at safeway?
Cause it's just wrong.
Same as pissing on your plants.
Yeah buddie! Just check out my profile page. I harvested 105lbs off of 65 plants last year.....without pissing on them tohey protoligest you got any grows i can checkout
When you grow on the scale that I do, most everything to do with cultivation is free. Kinda feel like a rockstar. When you have everything, everyone wants to give you everything. When you have shit, that is what people want to give you.
Organic pertains to Hydrocarbons....You are confusing ALL NATURAL with ALL ORGANIC.....Moreso, the chemical analysis of human urine is pretty crazy. Lastly, they sell BAT POOP, COW POOP, CHICKEN POOP etc....NOT BAT PEE, COW PEE, CHICKEN PEE....for a reason
But, to each their own. What works for me may or may not for u and vice versa. Im not close minded on the subject . I personally dont care if you pee all over them or not. I am just letting you know that Human Urine is not Organic, even if you only consume organic products.
Peace, Love, and Happiness
Very respectable. and thanks for some new knowledge. I wish to only comment on the ammonia smell factor. Just because there is not an odor of it, does not mean there isnt XYZ amount of ammonia within solution. Good luck to all as well, no matter if you use pee, or notI'd like to point out that though your absolutely right regarding ammonia, human urine does not become ammonia when it has been composted. The proof is that there is no ammonia smell coming from my compost pile. I assume that the abundant proliferation of earthworms under my pile is also a testimony to the health and nutrients of my compost. If you do a search regarding this topic you will find that overwhelmingly the research into human waste fertilization shows positive results, and that this practice is literally as old as agriculture itself ( see Asian use of "night soil" ). Now I'm not suggesting introducing human feces into my compost ( like the Asians do ) , however I have it on good authority that even if I were to go that route the possibility of contamination through waste borne pathogens is almost non-existent as those pathogens just don't stand a chance against the microorganisms present in healthy soil. I have tested my compost ( with one of those test kits you can buy at most nurseries ) and for N-P-K all results were top of the scale. Where as I do enjoy these intelligent debates, I quite frankly have absolutely no trust in corporate America to provide a clean and healthy product. As I said before, I know every single thing down to the last coffee ground that is introduced into my compost, and thereby passed along to my gardens. Further more, I have friends who grow that are not only impressed with growth of my plants, but are simply amazed that I have yet to see any spider mites, aphids, or other harmful beasties. A study in Finland also found this to be a benefit of using urine as fertilizer. I like to compare what I am doing to sex. Yes in gardening and in sex there are technologies existing today that have not always been available, but IMO some things are just better when done with tried and true techniques literally thousands of years old.
Good luck to all no matter how you choose to grow.
those are some good lookin piss free plants man fair doosI only used Fox Farms Organic Big Bloom and said soil. I yielded 105 lbs off of 65 gurls....What was that about put up or shut up?
The second picture in, is a 16 foot tall Querkle X Vortex. I planted it next to a 20 foot pine tree. I GOT 6lbs 2 oz. off her.
I won a total of 5 awards from last years crop. FYI---HUMAN URINE IS NOT ORGANIC
PS....Put your pee in the toliet where it belongs![]()
I agree very much. However, they always let any animals shit compost for a period of time to where the urine and ammonia are removed from said shit that gets sold to the publicgenerally speaking all animals piss where they shit,unless i am missing something animal urnine is mixed with there shit when its collected
No, not yet, not in America. However, this urine as fertilizer has gained so much momentum that the Finns and Swedes have begun production on a new toilet design that will have separate compartments for solid and liquid waste. This is due to the fact that these Nordic countries have had extensive problems with human waste nutrient pollution causing red tide blooms. From the research which established this fact, came the studies about applying human urine as a fertilizer. The results of the urine as fert study concluded that crops grown with urine fertilizer outperformed those grown using commercially available fertilizers. ( check out this link ) Also, if you would all just google human urine as fertilizer you will get over 600,000 hits which bear out the usefulness of urine as a fertilizer. If you still have doubts, why not try a side by side comparison? Of course, to simulate my own results would require that you compost said urine in compost comprised of roughly 25% duck manure as well.I agree very much. However, they always let any animals shit compost for a period of time to where the urine and ammonia are removed from said shit that gets sold to the public
I just thought of something else to. If urine was SO BENEFICIAL to cannabis cultivation, dont you think major companies like Fox Farms, Humboldt, Advanced Nutrients would include human urine in their fertilizers? After all its really economical.....but has very little application in modern cultivation.
Peace, Love, and Happiness
Very nice and maticulate piece! Good knowledge, and a respectable projection of your message. I believe, that there is no disputing the historical usage of human urine in agriculture. For those who smell "ammonia" in their urine or any other urine, its actually high concentrations of bonded Nitrogen. This Nitrogen that is so beloved by urine fertilization users is very different in its molecular structure than the Nitrogen that is found in commercial grade fertilizers,partialy. The nitrogen molecules that are found in urine are very distinct and uniform in regards to urine. Human Urine Nitrogen in a molecular structure is a triple covalent bond. It shares three pairs on electrons within its bond. Scientifically, it is the least used by cannabis, as well as, the hardest to intake. That is scientific fact, not heresay.No, not yet, not in America. However, this urine as fertilizer has gained so much momentum that the Finns and Swedes have begun production on a new toilet design that will have separate compartments for solid and liquid waste. This is due to the fact that these Nordic countries have had extensive problems with human waste nutrient pollution causing red tide blooms. From the research which established this fact, came the studies about applying human urine as a fertilizer. The results of the urine as fert study concluded that crops grown with urine fertilizer outperformed those grown using commercially available fertilizers. ( check out this link ) Also, if you would all just google human urine as fertilizer you will get over 600,000 hits which bear out the usefulness of urine as a fertilizer. If you still have doubts, why not try a side by side comparison? Of course, to simulate my own results would require that you compost said urine in compost comprised of roughly 25% duck manure as well.
Oh, and upon researching the ammonia issue. Urine, regardless of what it came from, must pool, puddle, or exist in a highly saturated environment ( like the litter in a horse stable ) where it can basically go stale for it to convert to ammonia. One reason that those who use manure from stables allow it to compost and dry before it is used. In the composting/drying process the ammonia rather rapidly converts to a gas and evaporates out. Fresh urine, either diluted and applied immediately to plants or added to an active compost pile just doesn't convert to ammonia. Also, the N-P-K available in urine ( especially the N ) is in a form that has been found to be one of the fastest acting and most easily absorbed forms for plants.
When I first began posting on RIU ( this is first grow indoors for me ) I was told by grow gurus to study, study, study and research, research, research. Of the more than 600,000 articles I got when I googled, I didn't come across even one that had anything negative to say about using urine as fertilizer. No I didn't read them all, but after about 30 without finding anything negative it seemed safe to assume that the overwhelming evidence is that this is a valuable, free, and yes, organic alternative to commercial ferts which, by the way, are overwhelmingly petroleum based.
Oh, and I found the answer to the guy who remarked that dog piss kills lawns. In actuality it is only female dog pee that kills lawns, and it is the high concentration of estrogen in female dog urine that kills grass. If it is male dog urine killing grass, than it is because the owner isn't watering enough and the grass is dying from serious nutrient burn. If grass is already water deprived, it will quickly wick up dog urine ( seeking to obtain the moisture ) and then die from over fertilization.
Let's keep this debate alive until harvest time. I'd love to see side by side comparisons. Need to find another Colorado outdoor grower who uses commercial ferts that I can compare my crop to.
GREAT READ!! Thanks for the link fdd! I have one conclusion after reading all of that. Humans, can be extremely foolish, especially when combatting boredom! Just foolishness.nobody will tell me why they aren't drinking it.
Urine therapy refers to one of several uses of urine to prevent or cure sickness, to enhance beauty, or to cleanse one's bowels. Most devotees drink the midstream of their morning urine. Some prefer it straight and steaming hot; others mix it with juice or serve it over fruit. Some prefer a couple of urine drops mixed with a tablespoon of water applied sublingually several times a day. Some wash themselves in their own golden fluid to improve their skin quality. Many modern Japanese women are said to engage in urine bathing. The truly daring use their own urine as an enema. Urine is not quite the breakfast of champions, but it is the elixir of choice of a number of holy men in India where drinking urine has been practiced for thousands of years. The drink is also the preferred pick-me-up for a growing number of naturopaths and other advocates of "nature cures." The main attractions of this ultimate home brew are its cost, availability and portability. It is much cheaper than that other "water of life," whiskey (uisge beatha), which also has been hailed for its medicinal qualities. Unlike whiskey, however, urine is always available, everyone carries a supply at all times, and, for most people, there are no intoxicating side effects. Furthermore, the urge to overindulge is almost absent when drinking urine. The same can't be said for good single malt such as Highland Park or a good whiskey such as Black Bush.
exactly.ahhh....thats cause it is brotha!![]()
My deduction is that, if they dont mind smoking it, they certianly cant mind bathing, or drinking, or even snorting it for that matterexactly.![]()
can i do you a solid and weed your garden? someone's got to do itOk all you freaks who dis on anyone who uses urine as part of fertilization strategy, I say put up or shut up. If you can't compete then stay in your seat. For your consideration I present to you what can be accomplished using pure organic techniques ( which include peeing on my compost ). Look at the color, size, number of bud sites, lack of insect infestation, you name it and then tell me... No SHOW me that you can do better with your store bought crap. Did I mention that all my ferts are free? Anyways here is my proof.
This monstrous plant still has almost three months to go in the season and has just begun the preflower stretch.
So, if you can't post anything this awesome that you have grown with your toxic soup of mass produced chemicals ( which by the way, you have no idea where those nutrients were derived while I know every single thing that goes into my compost ) than I would say your argument against urine just doesn't hold any water.