first time question t5 flourescents


Active Member
im thinking of buying a sun blaze t5 4x4 system and heard it works great for vegging, and am wondering how ti will do for flowering if i switch the 6500k bulbs to 3000k bulbs. i was thinking of just switching to a 150w mh but id rather just use the one piece of equipment if i can. thanks


Active Member
:eyesmoke:the t5 system works well for flowering. Ive found out that you can only do 3or4 under a 4x4. The key is to keep them small.
I start flowering when they reach 20 inches.Also keep the light about 3 inches from the canopy.In the pics I also have 2 four
foot t8s

PICT0830.jpgPICT0834.jpg PICT0849.jpg



Well-Known Member
t5's work great. in fact, i couldnt afford the lower spectrum bulbs this time around, so iam stuck flowering with 6x6500k bulbs instead, and the girls are lookin marvelous! lookin at another 2-3 weeks til harvest.


Active Member
I use the t8 for the smaller side buds. since the t5 only really work really close i needed
something to give the lower branches some extra light.Ialso use a 63watt cfl you can find at
lowes for around 25$. Its basically a cfl you would put in a light fixture only about 5x bigger
The ladies seem to love it.I place that one right in the middle of them right when
i start flowering.the strains in the pic are big buddha blue cheese and nirvana ice .the ice was
to tall of an strain. the blue cheese is what im growing now along with some kings kush.
I have the 8bulb - 4' system from HTG Supply and I love it for veg BUT come flower I switch to my 2-400 HPS. Florescents dont have the penetration power the a MH or HPS have so its hard to get a good lower branch yield, but in a SOG or SCROG I can see using the T5's for flowering as well.
I have been seriously looking into a 6bulb T5 for veg and flower and switching the bulbs for the right color. I would imagine the penetration lost compared to an HPS would be made up for my being able to place the light just a few inches from the plants and having an even light distribution. Is this not the case?


Well-Known Member
I have the 8bulb - 4' system from HTG Supply and I love it for veg BUT come flower I switch to my 2-400 HPS. Florescents dont have the penetration power the a MH or HPS have so its hard to get a good lower branch yield, but in a SOG or SCROG I can see using the T5's for flowering as well.
this is exactly the case i ran into, which caused me to research lst and scrogs. next run, iam doing lst from a young age, and i think i might be able to combat it and increase my yield exponentially.


Active Member
I got close to 7oz off the ones in the pic i posted.there were only 2 plants. I think that was a pretty good