Ready for some fun?
Pic 001: While working on this.........
Pic 002: ...which looks like this when your looking at the original length of pyrex tubing....
Pic 003: ...I started to smell something...............
Pic 004: .....fuck! Fire! The electric in the studio was wired improperly by the contractors who did it 9 years ago, and their work finally showed like crap once someone started using the room (me!). They had venting fans hard wired past the circut breaker and the load combination of that and my equipment caused the fire. It was an easy fix, as that's why we keep fire extinguishers handy.

I did go buy a larger extinguisher too, the new one is about knee high and full of Nitrogen. Yay!
Pic 034: Here's the last batch I made. From left to right, I like #2 and #4 the best. The lime green and red candy cane looking one has an insanely large bowl and carb for the bowl size, its meant to be a mini-steam roller.
Wanna see more pictures? There's 3 closeups to each of them above on my new glass site: Every time I make a piece, its annealed in the kiln, and the next morning photographed, packaged, box sealed, and sits on a shelf waiting to be sold.