Chief of Reef
Nawh, I think I'm gonna take it.
I buy a pack of Marlboro cigs. Remove all the tobacco from the cigarette, leaving you with the intact paper tube and filter. Roll up some weed with one of those cigarette rollers and joint paper. Simply slide the rolled up weed into the empty cig casing and, viola: weed wrapped like a cigarette. Just make sure you have rolled enough for the trip. Keep the other cigs in the pack to keep that nasty cig smell.
Never had a problem with it. Just carry it in your check on, shirt pocket, whatever.
Everybody smokes cigs!
What I did last time I had to fly out of state was I took what I planned on taking with me and let it water cure, then turned it into QWISOil. I then took that and added it to some high proof alcohol and mixed it up until it was completely dissolved. I only took an ounce of liquid with me, but it contained the equivalent of a half ounce of high grade cannabis so only a couple MLs was enough for me to medicate. I also let some of the alcohol evaporate and collected the oil to smoke as well since tinctures take a bit of time to work, and with my stomach problems I need to medicate as fast as humanly possible or else I am in extreme pain. The nice thing about this method is if you are nervous about doing it just by a tincture bottle and empty it out and replace it with your tincture. I used a lemon tincture bottle and added a few drops of lemon juice to give it a bit of a lemony smell to make it more convincing. No one will know what is really in it unless they actually test it some how.
Edit: if you are wondering why I water cured, it was so that it would get rid of the aromatic terpenes, thus making it more difficult to detect (the terpenes are water soluble, but the cannabinoids are not).
as much as I love weed, I don't ever see myself sticking anything up my ass for it... just sayin.
Damn, mission impossible sh*t. Thats like a month long secret op. You went all out huh? Next time tela port it to where your going! lol!!
look the truth is if you are subject to any airport situation there is no safe way, besides a way you would all be uncomfortable with. If you want to bring THC through there is no safer way than to bring ONLY hash. You can fit a vile of hash oil or a chunk of hash in a baggy nicely between your but cheeks and tape it. This will avoid any worrying at all, i have a friend that pays 2 guys to go down to Negril, Jamaica and buy a pound of sensi for 50$ american. So they would buy a couple pounds they had brought bubble bags and they made a bunch of hash. They dried it had some fun smoked pot swam than, here is the bummer part. They each stuck a terd sized chunk of grade A bubble hash in a baggy in a condom and than proceeded to ram it up there ass. The first security was in a small town so even if they did have scanners it would just look like a poo in your anal cavity anyway, all you have to do is get through that and you home free as you never leave the boarding zones the rest of your flight so than can take it out and go make your money back home
You won't be taking very much unless they've changed the restrictions. My last 3 flights you've only been allowed to take a sandwich size ziploc full of 1.5oz trial size bottles. Anything more and they'll be dumping your bags and taking your goods.
They usually don't just "randomly" strip search. In the end the security guards don't want to deal with the hassle, they're just doing their job. You might come up on some new rookie or something trying to prove himself but otherwise if you don't raise suspicion you should be fine.
Don't carry extra fluids.
Don't carry excess change or metal items.
Keep the items in your pockets to a minimum.
Don't store "odd" items in your carry-on, just clothes and common everyday stuff that can't be mistaken.