Looking good, have you thought about using air cooled hoods to reduce temps?
ah i need one of thosenext grow, next grow
Big news here in Australia today, is our old Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, stepped down as Prime Minister this morning and his Deputy, Julia Gillard, is now the Prime Minister of Australia.... How cool is that? We now occupy the top job...Big step for chicks everywhere....WOO HOO... I know is hardly the first, but it is for my country....YAY...
This one's for the girls....
Hi Indefinately,
Yeah, she wasn't voted in but she's calling a November election to see if she can win the position...
I think I've got this cloning thing worked out, which is a great relief... I am growing blue cheese next as they seem to be the strongest cuttings...Can't wait to get this screen going..
The other big news is I received some very nice seeds from a generous benefactor from across the seas...I've got some Crooked Prarie and some Grapefruit x Diesel...
I will germinate these little guys around spring... I'm getting closer to my fruit salad mother cupboard...:- Super LEMON Haze, Papaya (MANGO) (yet to be germinated), Blue Cheese (BLUEBERRY) and Now Grapefruit x Diesel... I would love a strawberry strain.... Big Hint to anyone that has one....