

hi their just wanting to know if anybody can tell me if my plant will be ok after i accidently ripped 2of the 4 leaves that have sprouted so far will it still be ok thanks


i was also wondering when to transplant my seedlings that are in propogation tank under a standard 60w light over to my hydro setup and how long would i veg them for and what height would i best grow them too for greater yields i have a 400w hps in a closet setup space is minimum thanks too any replys


Well-Known Member
So about ripping the leaves off you will be fine I know from experience I had my lights fall on a couple I accidently cut the stock in half on another( this one is actually my healthiest now) and one fell off the table o had landed upside down but all are thriving with a llittle extra care and as far as how long to veg what I have read is most people wait about 9 weeks but most say veg until your happy with the size remember they can double and triple in size when you flower its kinda a trial and error process to get optimum results what works for one person may not work for you


Well-Known Member
People start 12/12 from seed, but the potency and yield will suffer greatly. If you want the finest herb you can get, always wait until she shows presex or the limbs go asymmetrical (uneven). When you see all the limbs go uneven and then give her one more week before going into flower, you will be putting a Mature Plant into flower and you will be rewarded for it.