Advice on guerilla watering techniques


Active Member
I have two plants in the middle of nowhere that I transplanted into the ground last week. They are doing well, but are requiring more water than I had originally anticipated, which is calling for more frequent visits to the plot. Never a good thing. I have access to the are via 4-wheel drive road if nessesary, but again, stealth is the priority here. I have thought about hauling a 55 gallon drum of water to the site and setting up drips off of that. Do you think this would be enough water for 2 plants for the rest of the season? Here's some latest pics from 007.jpggarden 003.jpg


55 gallons weighs approx. 450 lbs. that would be a bitch to haul out to your site by yourself. collecting rainwater there may be a more logical thing to do. as for the drip system, try and calculate how much water they would get each day. then do some grade school math to figure out how long it would take to drain the drum. then decide if 55 gallons over that time span meets there watering needs.


Active Member
55 gallons weighs approx. 450 lbs. that would be a bitch to haul out to your site by yourself. collecting rainwater there may be a more logical thing to do. as for the drip system, try and calculate how much water they would get each day. then do some grade school math to figure out how long it would take to drain the drum. then decide if 55 gallons over that time span meets there watering needs.
Exactly my thinking, and yes it would be a bitch to move that drum, but I only have to move it about 15 feet. I usually don't get shit for rain until after the grow season is over so rain water is out. I was thinking possibly those watering spike things that connect to 2 liter bottles that deliver water directly to the roots. Maybe they will use less water that way.


Active Member
Better get a trusty pair of gloves or a whole box of latex ones, cause if your doing something illegal you may not want to leave fingerprints all over the place. Leaving bottles and jugs around your plants isn't always the smartest idea...


Active Member
Better get a trusty pair of gloves or a whole box of latex ones, cause if your doing something illegal you may not want to leave fingerprints all over the place. Leaving bottles and jugs around your plants isn't always the smartest idea...
good thinkin. Do you think they would really fingerprint stuff if they found it?

someone else

Active Member
Yes. It's a risk you don't wanna take, even if you're growing just a few plants. Stay proactive and think smart, and you'll be fine. A few simple wipes of the drum with a wet cloth will do a good job.


Active Member
good thinkin. Do you think they would really fingerprint stuff if they found it?
Better safe than sorry. If someone does stumble upon you spot, wouldn't you sleep easier at night knowing that there is nothing at your grow that can be traced back to you or your house?