First grow/CFL stealth cab/Short Rider


Well-Known Member
sorry to intrude mate but could you help me... my lights was 2inch away now at 4ish im first time grower aswel... as you can see the tips are near vertical and there a dirty pale green colour..
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They look burnt to me man. I've done it on more than one occasion myself. The last time I had a 26w about 2" away from the seedling at it burnt it even though it was only 79 degrees at that distance. I've noticed with CFLs it seems like they will burn the leaves if they are too close even if the temps are low. I think the light is just too intense. They should recover though. 4" should be good for the first few weeks.

Nice sonar, you'll have to let me know how those easy ryder work out for you!! :) I'm still waiting to hear how those other strains you got are going to turn out.

I'm probably gonna order today because I just realized they already sold out of the 2 main ones I wanted from the pick and mix... Barneys farm, lsd and vanilla kush...

I'm leaning toward the g-13 labs or Barneys farm for now, I'll let you know when I make the order.

Yea I was doing some reading last night and apparently Mr. Nice guy has great genetics so I would expect the same from kannabia!! Lets hope so. I'm actually planning on trying out mr nice guy in the near future!!

Not sure if I'll do the dvd case. I was debating on just getting the shirt my first time but for 10 extra I'm not sure what to do lol.. Its just nice having the garantee but I would rather not spend the extra money right now.\

Nice pics chain, I'm going to attempt that later today. On a side note, i got my ph tester in that you guys recommended. My tap water was @ 8.2 with the big bloom added!! How bad is this for my plants and obviously I need to lower it, lime or vinegar do the trick so I've read.. I also tested the rain water and its right around 7.5 I think it was... I havent had a chance to test the runoff yet but do you guys think lowering my ph will make a difference in growth? How bad is it to have a higher ph like 8.2 when watering soil?

I'll definitely let ya know about the easy ryder. I think I might just start a new thread for them. The other plants are still looking good. I found my camera and will get some new pics next time I'm out. Biggest two are over 5 feet high and starting to fill out nice. I just can't wait for them to start flowering already they been vegging outside for close to 2 1/2 months, haha. The purple looks like it wants to I'm thinking that will be the first one.

Yeah I was reading an article a few weeks ago about Mr Nice Seeds. It was a pretty cool article check it out at The Real White Widow. The owner use to own Greenhouse and sold it to Arjan. Apparantly they have the original white widow (now black widow and took it with him when they started Mr Nice Seeds. He has some nice looking strains.

I've ordered from Attitude twice and got the DVD case the first time and nothing the second time. Thought I'd go with the DVD case again to keep them from getting crushed. Their shipping is expensive enough the way it is, I can't bring myself to add the t shirt option, haha.

What did you end up ordering?


Well-Known Member
Has anyone ordered from anywhere else? I've had good luck with attitude 2 orders two deliveries no prob. But I was thinking about giving speedy a try next time.


Well-Known Member
Just nirvana for me so far and it took forever to get to me but it came. To there defense the volcanic ash shit was going on so idk...

Nice sonar! I'll check out that article asap, I haven't ordered yet I've been debating if I should because I've been having a lot of problems with these short riders the last couple days.. Cab is getting up to 90+ now out of nowhere and its been holding at no higher than 86 for the past week and I havent changed anything!...

Before I left the house tonight thristy was looking great and droopy was looking heat stressed so I moved the lights up... To come home and lights are off but heat got back up to 90 and thirsty is looking kind of stressed now.. I'll get some pics up tomorrow I'm just getting pissed at this point! Between the heat and the ph being at 8.2 idk how these plants have made it this far.. Owell hopefully I'll be able to get it under control. I guess we will see.. If I keep having temp problems I might just throw them outside and say fuck it.. My two SR that are outside are small but look really healthy...


Well-Known Member
yo yo tiger bloom is bomb well as the big bloom.....i run nothing but foxfamr soil and nutes when i run soil...the big bloom is wat ive used more and am using now...phat budzzz as well as a thick fat beastly baby girl...i was surprised at how much bigger the grow big and big bloom nuted plant is than the plants i have that are just in the plain ff soil. happy growing. cant wait to keep watching
no i havent fed tham any nutes at all. its just like a multi purpose soil tends to dry within a day or 2... not to siure if its tha heat temps are 30-32 is this to hot?? they are day 15 now do u think they are small?
Photo0370.jpg wat strain would you concider grows tha shortest cause i know some autos can grow 3ft n im lookin for stealth...

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
no i havent fed tham any nutes at all. its just like a multi purpose soil tends to dry within a day or 2... not to siure if its tha heat temps are 30-32 is this to hot?? they are day 15 now do u think they are small?
wat strain would you concider grows tha shortest cause i know some autos can grow 3ft n im lookin for stealth...
bonkers, that a little warm, if you could get it down just a little, that would be better. yes, they look a little small for 15 days, heres my girls at 15 days.



Well-Known Member
no i havent fed tham any nutes at all. its just like a multi purpose soil tends to dry within a day or 2... not to siure if its tha heat temps are 30-32 is this to hot?? they are day 15 now do u think they are small?
View attachment 1023958 wat strain would you concider grows tha shortest cause i know some autos can grow 3ft n im lookin for stealth...
Yea they look a little small but that could very well be from the heat stress stunting growth. If you can lower it to a high of 30 that would probably help, if not moving the light up about 3" should do the trick. Good luck!

yo yo tiger bloom is bomb well as the big bloom.....i run nothing but foxfamr soil and nutes when i run soil...the big bloom is wat ive used more and am using now...phat budzzz as well as a thick fat beastly baby girl...i was surprised at how much bigger the grow big and big bloom nuted plant is than the plants i have that are just in the plain ff soil. happy growing. cant wait to keep watching
Hell yea glad to hear it made a difference on a side by side comparison!! I'm looking forward to start using the tiger bloom but first I would like to see if I even have any females lol.. Thanks for dropping in, hopefully buds will start devoloping soon to make this grow a little more interesting!!

On a side note, thirsty and droopy are looking great and I'm working on the temp issue for now my power bill will just have to be more from the a/c being dropped lol..
I was having a similar problem, thier growing so fast they where to close to the lights..

Oh I also topped my little ones yesterday!! I'll get some pics up later.


Well-Known Member
Well I tested the run off and it was 8.4 so I mixed in some ph down with my tap water and got it down to 6.4, runoff was 7.4... Watered both Thirsty and Droopy, still no hairs or balls...


Well-Known Member
That was some great Info, thanks chainseeker! I'm glad you said something because I bought that shitty ph tester "analog" or whatever its called with the probes and it was saying ph 7. I returned that and got the digital and it seems to be right on. Tap water is 8.0 and when I let it sit out it seems like it goes up to about 8.4.. I'm hoping I can get it to around 6.8 runoff because thats what he said was the best absorbing for soil.

It was at 7.4 this time "runoff", watering with 6.4 water. Should I lower the ph to 6? Or water it again and see what its at?


Well-Known Member
Hmmm I think maybe check it next time you water. That link has some good info.
Yea I'm going to read through the whole thing tonight, I did read a little last night about the ph.

Btw. I can already see a difference in both plants with lowering the ph, hopefully some of the bottom leaves will green back up..
I'll try watering again tomorrow with water and then try giving nutes the next time I water.

I was also wondering do you guys think I should give it a little fish emulsion "5-1-1" to give it a little extra nitrogen, with the big bloom? Still no sex, I'm thinking of giving them until week 7 and if their still not showing, just throw them into 12/12 for a couple weeks like JP did..? Any suggestion will help, I'm thinking the extra N right now wouldn't hurt..

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
treeZ, your at day 39 now? mine showed sex at day 28 and 29, but i did put mine on 12/12 at day 15. also, i use rain water, here in florida, it ph'ed at 6.2 right off the roof and into the bucket. you should catch some and test it where you are.


Well-Known Member
What are you at now, about week 5? I'm not sure what to tell ya buddy. Just a flat out guess, but maybe the ph issue had something to do with it. Maybe you might have to go 12/12 if they don't show soon. You could let Nirvana know about it if they don't autoflower for ya. If you are nice about it, they might hook you up.

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
oh, thats right, there auto flower, any light schedule will work, right? i've read that the short ryder and most autos like 20/4, but not positive on that. are they not female seeds?


Well-Known Member
What are you at now, about week 5? I'm not sure what to tell ya buddy. Just a flat out guess, but maybe the ph issue had something to do with it. Maybe you might have to go 12/12 if they don't show soon. You could let Nirvana know about it if they don't autoflower for ya. If you are nice about it, they might hook you up.
Yea your right, the ph probably did have something to do with it. I'm not really worried about them being autoflower, I just want to know the sex already lol.. It'll be 6 weeks on wed.

oh, thats right, there auto flower, any light schedule will work, right? i've read that the short ryder and most autos like 20/4, but not positive on that. are they not female seeds?
treeZ, your at day 39 now? mine showed sex at day 28 and 29, but i did put mine on 12/12 at day 15. also, i use rain water, here in florida, it ph'ed at 6.2 right off the roof and into the bucket. you should catch some and test it where you are.
They are on a 20/4 schedule and your right, they do recommend that for most auto's. Thats what they've been on and thats what I would like them to stay at but their already 13"!! I swear they grew at least an inch last night with that ph'd water!! I'm thinking another week and it will be time to switch to 12/12.

They are regular seeds so we will see..


Well-Known Member
Nice, thanks CD I couldn't find much on it so that helped! I've read through pretty much all of those links you posted. Its funny how on the nirvana site everyone said it autoflowered but when you get to the forums it either did or didn't autoflower. I'm guessing I have an unstable autoflower so now my question is can I clone these and keep them going? If so that would actually work out perfect lol..:mrgreen:

This is one of the better post that I found while reading through all of that.

"Some of the auto flowering strains are not totally stable genetics wise...I had a PakiRyder that never auto flowered but once I flipped it to 12/12 it budded up nicely and the smoke is awesome. If the auto grows but does not start flowering around 3-4 weeks then you most likely hve a non stable auto on your hands and will need to flip to 12/12 to get it to flower...."

1 week 3 days and it will be going into 12/12. their already 13" tall so they might get kinda big!!:)


Well-Known Member
hey folks...jumping in on this one kinda late.ill try to lend a hand when i can..but.first for the short rider strain..i hate it.all the beans i got from nirvana was crap...the seed casings seem to not like coming off,so they are 10 days in and no growth since it sprouted.and ive heard a lot of bad things about the strain.but as for what you got going..looks great so for putting them on 12/12 i wouldnt...yet..changing their light cycle now might make it go hermi,stress isnt good..even if its little stress.and they are autoflowering...but not a stable auto strain yet.the only time you will get a autoflowering strain to sex in 3-4 weeks is to get a stable strain...joint doctor has some good ones.and as for cloning...thats a big no no for autoflowering strains.from what ive seen and heard its not good for the plants and the clones hardly make it due to its set growing cycle..but never say never.try it and if dont work..your not out too much..just dont take a bunch of clippings...that will really throw off its flowering cycle


Well-Known Member
hey folks...jumping in on this one kinda late.ill try to lend a hand when i can..but.first for the short rider strain..i hate it.all the beans i got from nirvana was crap...the seed casings seem to not like coming off,so they are 10 days in and no growth since it sprouted.and ive heard a lot of bad things about the strain.but as for what you got going..looks great so for putting them on 12/12 i wouldnt...yet..changing their light cycle now might make it go hermi,stress isnt good..even if its little stress.and they are autoflowering...but not a stable auto strain yet.the only time you will get a autoflowering strain to sex in 3-4 weeks is to get a stable strain...joint doctor has some good ones.and as for cloning...thats a big no no for autoflowering strains.from what ive seen and heard its not good for the plants and the clones hardly make it due to its set growing cycle..but never say never.try it and if dont work..your not out too much..just dont take a bunch of clippings...that will really throw off its flowering cycle
I didn't have any problems. 2 of my 5 diesel ryders wouldn't drop their shells so i just gently took them off and then they were fine, plus one of them was a runt and about half the hight of the others and after just one week its the same size as the others.