Tolerance buildup question


Active Member
I am currently growing out some vortex and will be ordering some more seeds in a couple weeks and am wondering about tolerance build up.

I would like to order Jack's Cleaner 2 and Qleaner and am debating on Agent Orange. Given that these strains share similar genetics is there a tolerance build up between them? Does smoking one build up a slight tolerance for the other?

I am not worried about Vortex and JC2, but with the addition of Qleaner and Agent Orange there is a lot of hereditary overlap.


Well-Known Member
I would grow and order them both, and when you harvest whichever one's danker, smoke less of. Whichever one's less dank smoke more of. But if they are like I suspect them to be, then your tolerance will be fubar b/c TGA can be about as dank as they come imo. That means your tolerance will gradually build, but who doesn't love to smoke more weed?


Active Member
My solution is to grow whatever I want. There are so many interesting plants out there that I always have two or 3 strains dried and cured that are completely different. As long as they're all reasonably potent, I smoke whatever I feel like. It seems like I've always got enough variation between strains to be happy, though lately it's been all Vortex all the time.


Active Member
yeah i am looking forward to the vortex. Probably wont get the agent orange, but am planning on getting the jc2 and the qleaner. Do you have any experience with these strains?


Well-Known Member
I've heard more good about JTR than JC2 but decided to go with Pandoras Box because it states in the discripton that it doesn't have a ceiling high. Honestly though there is to many choices lol and don't think you could go wrong with either.

I have a very lemony and very resinousy plant about 7 weeks into 12/12 right now that was gifted from mr+mrs subcool in a honeymoon mix. I cannot wait; had a lemon plant before that didnt really make me happy (wasnt a tga strain) but glad I got this lemon one out of the mix.

Well-Known Member
Another question. I opted for JC2 over this the right choice?
HELL YES!!!! j.c.2 is 'jeopardy' weed("what is..super sativa- mr. trebeck?"). they didn't have it at the cup, so the fates forced me to get 'kaboom' far I've got 6 sprouts outta' 5's pretty common with the polyploidy running in TGA strains. there may even be a 'tweener' pheno that outshines both parents! as far as tolerance goes: jaya says "avoid the hash- it kills your tolerance levels"- I know subcool's probably choking on a hit of the ultimate full melt over that statement!...I use the hash sparingly, but being a grower, my tolerance is incredibly high I mix it up. other than quitting for a month; that's about all you can do.


Active Member
Well i am not the most experienced grower, i only have a few grows under my belt; the last of which had to end early do to mother nature. But I am sure i can expect some help in finding that killer JC2 pheno from the members here, no?


Well-Known Member
probably not its best if you actually do the research your self.

there are thousands of JC2 threads online.


Well-Known Member
I have a simple policy with all seeds I run: run it out, and see!- then regenerate the winner as a clone mother. that's why instability(lots'a phenos) is actually better for me.


Active Member
Yeah thats what i was thinking. I am planning on growing out all 10, of each pack, in solo cups. I don't care about yield so it should work to determine potency and flavor.

Solo cups, bio-bizz light mix, some type of organic fert...maybe fox farm, whatever is easiest. Can anyone recommend a fert that will best bring out the plants subtleties to help determine the keeper mom?


Active Member
so anyone ever grown in solo cups? Never have myself...thought about using 3 inch pvc pipe sections instead...