Ok folks. Did a lot of work today on my site and am totally wiped out. I did take along my camera and have a few shots to share with you all.

As you can see the site gets a lot of direct sunlight (10 hours). I have no overhead canopy to deal with. The cleared area originally looked just like everything around it. Basically I cleared out the middle of an old growth blackberry site to use as my planting site.

I slogged in a one-man auger to help me dig the holes that my plants will eventually go in. I had already brought in a small powered tiller and knew it wouldn't be enough, so I got the auger from a buddy of mine and carried that beast to the site. I also went ahead and hauled in all of the mushroom compost, peat moss, manure and soil that I will be using. All told I carried in slightly over a combined half-ton of equipment, gas, water (for me), and planting materials.
Then I got to actually start digging, lol.

The holes are much smaller than I had originally planned. For starters I was going to go for a square hole. I was going to use the auger to remove/loosen material and then use a shovel to dig it out.
Unfortunately, even though I had tested the auger before I carried it out to the site, the damn thing didn't want to cooperate with me. I could only keep it running for about a minute at a time and then it would either bog out or simply cut off. I'm pretty sure there is a fuel flow problem somewhere, but I couldn't find it ..... sooooo .... I used the auger to get the depth I wanted and then would set it to the side and go at the hole the old fashioned way ... with my shovel.
Damn am I tired!
Anyway, the holes are all 2 feet or more in depth, are round, and have a diameter of about 18". I didn't finish digging today (just finally ran out of steam and got too overheated), so maybe tomorrow I will have better luck with the auger.

Just a few pictures of the "soil" we have here in Georgia. As you can see, there is a good reason for the auger bogging down. The soil is compact clay, which actually can be used as long as you treat the clay to keep it broken up.
And now to some pot porn. This guy has a little bit of nut-burn from a mistake I made earlier in their growth. He is the only one I have topped, and I did so just two days ago. As you can see the new growths are coming in nice and fast.
This girl was scalped by a grasshopper and hasn't grown any new leaves since that happened (about 3 weeks ago). The only reason I still have her around is that she developed a really good root system. Since I think she is a lost cause, I am experimenting on her with some acidic water and nitrogen.
And we will finish up with some shots of some of the other girls.

Earlier in this thread I mistakenly said all of the girls were seeds in my hand on May 20th. They were actually seeds in my hand on May 22nd and were planted late that afternoon. So today is actually the one month anniversary of this grow.
Peace to all!