the price we pay to grow.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
the northeast is in the middle of a disgusting heat wave. it is 101 degrees outside, the humidity is at 90% and the dew point is almost 70. (for you dry dwellers that means simply "gross".) the thermometer in my kitchen reads 91 degrees. i can't take a number two because i can't bear to be in the bathroom longer than 45 seconds. i'm sitting in a lake of my own butt sweat in front of a fan that is actually making things worse. all this because i can't afford fucking air conditioning because of those bitches in my closet. i can't wait to cut those bitches. i don't know how you tropical mofos do it. around here this kind of extreme weather happens for about 4 days at a time maybe 3 times a summer. if i lived in florida i think i would probably have offed myself by now.


Staff member
hhahaha grab some ice and rub it all over yourself and stand infront of the fan.


Well-Known Member
haha, over here in the tropics it's like that year round! We don't experience the traditional 4 seasons...only 2, sunny and rainy, and even during the rainy season it can get pretty hot, due to the high humidity! Lucky the rent pays the power and I can keep the AC blastin' 24/7!!! GL man, and grab a popsicle, it might help! haha


Well-Known Member
fill a bath tub with ice and cans beer and sit in it and drink till it all melts
i can't afford fucking air conditioning because of those bitches in my closet.
Those bitches in your closet should be buying you a new air conditioner in time. If your doing it right that is. bongsmilie

I know what you mean though. I live in the south, and it has been hot as fuck so far this summer. If it weren't for my large window unit A/C, and central air A/C blasting all day long, my plants would not be able to survive inside. With 100+ temps outside, and 2400w of HPS blazing away inside, I can barely keep it under 84F as it is. I'm ready for this extreme heat BS to be over with.


Well-Known Member
Sell your buds and buy an A/C man. haha this shit made me laugh...sitting in a lake of butt sweat hahahah


Well-Known Member
Well dont ever come to texas .no ac is like living in the stone ages..and summer is just starting good


Well-Known Member
i feel ya man, its been hot as fuck in michigan the last few days. right now it says 91 outside with 85% humidity and its 83 inside with the ac blastin.....i need a bigger ac unit. this heat wave isnt sposed to break til friday, this weather is kinda rare for michigan. but the heat doesnt really bother me TOO much, i'd rather have it be 90° than 10°.....i fuckin hate winter time.


Active Member
I'm from Tejas myself and over last summer I visited some friends up Hibbing, Minnesota, you can still go north and be in the US, but not for long, and there was a "heat wave" there and it was like 75 and the waitress was like would you like a ice cold beer for this hot day, I just started cracking up, like how the hell can you be hot in 75 degree weather


Well-Known Member
feel your pain. With 2 acs running and the other overhead my last months electric bill was the highest yet.
I'm hoping my babies will be able to cover their rent.
I been trying not to run at least one of the ac's but there is no way when it gets this hot..
I'll fry my computer and than have no entertainment heh

Hah Cmt1984 I'm the opposite.. give me the 0 degree weather instead of this shit.
I can always warm up but trying to stay cool in the summer sucks.
Besides it's more entertaining watching the wood stove than the ac haha


Active Member
the northeast is in the middle of a disgusting heat wave. it is 101 degrees outside, the humidity is at 90% and the dew point is almost 70. (for you dry dwellers that means simply "gross".).

This has been my weather for the past month? I dont know...its always that hot and disgusting down here....cant wait to go to the mid-west and get outta here!

But my advice...take a cold always helps :D

Total Head

Well-Known Member
it is now midnight and the temp is 88 and the humidity is still above 80. i'm sorry but that is just disgusting and inhumaine. i would way rather some subzero with a windchill. lol 6 months from now i will be whining about how my boogers froze as i broke my back shoveling my car out to be on time for work. that sounds real nice about now. at least with the cold you can add more layers or do jumping jacks. i can't wait for it to get back to the 80s. on the news is all kinds of railroad tracks that expanded and transformers on fire. eff that. hats off to people who work outside in this.


Well-Known Member
Yeah this weather has been pretty brutal. Here by Tampa(FL) it's been raining every single day for 2 weeks now. It rains enough to send the humidity thru the fucking roof and soak everything. I have to say im one of the people who loves the cold over the heat. I'd much rather have to throw on another jacket to warm up as opposed to ripping off my clothes and skin to try and cool down when I'm out or at a friends house. Plus I hate being sweaty and smelling like a ballsack.


I would roll up a fat blunt and head to the nearest lake if I was you! Id stop by WalMart and do the number 2 on the way because they have airconditioning. Swamp coolers are cheaper to run!