Organic Soil Issues, Please Help! PICS



Hello, this is my first time posting in this forum. I have been visiting and learning alot the past couple of years. Had plenty of successful grows. I stopped growing for about a year and started again.

So I will start by saying I have a soil issue on my hands. I basically took a 5 gallon homer bucket and dumped a half pound of BMO bat guano (0-7-0), a full pound of BMO worm castings (1-0-0), a pound of perilite, and filled the rest with organic mechanics premium blend potting soil (

My plants have been growing for 4 weeks now and are seriously stunted in growth! It is growing but very slowly. The lower leaves have become light yellow with brown spots. I have been letting the plant dry and water heavy and have been repeating this process to flush out the guano.

I have a 3x3 grow cabinet with 2X150 watt HPS. My temps stay between 68 (no lights on) - 82 (with lights on). I am almost positive it has to do with my soil. Although I am not sure how to correct this problem????? I have been holding on hoping they will recover but they dont seem to be improving. Will my plants ever grow normal after this?


The first pic is lemon skunk and the second is sweet deep grapefruit...



Active Member
maybe add some nitrogen? mine turned yellow and was growing slower than shit so i put some nitrogen into the soil and they exploded. i mixed 2 square feet of soil with 2 tablespoons of bloodmeal and 1 tablespoon of bone meal. then some steer manure and some pearlite


I have them in 2 gallon pots which is their final resting place so I can't really change the soil at the point without doing damage to the roots. I also thought it was nitrogen I was lacking. I was looking at getting some alaska fish fertilizer (5-1-1). Any other suggestions before I go this route???


Active Member
yeah dont use alaska fish ferts. i used those and it sorta works. but not too well. i use daniells plant food. its a seed extract thats 10-0-0 but thats just for alternate waterings. it gives them a boost of nitrogen. you can also take those plants out and remix the soil. just flip the pot and catch the soil and plant then lightly break away the dirt. the plant should be fine. i just transplanted my plant twice cause i found a better spot and its ok. i would deffinately use the blood meal though. cause its got lots of nitrogen

red fury

Active Member
Sure u can transplant them outta those pots down the line. just be real careful and be as stressfree as possible.


Active Member
i broke a root ball like the size of a large orange off my sensi star like 2 weeks ago and its still doing great


thanks for the suggestions. I have already moved from a dixie cup to a smaller pot to the 2 gallon pot. I really dont want to have to change the soil if I have to.

How long does guano and worm casting last in a soil mix?

Also I dont believe Daniels plant food is organic. I only grow with organic products thats why I want to get the alaska fish fertilizer. Any one have any issues with this product before? I am saying this because I already went out and purchased


Well-Known Member
Maybe get a light nutrient for seedlings and clones, usually seedlings dont need and nuits I had a friends that just started hydro and was using pure water for a bit and I gave him a light nutrient to use. Try and avoid burning ur plant.


what kind of bat guano is that specifically from BMO? guanos release at different times if Im not mistaken.
To be honest I am not quite sure. I bought the guano and worm casting mix on ebay. On the bag is just displays "bat guano"

I always use to mix some guano and worm castings in my soil mix without issue in the past. I just got lazy with this one and just starting dumping shit in the bucket. I WILL NEVER MAKE THAT MISTAKE AGAIN!

I have been flushing and they have grown a new set of leaves. I should get my alaska fish fert beginning of next week and hopefully they take off after I start using it.


Active Member
yeh it was a little late when i replied - you probably didnt need all that fert with such young cuttings.

and at that size, and how long you said they have been "growing" for - i dont even know how much root mass you would have right now. sounds like that is something you may not even have MUCH of right now.


You may be right. I know when I moved them into their 2 gallon pots there wasnt much root mass. I think for now I am going to leave them in the pots. If after I starting using the fish fert and I don't see any results I will try remixing the soil...

I have my trainwreck and white rhino which is a week old that is doing great! I just used that organic mechanics premium blend soil for my little seedlings and I have had no issues. But I would really like for that lemon skunk and sweet deep grapefruit to take off!!!!!