Vote for Querkle!


Well-Known Member
The Attitude is having a contest where you vote on your favorite strain out of the ones that they have listed and the people who voted for the strain that had the most votes by July 15th have a chance to get the seeds of said strain and a bunch of swag. I figure if we're unified we have more of a chance to win some seeds and some swag. I don't think you can beat some free Querkle.

The place where you fill in the ballot is kind of weird but just click on the boxes desiganted for your vote and type. When you put your mouse over the boxes it seems like you can't click them but you can you just can't tell until you start typing.

I know it is man and I think everyone else needs to know and thats why we should try to get as many people as possible to vote for Querkle.
Throw some pics up man so everyone can see what they could possibly have. In fact if anyone has querkle shots, throw em' up.






dude thats awesome! i put my vote in.. also i put my vote in for 3 other strians.. (used differenet e-mails LOL) but i voted for querkle, vanilla kush, LSD, and pinapple express. hehe i hope i win i hope i win..
not really a fair contest when people run campaigns to win it. :roll:

Why? It's not like somebody else couldn't do the same thing.

purple weed sucks.

Maybe your purple weed sucks but I have a purple LA Con and Querkle that say otherwise. It doesn't matter what color your weed is, it can still be dank or dirt.

jus pay for'em.

I already have! I've bought 3 packs and still have about 20 seeds not to mention in the last year I've spent more on seeds than you have probably spent on your entire grow room. I just thought this might be a good way for people who haven't tried it to test it out and for free. Not everyone has money to be throwing around on seeds and everyone needs to try TGA at least once to see how tastey Sub's strains are.

So your point is the opposite of your statement and you think it's fine.

it's not a fair "contest" at all. how hard is that to understand? when people start "campaigns" to run up vote it's pointless. what if i want to know which one really was better. not simply who had more time on there hands to vote.

is it limited to 1 vote per person?

how many of you voting have actually even tried the strain you are voting on?

is it really "the best" or are you voting simply to be part of the group?

3 winners will be DRAWN out of the group of voters who voted on that particular strain. not everyone voting on that will get seeds. your first post is a little misleading.

i have been a medical patient for 7 years and have pretty much tried all the purples out there. IMO they suck. they taste like dirt and flowers. am i not allowed my opinion?