Dirrty's 2010 MMJ Outdoor Grow


Active Member
Looking awesome, they are really starting to explode in growth.

What type of mulch you using? I was thinking about getting some as well to retain moisture.

Keep up the good work!:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Cool I hope you have a great grow this year. They drunk five gallons of water a piece today. So hoping for big things this year.Will post pics again tomorrow. dirrty


Well-Known Member
Measured the gurls this morning and they are all over 4ft on the tape measure. Will check the moisture on all later today weather is great here in the bay for the gurls. My potted plants are revegging the ones that went into flower. So looks like I will have some great smoke this time next year. Will have to go and get more jars now for sure. Come on guys let me know what you think. Going to feed the gurls a couple good doses of metanaturals organic in the next month. I want to start bending them at six feet.


Active Member
Sounds like a sound plan. The girls are looking great as usual and it looks like you should be getting quite a bountiful harvest this season.

That aerogarden is a pretty sweet setup as well. Looking forward to seeing the ladies again as they progress.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a sound plan. The girls are looking great as usual and it looks like you should be getting quite a bountiful harvest this season.

That aerogarden is a pretty sweet setup as well. Looking forward to seeing the ladies again as they progress.
Yeah Dizzle thanks for the compliment. I copied the outdoor aerogarden after the stinkbud design in the aero section. it works great the gurls are growing a inch a day right now. So yes a bountiful harvest is in store.Dirrty


Well-Known Member
Well I checked the gurls and they were thirsty so they got a good watering today. They are all looking lovely. One piece of advice for new growers. Please read all threads by FFF2blk, uncle ben there are more but these two made growing real simple for me. Also it doesnt cost an arm and a leg to grow good bud read people before you spend your cash, Also Stink thanks for the design it is working great outdoors.Dirrtyd


Well-Known Member
Okay just got back in from inspecting the garden as a whole. I now have little watermelons the size of my pinky. The gurls are looking great going to give them a dose of BT caterpillar tonight. Hopefully this will ward off the caterpillars come september, october. Dirrtyd


Well-Known Member
Gave the gurls a nice dose of BT last night so I will keep my fingers crossed. Does anyone know what the green bug that looks like a ladybug does it seems to be immune to direct spray? Dirrtyd


Active Member
Gave the gurls a nice dose of BT last night so I will keep my fingers crossed. Does anyone know what the green bug that looks like a ladybug does it seems to be immune to direct spray? Dirrtyd

Spotted Cucumber Beetle, squish the fucker. :twisted:


Well-Known Member
Spotted Cucumber Beetle, squish the fucker. :twisted:
Okay been doing that but was looking for something to eradicate with. I want them gone they eat leaves. Does any one know of a predator to this beetle? Thanks for your help Dirrty


Well-Known Member
What i have shot it with has neem. I will give some straight neem a try though. Looking to find a predator insect . Thanks, Dirrtyd


Active Member
Assassin bugs are good for hard shell insects like beetles, but I have no idea where you would get those things :dunce:.


Well-Known Member
Okay went hiking yesterday and found a preying mantis. So threw him on the biggest bush will let you guys know. thinking of going back this weekend again to just look for the preying mantis