OKAY I GOTTA INTERJECT YOU'S R GOING ABOUT IT ALL WRONG !!!.. I've recently counted 22 on a smaller plant and 28 on the larger of plants "arm buds" (colas) not counting the little columns (yes they all the size of your arm) on the one plant!!! ending up with a general 1.8 to 2.5 pnds dry a plant ..... I been on the block 20 years worth so am accustomed to various methods tried n true... >>>> THE BEST WAY>>> ...Is to let the plant grow to about mid thigh height... you then attach a rope/string with a rubber band right near the top of the plant but where it is obviously still strong enough to cope... Importantly with one hand somewhere between the base and middle pull the plant towards the ground, with the other hand helping to push this plant towards the ground where you should have a peg (tent peg for ground) or floor rack(wooden frame on ground to tie rope to when hydro) (can take 5 - 10 mins, just be slow n carefull it will bend)... Aim to pull the plant horizontal or to the ground so it's basically only a few inches above the ground and as low as possible... commenly u have the rope/string around the peg and keep pulling the rope to tighten the plant closer to the ground... Leave the plants branches start growing upwards!.. again when these branches get about knee height you then attach rope/string to these with the rubber band again and now you have to peg/tie these to the ground.. (you have to spread the branches with thought and even space , i make about 15cm gap between branches).... THE AIM IS TO CREAT MORE BRANCHES NOT LEAVES !!! Once the plant has been tied down once, the columns grow up, are pegged down a 2nd time and the next lot of columns start growing upwards i generally trim/prune all the shade leaves off,but am leaving roughly 3 sets of leaves on each column/branch, leaving roughly an open set of leaves on the top , 1 in the middle somewhere and usually leave just 1 shade leaf of the branch down the very bottom out of the way (nothing below it and usually pokes out the side on bottom)... the goal is to make a balance between having just enough leaf to collect sunlight and grow as well as having the space to let the sunlight get to all the plant instead of just the top and outside parts...ffs don't do what others have when i tried explaining and go nuts cutting leaves off too early it stunts and slows it ! you will have to prune out new leaves as it grows and typically will have to prune 3 to 5 times in the cycle as well as have to think hard about positioning each pegged down branch in the right place (not everyone can be pegged down and you have to have a few upwards) and then finally use more string tied with rubber bands to your arm buds (colas) to help support the weight and keep them in the right place while they reach proper size... This method outdoes everyone i've ever met or seen or heard of in 20 years and nothing i seen in pics of ever came close to this method , ending up with an octopuss 2 mtr square plant .... if you create a 2nd/ 4th / 8th branch done by nipping to double up then it wastes time and energy Vs this method where it just powers along
