BC Northern Lights Nirvana ICE Grow #3


Active Member
yea 4lt size much better deal but the amnt of nutes still seems high. i read med-mans site and hes def done some tight shit but if ur just starting out u may want to balance his techniques with something more modest. i guess what i mean to say is if ur tryin to b a chef and just starting out, make sure u know all the variables when trying to master an advanced recipe. he does all kinds of shit i have yet to learn and prly knows the best strains to use with each situation and/or nute combo.


This is my first time with hydro for meds i used to grow in dirt commercialy before I finished school years ago but mom sick so I got this cab to get good meds for her hopefully its like riding a bike


Active Member
Ill give u a few hints to maximize mm recipe

you guys defenitly want to replace big bud for bud blood during the first week. This will literally 4x the roots in one week and boost that shit into flower.

Another trick is 36hrs of darkness pre flip.

I posted below, 1st pic is right before i flipped them, 2nd is when they were just finishing 36hrs darkness(2days later), and 3rd is after a week of flower.

IMG00205-20100621-1748.jpg IMG00227-20100624-1954.jpgIMG00236-20100630-2049.jpg
And below is my latest crop, fetched 15.5 ozs of pK



thats fantastic i am day 3 week 1 of mm receipe do you think it is too late to attempt the 36 hours darkness? I have already added the big bud for this week probably too late to add bud blood? Is it advanced nute? Same amounts of bud blood as wouldve been big bud just swap them i guess.





Active Member
Bud blood usualy only comes in powder, its about 25 grams i believe for the rez for just week 1. about $20 for a 40g bag. Yes its advance nutrients. too late for 36rs darkness. I would suggest putting even a 5-10 grams of bud blood in your rez with all your nutes, i swear by the blood. Not sure how much ppm room u have but if you go over u can fill your rez all the way up to the bottom of the net containers which is about 65-70L maybe more. This a good idea at the start when roots are to small to get into the rez. Speeds everything up



wow how far along are those roots thats spectacular!!! Do you have a few producers going? I have thoughts of getting a second one. Those are sweet pot covers on the close to finished ladies.



Active Member
Yep got a few of em going. and those are roots from a few weeks in. Bud blood really helped achieve those.

Lol sry for jacking your tread like usual ancap lol


Active Member
good to c u around again smokedup.
i gotta get my journal goin but my cmp crashed and apparently u cant upload pix over the wii which is what im usin to surf. my ak47s r on day 54, flower 38 and id love to get ppls opinion but im gonna have to wait another wk for cmp.
ancap-whats the word?
Hey I noticed from the last journal that smell was an issue when running the producer without the filter to reduce humidity. My question is has anyone tried to use the ona block pro and do you think it could eliminate the smell you spoke of or is it too intense. Because if without it the humidity stays at a good range, it would be nice to be able to find a system that eliminates it in another way. Or maybe something like an OZN-jr.


i have the ona block in there it just makes it smell fruity. I am going to get a stand alone charcoal filter i think


Active Member
Lol sry for jacking your tread like usual ancap lol
You know, the few times I start to think, "This has nothing to do with my grow", I swallow my ego and realize that this kind of conversation is really helpful for others lurking and growing with the same system... far more helpful than hearing about the progress of this particular grow. So no problem at all... I'm enjoying the conversation.


Active Member
Hey I noticed from the last journal that smell was an issue when running the producer without the filter to reduce humidity. My question is has anyone tried to use the ona block pro and do you think it could eliminate the smell you spoke of or is it too intense. Because if without it the humidity stays at a good range, it would be nice to be able to find a system that eliminates it in another way. Or maybe something like an OZN-jr.
I have not yet solved this problem, but I really haven't given it much thought yet either. If anyone has any suggestions for a product that eliminates the smell but allows airflow, please send me links. I'm also going to be shopping for a small fan or two to mount inside the box.


Active Member
Day 15 Flowering

I am feeding these girls about 600 ppm of nute solution now including Bloom A&B, Carboload, Big Bud, B-52, and Sensizym. I also emptied out a family sized tea bag and filled it with a teaspoon of Turantula Powder and Piranha Powder, sealed it, and dropped it into the res. As you can see, I arranged my largest plants on the left and the smaller ones on the right so that nothing gets crowded out. I also went through everything and chopped the bottom 2-4 branches off each plant (moreso on the larger ones). I'll trim more in a week if necessary.

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Active Member
lookin good dude. sorry to make u swallow ur ego. that always hurts! btw i use a one-litre bottle of ona polar crystal with no dispenser and it does OK. also use 3 airwick plug-in air-fresheners. the device is only a buck and refil containers about 2.50 each. the 1$ dispensers even have adjustable heat to control amount of fragrance. i like em cuz i can put a couple outside apartment door in shared hallway to help keep neighbors from noticing. add 2 inside the apt and the ona and odor is kept 80 to 90% in check


Active Member
and btw ancap- ur initial journals were invaluable for me when making one of the most important decisions of my life rite after getting my med card


Active Member
Hey I noticed from the last journal that smell was an issue when running the producer without the filter to reduce humidity. My question is has anyone tried to use the ona block pro and do you think it could eliminate the smell you spoke of or is it too intense. Because if without it the humidity stays at a good range, it would be nice to be able to find a system that eliminates it in another way. Or maybe something like an OZN-jr.
I had smell issues last crop with the filter on, and the ona block really isn't a solution for anyone in my opinion. It just makes the existing smell have a fruity accent. I even asked my brother who knows I grow if he could smell anything where my AC vents out, and hes like "yup, smells like some nice fruity dope". Hope this answers your question.

There are a couple other products I was looking at to battle future smell issues, one of them was something called an ozium sprayer. It's apparently an odour eliminator that you can house on a dispersing unit, that periodically releases the spray to combat odours. A better carbon filter will be my next upgrade, and that ozium sprayer will be it's redudancy.... I don't have many options after that.

Grow looking fantastic Ancap, check mine out if you get a chance, it's on my sig.


Active Member
I had smell issues last crop with the filter on, and the ona block really isn't a solution for anyone in my opinion. It just makes the existing smell have a fruity accent. I even asked my brother who knows I grow if he could smell anything where my AC vents out, and hes like "yup, smells like some nice fruity dope". Hope this answers your question.

There are a couple other products I was looking at to battle future smell issues, one of them was something called an ozium sprayer. It's apparently an odour eliminator that you can house on a dispersing unit, that periodically releases the spray to combat odours. A better carbon filter will be my next upgrade, and that ozium sprayer will be it's redudancy.... I don't have many options after that.

Grow looking fantastic Ancap, check mine out if you get a chance, it's on my sig.
Yeah, when you can smell fresh herb from the driveway, I don't think ona is going to help much. My little cheapy carbon filter works wonderfully for odor, but the exhaust fan isn't powerful enough to keep the air moving very well. This may not be a problem though if I lived in a less humid state. I stopped by the hydro shop today and will most likely be purchasing an inline fan and bigger filter to move lots of air! Total cost will be about $170, but that's pennies if it keeps the mold away!

and btw ancap- ur initial journals were invaluable for me when making one of the most important decisions of my life rite after getting my med card
Awesome. Glad the journal was helpful. Nodrama's journal was an important one for me when I was researching.


I have not yet solved this problem, but I really haven't given it much thought yet either. If anyone has any suggestions for a product that eliminates the smell but allows airflow, please send me links. I'm also going to be shopping for a small fan or two to mount inside the box.
hey nice grow i have just bought a new producer and am thinking of things to solve this smell problem my self but am not to sure about things. ok first i want to let you now my suggestion for everyone please let me know what you think i was thinking of adding an elbow flange to the exhaust of the producer for smelly flowering sessions and to the elbow attach one of these https://www.hvacquick.com/products/residential/AirFlow-Boosting/Inline-Air-Booster-Fans/SP-TD-Series-Inline-Fans and to the end of the fan a filter, i learned about them from my last grow and seems pretty good not bad price different sizes 4 inch included and different cfm ratings and ive heard they are pretty good on noice levels and most importantly its designed to push air out or in in this case out but i was also thinking that if there would be to much or more air exhausting there would be less co2 for the plants due to the fact it would be exiting faster . please let me know if u guys think this would work if not any suggestions on this topic would be highly appreciated oh and the fan would probably keep temp a little down too right


Active Member
I would have to suggest a large carbon filter with squirl cage usually comes pre built from the grow shop im going to buy the most expensive and largest one for my two producers. 500 bux

Its shelf life is about 18months. Which would be about 30 buxs a month. and after that about 2-3 hundred to replace carbon filter. It act as both a dehumidifier and a scent remover. My friend has exact same model and we can literally smoke joints right beside it with out any smell what so ever leaving the room, there also will be no smell within minutes.

The ones that come with producer are good but are to expensive to replace and do nothing to reduce smell when trimming or opening the doors.