My Grow Kicking Ninja ass under a 150 hps Tell me what you think!!!


Active Member
damnnnnn bet that was some buzz!
hung mine up and dried them bitches up know they have no medicinal value but im going to make some good tasting tea or something out of it i love me some ganja tea if i had enough smoke i wouldnt smoke i would just eat like crazy !!
haha reminds me of this one time me and the 'guy' went to get some wieght and he took me way way way way way down some back roads to this old man sitting on a porch with a feed sack beside of him {full of leaves} with a big old hock of chewing tabacco in his jaw which turned out to be green!! haha this old man had some red ass eyes and was into chewing the shit he would put a big old handfull of it in the morning and chew it all damn day !! talking about a long buzz lol


Active Member
That was a great old guy sadly he died two years ago but he still lives on with two strains i got from him but sadly its down to one strain cause last year i had someone decide to steal a couple plants {cant do that now you #$@#%@^#} {ps if your ever run across plants outdoors first be careful second be respectful just dont start jerkin up plants and running off just pick a bud or two so then next season you can do the same i dont mind samplers but i hate a thief !}
anyways back to the grow i transplanted 3 clones and 2 seedlings last night to bigger pots and realized something I HAD NO SPACE! lol i got 6 in the flowering chamber{12hrs} ones almost done and the other 5 have a month or two {didnt know i was getting a 5 out 5 girls this time better than 1 out 4 oops} so there is no room in the flowering chamber i have two that are the same age as the 5 that i had to keep in the veg chamber {24hr}till i had room and 2 other girls {munchie weed!} so i have 2 large plants and 2 small plants already in there so where to put these five plants! my solution flower em! so i am switching out every twelve hours half the plants go in a dark cabinent and the other half go into the fridge so that away i can flower twice the plants in one space! sweeeeeet!!! so that means i have fifteen plants flowering under 2 150 hps and they are looking diggity~!! so in two months im going to be one happy guy till then i got this sweet sweet little sativa plant to wait on {i give her 2-3 wheeks} ill be posting some sexy pics of her for honkeytown this coming week and filling you guys in on whats happening in my kitchen lol wampus hope the girls are liking there new home ! im building a cfl stealth pc flowering box for a friend. gonna use my lights to get him into flowering then pop her in there and see if he is successful ! wish me luck with that i have like 3 pcs tore apart in my work area !!


Active Member
hell ya dualfridge, 15 girls flowering, niceeeeeeeeeeee, need pics lol, i know they probly not ready for the camera. yes everything is going good so far, I got the temp undercontrole, got it at about 75 degrees. but omg they are smelling up my room lmao, I dont mind but others in the house made me seal up my door with weather stripping hahah, one gets bad headaches from smells, told her b4 I even started that they were going to smell stronge, but dont think she could understand just how much , still havent gotten me a vent yet, ran out of money till next month. hope in another week I can tell what they are, only day 4 or 5 in the cab.

sorry to hear about your friend, and I agree, do not like a thief!!!


Well-Known Member
hell ya dualfridge, 15 girls flowering, niceeeeeeeeeeee, need pics lol, i know they probly not ready for the camera. yes everything is going good so far, I got the temp undercontrole, got it at about 75 degrees. but omg they are smelling up my room lmao, I dont mind but others in the house made me seal up my door with weather stripping hahah, one gets bad headaches from smells, told her b4 I even started that they were going to smell stronge, but dont think she could understand just how much , still havent gotten me a vent yet, ran out of money till next month. hope in another week I can tell what they are, only day 4 or 5 in the cab.

sorry to hear about your friend, and I agree, do not like a thief!!!
i wanna know what she says when they are in full bloom :)


Well-Known Member
hahaaha I hear that bro, I am going to have to wear a freaking gas mask to sleep lol.
haha. i dont have anything covering my scent. It literally hits you in the face. i have it in my closet so the scent is a constant relieve. you dont have to smoke to get high in my bedroom. ;)


Well-Known Member
hey how long are your curing for?
this is gonna be my way of curing my dry buds.

1oz = 1/8th 1 week cure
1/4 & 1/8th 3 week cure
1/2oz 5 week +


Active Member
I jus plan to go as long as possible...i mean its ready to smoke it burns great and is a strong sativa to indica ratio i do believe its a hybrid....its fluffy, sticky ass fuck and the heady shit ive smoke since 2001 i am really really proud when im smoking with kats that smoke for years and years and they are jus stoned of my fucking proud

honkeytown pointed out that it might be a sativa mix and it came to past


Well-Known Member
Looking good buddy... just be patient with the curing. The longer the cure.. the better. ;)

good job though.. seriously. Those buds look really good..

Do you know what your final weight was? Or have you weighed the buds yet? Just curious..



Active Member
havent weighed it yet as it seems like the curing is puttin a little bit more weight on.....atleast thats what it seems like....i still have a tree going its fulling out nicely im choosing to take the advice given and let it go for as long as i can and fill them out...i took the main colas off and finish one tree of completely and am currently smoking bottom nuggies that dried in like 2 and a half days even those are as potent as the top...since i have more seeds the point is to grow sum longer to see which was a better high and try to perfect my strain for me and jus an overall aim for potency...because pretty soon i am gonna mate sum plants to get a lifetime of seeds i cant let this go it can be mine!!!

Looking good buddy... just be patient with the curing. The longer the cure.. the better. ;)

good job though.. seriously. Those buds look really good..

Do you know what your final weight was? Or have you weighed the buds yet? Just curious..



Active Member
I always look from time to time and i must say the plant looks perfect and im sure by the trichome production that i see already your gonna have sum high grade bum ass nuggies...cant wait to see what you get bro..

smokesumkush, check out my grow. my baby is coming along good. when yah get a chance.


Well-Known Member
thanks man. im gonna chop the main stalk first. then let her grow for about 3-4 days more then chop the rest of her, idk man im hoping for a oz. wish me luck.


Active Member
let it grow going onto a week and its surely filling wont be upset jus be thinking about letting it go longer jus plan to watch it as not to get the trichomes to the point of degradation..actually this was the point where i supercropped to get the most out of it its seems to be working like a charm..

thanks man. im gonna chop the main stalk first. then let her grow for about 3-4 days more then chop the rest of her, idk man im hoping for a oz. wish me luck.