first week


ok so,the plant came up today, i watered a little this morning with tap water and have have it under light. but i just have it next to my window. and a small fan is blowing. when should i feed it miracle grow. or what should i feed it with?
Never feed with miracle grow use somthing thats 100% organic, when water let the water stay opened up for 24 hours then water, it lets things like chloriphil out


Active Member
ok so,the plant came up today, i watered a little this morning with tap water and have have it under light. but i just have it next to my window. and a small fan is blowing. when should i feed it miracle grow. or what should i feed it with?
Wait until your little sprout has at least two sets of true leaves before you give it any kind of fertilizer. Even then start out with quarter or half strength mixture. I agree you should go organic, but if you want to use the MG that is surely up to you. Just make sure to start out a quarter strength so you don't burn the little guy or girl. I use Fox Farm's Grow Big for veg, and then Tiger Bloom for flower. If you wanna come check out my grow, the link is in the signature.


oh okay thanx. i heard also guano (for bats) its really good.

okay so for now just use tap water.

and i have like to feet above it and not facing it. (is that good?)

& yeahh ill check that out.
Try a CFL there much better i dont think that bulb would really do anything tho im extremely new myself but im using cfl and there going pretty good so far