Laceygirls 2000Watt Super Lemon Haze Grow...

G'day all Laceygirl again...

Back with pics... Big shout out to Eightenough for coming over and crawling around under the screen....I'm really happy with it...:-)




It would be so much better if the clones were ready... :-(

Next pics will hopefully have plants in it.... :-)

G'day all Laceygirl again.... I just had my sons 2nd birthday party here at my house.... Kids and rellies Had a really good time... So did the birthday boy...

Clones are going great guns, going to mist them again in a minute, I should be ready to go and set back up in the big tent in about 7-9 days I reckon... Here's hoping anyway....

Awsome Lacey, that's a great age. My middle son is going on 3 in november. I'm so bummed about your "lack" of success with the aero cloner. Maybe I can change that.:mrgreen:
Hi Rock, I hope you are having a fat time in Malaysia.... :-) Thanks for the birthday wishes for my son...:-)

Hi North, yeah, I am going to try it again in the summertime, see if that makes a difference, I am also going to buy an ESKY (Cooler) that's what we call them here, and give your aerocloner a try.... :-) And yes he's two, a pain in the arse, but the most beautiful

G'day all Laceygirl again....

Took my husband and my six year old to see Toy Story 3 last night....

It was fantastic, so much more suspense, great jokes and the SADDEST movie of the trilogy yet.... Even my hubby was moved to tears....

I cried and cried and cried... It really made me think about how many toys I've had over the years and what has happened to them.... I just didn't care at the time....It's given me a new found respect for my kids toys that's for sure, but I'm just a big bloody softy... Hard as a custard I am truly a big sook for Disney movies.... You can say what you like about the Company and the Man, but I love DISNEY !!!!! PIXAR rocks also.....

What surprised me was, we went to a fairly early show at 7.00pm with my son, but there was only about six kids in the entire theatre, the rest were adults.... So there you go, most of us grew up with Toy Story when it changed the face of computer animation forever....

Please go see this movie, you wont regret it...

Hi North, :-)

Me too... I bawled so much, I was still crying in the car when we were on the way home.... SO SAD....

I had a minnie mouse stuffed animal, she was about 50 cm tall, I had her from the age of 5 years old... She'd travelled all over Australia with me, where ever I went Minnie went with me... I used to take out my frustrations on her, she slept in my bed till I was 16 years old... I remember the day I put her away in a plastic bag, and forgot about her...:-?. 15 years later, I'm married with one child, a son and we had a new dog... We moved house around that time, and Minnie was unearthed, I was so happy to see her, yet I didn't take her out of the plastic bag... :-( I told my son and husband how important she was to me and still put her up on top of some old boxes and left her there....:cry:

A couple of days went past and her plastic bag had fallen to the floor of the garage.... The new dog, a 2 year old Staffordshire Bull Terrier, found her and took her into the back yard and ripped her to smitherines...... I WAS DEVASTATED..... If I'd had a gun, I would have shot that dog right then and there... I've never gotten over it... I remember ringing my mother in tears, stuttering inaudibly about how the dog had destroyed her.... My husband was so understanding...... He sat there and let me cry for hours about her.... I'm tearing up just writing this...:cry:

My point is, some Toys are more than just Toys to kids, and I don't think all toy manufacturers realise it...

Its good to see you like animation as much as we do.... Monsters V's Aliens and Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs are the current movies in our

Ahhh yes. The remakes kill me. I liked Cloudy with a chance of... but it wasn't quite like the book I grew up with you know. Like the first Transformers movie in 87'.
haha id be in Australia right now if she wasnt taken. and lace those are gonna be some monsters. itll be a joy to watch em GROW and produce some amazing buds.