name that deficiency w/ pics


Active Member
Ok so i am growing sour D and AK 47. I am growing in half coco and half roots organic soil. I stopped using cal mag on advice of a guy from advanced nutrients. Shortly after i noticed yellowing on a couple of the plants. I flushed with plain water and a light cal mag solution 2 times with about 4 gallons total each pot (5 gallon pot) untill the runoff was at 6.3 (the water i put in was 6.0). Then 2 days later i watered with a guano tea. 2 days after that i watered and the runoff was all between 6.1 and 6.3. Now today i watered with 6.0 and the runoff was at 5.6. I raised the ph of the water to 6.4 and it all came out at 5.8-6.3. My questions are:
1) what is the deficiency?
2) why did the runoff change so much in 2 days (is it because it took that long for the guano to break down?)
3) what do i do?



Active Member
I also wanted to say that all the plants are recieving the same nutes and only the ones nearest the lights are showing defeciencies. I thought it was bleaching but i have buds 8 inches closer to the light with no burn. The socond pic shows the worst of the deficiency and it seems it is only the Sour D. Also i am using AN 2 part and basically all their additives except for Hammerhead. I am in the 4th week of flowering currently. Thanks for the help.


Ok so i am growing sour D and AK 47. I am growing in half coco and half roots organic soil. I stopped using cal mag on advice of a guy from advanced nutrients. Shortly after i noticed yellowing on a couple of the plants. I flushed with plain water and a light cal mag solution 2 times with about 4 gallons total each pot (5 gallon pot) untill the runoff was at 6.3 (the water i put in was 6.0). Then 2 days later i watered with a guano tea. 2 days after that i watered and the runoff was all between 6.1 and 6.3. Now today i watered with 6.0 and the runoff was at 5.6. I raised the ph of the water to 6.4 and it all came out at 5.8-6.3. My questions are:
1) what is the deficiency?
2) why did the runoff change so much in 2 days (is it because it took that long for the guano to break down?)
3) what do i do?
hey dude i aint a expert at solveing defs, but if you use google search for ganja guerrilla hall of marijuana plant abuse. it s a good site with loads of pics of plant problems. hope it helps and good luck with the growbongsmilie
cant name the problem but i noticed some leaves are curling, you might wanna check ur temp of the room and make sure its between 70-80 degrees for optimum growth.


Active Member
WOW! what happened to this forum. I have been lurking for a while and i finally started contributing and now i cant get an answer to a simple question! ITs a sad day at RIU!


Active Member
hey iscrog.

I'm running 100% coco, mostly Blue Dream, but I have a few Sour D's, and they are the ones showing most of the problematic symptoms. I'm using Canna nutes though, and I've been adding additional Ca (and will be picking up some Mg soon, i think that's my issue actually). That said, since I'm running pure coco, and not GH products, I would do a control group and start ratcheting up the Cal/Mag and see what happens right?

Second, what kind of guano was it? different types release at different times. Some are slower vs faster than others.


Well-Known Member
you care too much.

seriously. you've caused these problems by flushing. nobody should need cal/mag as it is in the base nutes already, feed enough of those and there is enough cal/mag by default.

wait for your plants to dry out and give a good feed witht he bases, then leave them alone.


Active Member
I used mainly indonesian with a bit of Peruvian sea bird guano and some BC kelp extract mixed it all together and put it under the airstone for 4 days. I cant really do a control group as it is only really 2 of the plants. I am gonna add straight water with a bit of extra cal mag for those 2 i guess. I repped you thanks for the help!


Active Member
well i just know that 100% coco needs a bit of extra Cal/Mag to go with Canna's nutes. That's all I know.

hey is that Sunleaves Peruvian? that's a 10-10-2 if so.

@Rusty - i was gonna post those links earlier. Good stuff. I went for something with pics though. since we all like purty pics. well, plant problems arent pretty but yah get the ideeer ;)

how many times did you flush iscrog? For the record, I knew a duo that SWORE by flushing, they would clearex like every 7 - 10 days. Did mostly SourD indoors. Killed it from what I was told by my friend who i knew them through. So who knows. That's what I've enjoyed about 100% coco so far - no flushing; till the very end of course - or unless you make a mistake.


Well-Known Member
well i just know that 100% coco needs a bit of extra Cal/Mag to go with Canna's nutes. That's all I know.

hey is that Sunleaves Peruvian? that's a 10-10-2 if so.

@Rusty - i was gonna post those links earlier. Good stuff. I went for something with pics though. since we all like purty pics. well, plant problems arent pretty but yah get the ideeer ;)

how many times did you flush iscrog? For the record, I knew a duo that SWORE by flushing, they would clearex like every 7 - 10 days. Did mostly SourD indoors. Killed it from what I was told by my friend who i knew them through. So who knows. That's what I've enjoyed about 100% coco so far - no flushing; till the very end of course - or unless you make a mistake.
I grow in coco and never use cal/mag supplements. i thought coco leached K, not cal/mag.


Well-Known Member
I used mainly indonesian with a bit of Peruvian sea bird guano and some BC kelp extract mixed it all together and put it under the airstone for 4 days. I cant really do a control group as it is only really 2 of the plants. I am gonna add straight water with a bit of extra cal mag for those 2 i guess. I repped you thanks for the help!
You'll need somebody with experience in organic growing to help you, i have none so cannot give sound advice. sorry.


Active Member
I grow in coco and never use cal/mag supplements. i thought coco leached K, not cal/mag.
maybe buzz Jberry and see what he says. I dunno. this is my 1st coco grow, and i coulda swore dialogue I've had with him, and what i've read in the coco threads seem to indicate that. I could be wrong. will add to my homework list :P


Well-Known Member
maybe buzz Jberry and see what he says. I dunno. this is my 1st coco grow, and i coulda swore dialogue I've had with him, and what i've read in the coco threads seem to indicate that. I could be wrong. will add to my homework list :P
either way though the bases contain enough of all the nutrients necessary for a full grow.

I know H&G put more calcium in their cocos formula...b ut i've never had a problem using any nutes in coco.


Active Member
hmm interesting. My problems aren't too bad right now, but I'm definitely monitoring closely. But so far, I've been stoked with my coco grow.